Class SecondOrderDS#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/modelingTools/SecondOrderDS.hpp
class SecondOrderDS : public DynamicalSystem#
Second Order non linear dynamical systems - \( M(q,z) \dot v = F(v, q, t, z) + p \).
This class defines and computes a generic ndof-dimensional second order Non Linear Dynamical System of the form :
\[\begin{split} M(q,z) \dot v = F(v, q, t, z) + p \\ \dot q = G(q,v) \end{split}\]where
\( q \in R^{ndof} \) is the set of the coordinates,
\( \dot q =v \in R^{ndof} \) the velocity,
\( \ddot q = \dot v \in R^{ndof} \) the acceleration, i. e. the second time derivative of the generalized coordinates.
\( p \in R^{ndof} \) the reaction forces due to the Non Smooth Interaction.
\( M(q) \in R^{ndof \times ndof} \) is the inertia term (access : mass() method).
\( F( \dot q , q , t) \in R^{ndof} \) are the forces (access forces() method).
\( z \in R^{zSize} \) is a vector of arbitrary algebraic variables, some sort of discrete state.
q[i] is the derivative number i of q. Thus: q[0]= \( q \), global coordinates, q[1]= \( \dot q \), velocity, q[2]= \( \ddot q \), acceleration.
The following operators (and their jacobians) can be plugged, in the usual way (see User Guide, ‘User-defined plugins’)
\( M(q) \) (computeMass())
\( F(v , q , t, z) \) (computeF())
If required (e.g. for Event-Driven like simulation), formulation as a first-order system is also available, and writes:
\( n= 2 ndof \)
\( x = \left[\begin{array}{c}q \\ \dot q\end{array}\right] \)
rhs given by:
\[\begin{split} \dot x = \left[\begin{array}{c} \dot q\\ \ddot q = M^{-1}(q)\left[F(v, q , t, z) + p \right]\\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]jacobian of the rhs, with respect to x
\[\begin{split} \nabla_{x}rhs(x,t) = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I \\ \nabla_{q}(M^{-1}(q)F(v, q , t, z)) & \nabla_{\dot q}(M^{-1}(q)F(v, q , t, z)) \\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]with the input due to the non smooth law:\[\begin{split} \left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ p \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]
In that case, use the following methods:
initRhs() to allocate/initialize memory for these new operators,
rhs() to get the rhs vector
computeRhs(), computeJacobianRhsx() …, to update the content of rhs, its jacobians …
Subclassed by LagrangianDS, NewtonEulerDS
Public Functions
inline virtual ~SecondOrderDS()#
inline SP::SiconosVector p(unsigned int level = 2) const#
get p
- Parameters:
level – unsigned int, required level for p, default = 2
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline SP::SimpleMatrix inverseMass() const#
get (pointer) inverse or LU-factorization of the mass, used for LU-forward-backward computation
- Returns:
pointer SP::SimpleMatrix
inline void setMassPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr)#
set mass to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newPtr – a plugged matrix SP
inline virtual void setRhs(const SiconosVector &newValue) override#
set the value of the right-hand side, \( \dot x \)
- Parameters:
newValue – SiconosVector
inline virtual void setRhsPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override#
set right-hand side, \( \dot x \) (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr – SP::SiconosVector
virtual void computeForces(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector velocity) = 0#
Compute \( F(v,q,t,z) \).
- Parameters:
time – the current time
q – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on q
velocity – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on velocity
virtual void computeJacobianqForces(double time) = 0#
Compute \( \nabla_qF(v,q,t,z) \) for current \( q,v \) Default function to compute forces.
- Parameters:
time – the current time
virtual void computeJacobianvForces(double time) = 0#
Compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) for current \( q,v \).
- Parameters:
time – the current time
inline virtual unsigned int dimension() const override#
return the number of degrees of freedom of the system
- Returns:
an unsigned int.
virtual SP::SiconosVector q() const = 0#
generalized coordinates of the system (vector of size dimension())
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual void setQ(const SiconosVector &newValue) = 0#
set value of generalized coordinates vector (copy)
- Parameters:
newValue –
virtual void setQPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) = 0#
set value of generalized coordinates vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr –
inline SP::SiconosVector q0() const#
get initial state (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual void setQ0(const SiconosVector &newValue) = 0#
set initial state (copy)
- Parameters:
newValue –
virtual void setQ0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) = 0#
set initial state (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr –
virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity() const = 0#
get velocity vector (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual void setVelocity(const SiconosVector &newValue) = 0#
set velocity vector (copy)
- Parameters:
newValue –
virtual void setVelocityPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) = 0#
set velocity vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr –
virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity0() const = 0#
get initial velocity (pointer)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual void setVelocity0(const SiconosVector &newValue) = 0#
set initial velocity (copy)
- Parameters:
newValue –
virtual void setVelocity0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) = 0#
set initial velocity (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr –
virtual SP::SiconosVector acceleration() const = 0#
get acceleration (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual SP::SiconosVector forces() const = 0#
get \( F(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianqForces() const = 0#
- Returns:
\( \nabla_qF(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)
virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianvForces() const = 0#
get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosMatrix
virtual const SiconosMemory &qMemory() = 0#
get all the values of the state vector q stored in memory.
note: not const due to SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS
- Returns:
a memory
virtual const SiconosMemory &velocityMemory() = 0#
get all the values of the state vector velocity stored in memory.
note: not const due to SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS
- Returns:
a memory
virtual const SiconosMemory &forcesMemory() = 0#
get forces in memory buff
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosMemory
virtual void initMemory(unsigned int size) override = 0#
initialize the SiconosMemory objects with a positive size.
- Parameters:
size – the size of the SiconosMemory. must be >= 0
virtual void computeMass() = 0#
default function to compute the mass
virtual void computeMass(SP::SiconosVector position) = 0#
function to compute the mass
- Parameters:
position – value used to evaluate the mass matrix
virtual void setBoundaryConditions(SP::BoundaryCondition newbd)#
set Boundary Conditions
- Parameters:
newbd – BoundaryConditions
inline SP::BoundaryCondition boundaryConditions()#
get Boundary Conditions
- Returns:
SP::BoundaryCondition pointer on a BoundaryConditions
inline void setReactionToBoundaryConditions(SP::SiconosVector newrbd)#
set Reaction to Boundary Conditions
- Parameters:
newrbd – BoundaryConditions pointer
inline SP::SiconosVector reactionToBoundaryConditions()#
get Reaction to Boundary Conditions
- Returns:
pointer on a BoundaryConditions
virtual void init_inverse_mass() = 0#
Allocate memory for the lu factorization of the mass of the system.
Useful for some integrators with system inversion involving the mass
virtual void update_inverse_mass() = 0#
Update the content of the lu factorization of the mass of the system, if required.
virtual void init_forces() = 0#
Allocate memory for forces and its jacobian.