Adding a new solver in numerics

Adding a new solver in numerics#

  • A solver must be associated to a problem formulation.

  • Write the corresponding documentation in :

    docs/sphinx/users_guide/<formulation>.rst: describe solver and all its parameters

  • Choose an id and complete the corresponding enum:

    • id must be: SICONOS_<formulation>_<solver_name> (all upper-case), e.g. SICONOS_LCP_ENUM.

    • in <formulation>_cst.h, append solver id to SICONOS_<formulation>_SOLVER enum.

  • Write a driver function for the solver, named <formulation>_<solver_name> in <formulation>_<solver_name>.c

    void <formulation>_<solver_name>(<NonSmooth problem type>*problem, double * unknonw_1, ..., int * info, SolverOptions* options)
  • If the solver needs some specific values for iparam and dparam, write <formulation>_<solver_name>_set_default function in <formulation>_<solver_name>.c file

    This function must set all solver specific values of iparam and dparam. e.g. :

    void lcp_lexicolemke_set_default(SolverOptions* options)
  • Use enum values for all indices in iparam and dparam (if required, create or append some new value in <formulation>_cst.h variables).

  • Add a case in solver_options_create function (SolverOptions.c) to deal with the minimal setup for the solver:

    • select default values for tolerance and maxiter and add a line to call

      solver_options_initialize(options, solverId, iter_max, tol)

      and a line to call <formulation>_<solver_name>_set_default(options) if (and only if) some specific values are required.

// Use default setup :
SolverOptions * options = solver_options_create(id);
// optional : set parameters
// ...
// call driver
lcp_enum(problem, z, w, info, options);
// ...
// clear memory