File kernel/src/modelingTools/NewtonEulerDS.hpp


File kernel/src/modelingTools/NewtonEulerDS.hpp#

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typedef void (*FInt_NE)(double t, double *q, double *v, double *f, unsigned int size_z, double *z)#

Pointer to function for plug-in.

typedef void (*FExt_NE)(double t, double *f, unsigned int size_z, double *z)#


void computeT(SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SimpleMatrix T)#
void computeExtForceAtPos(SP::SiconosVector q, bool isMextExpressedInInertialFrame, SP::SiconosVector force, bool forceAbsRef, SP::SiconosVector pos, bool posAbsRef, SP::SiconosVector fExt, SP::SiconosVector mExt, bool accumulate)#

Compute the force and moment vectors applied to a body with state q from a force vector at a given position.

class NewtonEulerDS : public SecondOrderDS
#include <NewtonEulerDS.hpp>

NewtonEuler non linear dynamical systems.

The equations of motion in the Newton-Euler formalism can be stated as

\[\begin{split} \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} M \dot v + F_{int}(q,v, \Omega, t)&=& F_{ext}(t), \\ I \dot \Omega + \Omega \wedge I\Omega + M_{int}(q,v, \Omega, t) &=& M_{ext}(t), \\ \dot q &=& T(q) [ v, \Omega] \\ \dot R &=& R \tilde \Omega,\quad R^{-1}=R^T,\quad \det(R)=1 . \end{array}\right. \end{split}\]


  • \( x_G,v_G \) position and velocity of the center of mass expressed in a inertial frame of reference (world frame)

  • \( \Omega \) angular velocity vector expressed in the body-fixed frame (frame attached to the object)

  • \( R \) rotation matrix form the inertial frame to the body-fixed frame \( R^{-1}=R^T, \det(R)=1 \), i.e \( R\in SO^+(3) \)

  • \( M=m\,I_{3\times 3} \) diagonal mass matrix with \( m \in \mathbb{R} \) the scalar mass

  • \( I \) constant inertia matrix

  • \( F_{ext} \) and \( M_{ext} \) are the external applied forces and moment

In the current implementation, \( R \) is parametrized by a unit quaternion.

Public Functions

NewtonEulerDS(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist, double mass, SP::SiconosMatrix inertia)

constructor from a minimum set of data

  • position – initial coordinates of this DynamicalSystem

  • twist – initial twist of this DynamicalSystem

  • mass – the mass

  • inertia – the inertia matrix

virtual ~NewtonEulerDS()


virtual void resetToInitialState() override

reset the state to the initial state

virtual void initRhs(double time) override

allocate (if needed) and compute rhs and its jacobian.


time – of initialization

virtual void initializeNonSmoothInput(unsigned int level) override

set nonsmooth input to zero


level – input-level to be initialized.

virtual void computeRhs(double time) override

update right-hand side for the current state


time – of interest

virtual void computeJacobianRhsx(double time) override

update \( \nabla_x rhs \) for the current state


time – of interest

virtual void resetAllNonSmoothParts() override

reset non-smooth part of the rhs (i.e.

p), for all ‘levels’

virtual void resetNonSmoothPart(unsigned int level) override

set nonsmooth part of the rhs (i.e.

p) to zero for a given level



inline virtual SP::SiconosVector forces() const override

get forces


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianqForces() const override

get JacobianqForces


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianvForces() const override

get JacobianvForces


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual unsigned int getqDim() const

Returns dimension of vector q.

inline virtual SP::SiconosVector q() const override

get q (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosVector

virtual void setQ(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set value of generalized coordinates vector (copy)



virtual void setQPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set value of generalized coordinates vector (pointer link)



virtual void setQ0(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set initial state (copy)



virtual void setQ0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set initial state (pointer link)



inline SP::SiconosVector twist() const

get twist


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity() const override

get twist


pointer on a SiconosVector this accessor is left to get a uniform access to velocity. This should be removed with MechanicalDS class

inline SP::SiconosVector twist0() const#
inline virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity0() const override

get initial velocity (pointer)


pointer on a SiconosVector

virtual void setVelocity(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set velocity (copy)



virtual void setVelocityPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set velocity (pointer link)



virtual void setVelocity0(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set initial velocity (copy)



virtual void setVelocity0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set initial velocity (pointer link)



inline virtual SP::SiconosVector acceleration() const override

get acceleration (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline virtual void computeMass() override

default function to compute the mass

inline virtual void computeMass(SP::SiconosVector position) override

function to compute the mass


position – value used to evaluate the mass matrix

SP::SiconosVector linearVelocity(bool absoluteRef) const

Get the linear velocity in the absolute (inertial) or relative (body) frame of reference.


absoluteRef – If true, velocity is returned in the inertial frame, otherwise velocity is returned in the body frame.


A SiconosVector of size 3 containing the linear velocity of this dynamical system.

void linearVelocity(bool absoluteRef, SiconosVector &v) const

Fill a SiconosVector with the linear velocity in the absolute (inertial) or relative (body) frame of reference.

  • absoluteRef – If true, velocity is returned in the inertial frame, otherwise velocity is returned in the body frame.

  • v – A SiconosVector of size 3 to receive the linear velocity.

SP::SiconosVector angularVelocity(bool absoluteRef) const

Get the angular velocity in the absolute (inertial) or relative (body) frame of reference.


absoluteRef – If true, velocity is returned in the inertial frame, otherwise velocity is returned in the body frame.


A SiconosVector of size 3 containing the angular velocity of this dynamical system.

void angularVelocity(bool absoluteRef, SiconosVector &w) const

Fill a SiconosVector with the angular velocity in the absolute (inertial) or relative (body) frame of reference.

  • absoluteRef – If true, velocity is returned in the inertial frame, otherwise velocity is returned in the body frame.

  • w – A SiconosVector of size 3 to receive the angular velocity.

inline double scalarMass() const

get mass value


a double

inline void setScalarMass(double mass)

Modify the scalar mass.

inline SP::SiconosMatrix inertia()

the inertia matrix

inline void setInertia(SP::SiconosMatrix newInertia)

Modify the inertia matrix (pointer link)


newInertia – the new inertia matrix

void setInertia(double ix, double iy, double iz)

Modify the inertia matrix.

  • ix – x component

  • iy – y component

  • iz – z component

void updateMassMatrix()

to be called after scalar mass or inertia matrix have changed

inline SP::SiconosVector fExt() const

get fExt


pointer on a plugged vector

inline void setFExtPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set fExt to pointer newPtr


newPtr – a SP to a Simple vector

inline SP::SiconosVector mExt() const

get mExt


pointer on a plugged vector

inline void setMExtPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set mExt to pointer newPtr


newPtr – a SP to a Simple vector

inline SP::SiconosVector mGyr() const

get mGyr


pointer on a plugged vector

inline SP::SimpleMatrix T()#
inline SP::SimpleMatrix Tdot()#
inline SP::SiconosVector dotq()#
inline virtual const SiconosMemory &qMemory() override

get all the values of the state vector q stored in memory


a memory

inline const SiconosMemory &twistMemory()

get all the values of the state vector twist stored in memory


a memory

inline virtual const SiconosMemory &velocityMemory() override

get all the values of the state vector twist stored in memory


a memory

virtual void initMemory(unsigned int steps) override

initialize the SiconosMemory objects with a positive size.


steps – the size of the SiconosMemory (i)

virtual void swapInMemory() override

push the current values of x, q and r in the stored previous values xMemory, qMemory, rMemory,


Modify the function swapIn Memory with the new Object Memory

inline virtual const SiconosMemory &forcesMemory() override

get forces in memory buff


pointer on a SiconosMemory

inline const SiconosMemory &dotqMemory()#
double computeKineticEnergy()

To compute the kinetic energy.

virtual void display(bool brief = true) const override

print the data to the screen

inline void setIsMextExpressedInInertialFrame(bool value)#
inline void setNullifyMGyr(bool value)#
virtual void normalizeq()#
virtual void init_inverse_mass() override

Allocate memory for the lu factorization of the mass of the system.

Useful for some integrators with system inversion involving the mass

virtual void update_inverse_mass() override

Update the content of the lu factorization of the mass of the system, if required.

inline void setComputeJacobianFIntqByFD(bool value)#
inline void setComputeJacobianFIntvByFD(bool value)#
inline void setComputeJacobianMIntqByFD(bool value)#
inline void setComputeJacobianMIntvByFD(bool value)#
inline void setComputeFExtFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute _fExt

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeMExtFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute _mExt

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeFExtFunction(FExt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute _fExt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

inline void setComputeMExtFunction(FExt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute _mExt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

inline void setComputeFIntFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute _fInt

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeMIntFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute _mInt

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeFIntFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute _fInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

inline void setComputeMIntFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute _mInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFIntqFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFIntvFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian following v of the internal forces w.r.t.

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFIntqFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following q of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFIntvFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following v of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianMIntqFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianMIntvFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian following v of the internal forces w.r.t.

  • pluginPath – the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianMIntqFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following q of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianMIntvFunction(FInt_NE fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following v of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

virtual void computeFExt(double time)

function to compute the external forces


time – the current time

virtual void computeFExt(double time, SP::SiconosVector fExt)

default function to compute the external forces

  • time – the current time

  • fExt – the computed external force (in-out param)

virtual void computeMExt(double time, SP::SiconosVector mExt)

function to compute the external moments The external moments are expressed by default in the body frame, since the Euler equation for Omega is written in the body&#8212;fixed frame.

Nevertheless, if _isMextExpressedInInertialFrame) is set to true, we assume that the external moment is given in the inertial frame and we perform the rotation afterwards

  • time – the current time

  • mExt – the computed external moment (in-out param)

virtual void computeMExt(double time)#
void addExtForceAtPos(SP::SiconosVector force, bool forceAbsRef, SP::SiconosVector pos = SP::SiconosVector(), bool posAbsRef = false)

Adds a force/torque impulse to a body’s FExt and MExt vectors in either absolute (inertial) or relative (body) frame.

Modifies contents of _fExt and _mExt! Therefore these must have been set as constant vectors using setFExtPtr and setMExtPtr prior to calling this function. Adjustments to _mExt will take into account the value of _isMextExpressedInInertialFrame.

  • force – A force vector to be added.

  • forceAbsRef – If true, force is in inertial frame, otherwise it is in body frame.

  • pos – A position at which force should be applied. If nullptr, the center of mass is assumed.

  • posAbsRef – If true, pos is in inertial frame, otherwise it is in body frame.

void computeJacobianMExtqExpressedInInertialFrameByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector q)#
void computeJacobianMExtqExpressedInInertialFrame(double time, SP::SiconosVector q)#
void computeFInt(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector v)

default function to compute the internal forces

  • time – the current time function to compute the internal forces

  • time – the current time

  • q

  • v

virtual void computeFInt(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector v, SP::SiconosVector fInt)

default function to compute the internal forces

  • time – the current time

  • q

  • v

  • fInt – the computed internal force vector

void computeMInt(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector v)

default function to compute the internal moments

  • time – the current time

  • q

  • v

virtual void computeMInt(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector v, SP::SiconosVector mInt)

default function to compute the internal moments

  • time – the current time

  • q

  • v

  • mInt – the computed internal moment vector

inline virtual void updatePlugins(double time) override

default function to update the plugins functions using a new time:


time – the current time

virtual void init_forces() override

Allocate memory for forces and its jacobian.

virtual void computeForces(double time)

Default function to compute forces.


time – double, the current time

virtual void computeForces(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector twist) override

function to compute forces with some specific values for q and twist (ie not those of the current state).

  • time – double : the current time

  • q – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on q

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on twist

virtual void computeJacobianqForces(double time) override

Default function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

q of forces


time – double, the current time

virtual void computeJacobianvForces(double time) override

Default function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

v of forces


time – double, the current time

virtual void computeMGyr(SP::SiconosVector twist)

function to compute gyroscopic forces with some specific values for q and twist (ie not those of the current state).


twist – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on twist vector

virtual void computeMGyr(SP::SiconosVector twist, SP::SiconosVector mGyr)

function to compute gyroscopic forces with some specific values for q and twist (ie not those of the current state).

  • twist – pointer to twist vector

  • mGyr – pointer to gyroscopic forces

virtual void computeJacobianMGyrtwist(double time)

Default function to compute the jacobian following q of mGyr.


time – the current time

virtual void computeJacobianMGyrtwistByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector twist)

Default function to compute the jacobian following q of mGyr by forward finite difference.

  • time – the current time

  • q – current state

  • twist – pointer to twist vector

void computeJacobianFIntq(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.


time – double : the current time

void computeJacobianFIntv(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t v of the internal forces.


time – double : the current time

virtual void computeJacobianFIntq(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.

  • time – double

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

void computeJacobianFIntqByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces by forward finite difference.

  • time – double

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

virtual void computeJacobianFIntv(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t.

v of the internal forces

  • time – double: the current time

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

void computeJacobianFIntvByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t v of the internal forces by forward finite difference.

  • time – double

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

virtual void computeJacobianMIntq(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.


time – double : the current time

virtual void computeJacobianMIntv(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t v of the internal forces.


time – double : the current time

virtual void computeJacobianMIntq(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.

  • time – double : the current time,

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

void computeJacobianMIntqByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal moments by forward finite difference.

  • time – double

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

virtual void computeJacobianMIntv(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t.

v of the internal forces

  • time – double: the current time

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

void computeJacobianMIntvByFD(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector twist)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t v of the internal moments by forward finite difference.

  • time – double

  • position – SP::SiconosVector

  • twist – SP::SiconosVector

virtual void computeT()#
virtual void computeTdot()#

Protected Types

enum NewtonEulerDSRhsMatrices#


enumerator jacobianXBloc00#
enumerator jacobianXBloc01#
enumerator jacobianXBloc10#
enumerator jacobianXBloc11#
enumerator zeroMatrix#
enumerator zeroMatrixqDim#
enumerator numberOfRhsMatrices#

Protected Functions

void _init()#

Common code for constructors should be replaced in C++11 by delegating constructors.


Default constructor.

virtual void _zeroPlugin() override#

build all _plugin…


Protected Attributes

SP::SiconosVector _twist#

_twist contains the twist of the Newton Euler dynamical system.

_twist[0:2] : \( v_G \in \RR^3 \) velocity of the center of mass in the inertial frame of reference (world frame). _twist[3:5] : \( \Omega\in\RR^3 \) angular velocity expressed in the body-fixed frame

SP::SiconosVector _twist0#

Initial twist.

SP::SiconosVector _q#

_q contains the representation of the system In the current implementation, we have _q[0:2] : the coordinates of the center of mass expressed in the inertial frame of reference (world frame) _q[3:6] : an unit quaternion representing the orientation of the solid.

This unit quaternion encodes the rotation mapping from the inertial frame of reference to the body-fixed frame

unsigned int _qDim#

Dimension of _q, is not necessary equal to _ndof.

In our case, _qDim = 7 and _ndof =6

SP::SiconosVector _dotq#

The time derivative of \( q \) , \( \dot q \).

SP::SiconosVector _acceleration#

_acceleration contains the time derivative of the twist

SiconosMemory _twistMemory#

Memory vectors that stores the values within the time&#8212;step.

SiconosMemory _qMemory#
SiconosMemory _forcesMemory#
SiconosMemory _dotqMemory#
SP::SiconosMatrix _I#

Inertial matrix.

double _scalarMass#

Scalar mass of the system.

SP::SimpleMatrix _T#

Matrix depending on the parametrization of the orientation \( v = T(q) \dot q \).

SP::SimpleMatrix _Tdot#

Time derivative of T.

\( \dot v = \dot T(q) \dot q + T(q) \ddot q \)

SP::SiconosVector _fExt#

external forces of the system

bool _hasConstantFExt#

boolean if _fext is constant (set thanks to setFExtPtr for instance) false by default

SP::SiconosVector _fInt#

internal forces of the system

SP::SiconosVector _mExt#

external moment expressed in the inertial frame

bool _hasConstantMExt#

boolean if _mext is constant (set thanks to setMExtPtr for instance) false by default

bool _isMextExpressedInInertialFrame#

if true, we assume that mExt is given in inertial frame (default false)

SP::SiconosVector _mInt#

external moment expressed in the body-fixed frame

internal moment of the forces

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianFIntq#

jacobian_q FInt w.r.t q

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianFInttwist#

jacobian_twist FInt w.r.t the twist

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianMIntq#

jacobian_q MInt w.r.t q

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianMInttwist#

jacobian_twist MInt w.r.t the twist

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianMExtq#

jacobian_q MExt w.r.t q

SP::SiconosVector _mGyr#

gyroscpical moment

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianMGyrtwist#

jacobian_twist of mGyr w.r.t the twist

SP::SiconosVector _wrench#

wrench (q,twist,t)= [ fExt - fInt ; mExtBodyFrame - mGyr - mInt ]^T

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianWrenchq#

jacobian_q forces

SP::SimpleMatrix _jacobianWrenchTwist#

jacobian_{twist} forces

bool _nullifyMGyr#

if true, we set the gyroscopic forces equal to 0 (default false)

bool _computeJacobianFIntqByFD#

If true, we compute the missing Jacobian by forward finite difference.

bool _computeJacobianFInttwistByFD#

If true, we compute the missing Jacobian by forward finite difference.

bool _computeJacobianMIntqByFD#

If true, we compute the missing Jacobian by forward finite difference.

bool _computeJacobianMInttwistByFD#

If true, we compute the missing Jacobian by forward finite difference.

double _epsilonFD#

value of the step in finite difference

SP::PluggedObject _pluginFExt#

Plugin to compute strength of external forces.

SP::PluggedObject _pluginMExt#

Plugin to compute the external moment expressed in the inertial frame

SP::PluggedObject _pluginFInt#

Plugin to compute strength of internal forces.

SP::PluggedObject _pluginMInt#

Plugin to compute moments of internal forces.

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqFInt#

The following code is commented because the jacobian of _mInt and _fInt are not yet used by the numerical scheme.

Will be needed by a fully implicit scheme for instance. NewtonEulerDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_qF_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \), id = “jacobianFIntq”

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param twist:

: pointer to the first element of twist

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJactwistFInt#

NewtonEulerDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \), id = “jacobianFIntTwist”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param twist:

: pointer to the first element of twist

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqMInt#

NewtonEulerDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_qM_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \), id = “jacobianMInttwist”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param twist:

: pointer to the first element of twist

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJactwistMInt#

NewtonEulerDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}M_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \), id = “jacobianMInttwist”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param twist:

: pointer to the first element of twist

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

VectorOfSMatrices _rhsMatrices#

A container of matrices to save matrices that are involed in first order from of NewtonEulerDS system values (jacobianXBloc10, jacobianXBloc11, zeroMatrix, idMatrix) No get-set functions at the time.

Only used as a protected member.