Nonsmooth problems formulation and solve

Nonsmooth problems formulation and solve#

When dynamical systems and their interactions have been properly defined inside a model and its nonsmooth dynamical system, a proper formulation for the latter must be chosen, associated to a nonsmooth solver.

For details regarding the available formulations, see Nonsmooth problems formulations and available solvers.

The Simulation process#

As for Event-Driven, we introduce level index sets, with level = 0 for first order systems and level=1 for second order systems (this is related to the relative degrees but we won’t get into details about that here).

\(I_0\) is the set of all the potential UnitaryRelations (UR). For second order systems: \(I_1 = \{ ur_\alpha\in I_{0} , y^p_{\alpha} = 0 \}\). Thus, the LCP is built only for unitary relations that belongs to \(I_level\), level=0 for first order and level=1 for second order systems.

Then, the steps of a Moreau’s Time-Stepping simulation will be:

Knowing all values at the beginning of the time step \([t_i,t_{i+1}]\),

-# compute the free solutions -# for \(ur \in I_level\) formalize and solve a LCP -# update the state (according to the possibly LCP results) -# go to next time step

SP::TimeStepping s(new TimeStepping(myModel));
SP::TimeDiscretisation t(new TimeDiscretisation(timeStep,s));


int N = t->getNSteps(); // Number of time steps

// --- Time loop ---
while(k < N)// for each time step ...
// compute xFree, or qFree,vFree
// Formalize and solve a LCP
// Update state, using last computed values
s->update(level); //
// transfer of state i+1 into state i and time incrementation

Note that all time-independent operators are computed during simulation initialisation.

Customize simulation behavior#

Each time ComputeOneStepNS() function, i.e. the numerics solver, is called, it returns an int, giving some information about the convergence of the solver:

By default, when the convergence is not achieved, an exception is throwed and the process stops. Change this behavior is possible by defining a specific function of the form:

// your inputFile.cpp
void myF(int info, SP::Simulation s)
// do what you need ...

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ...
SP::TimeStepping your_simulation = ...

Then after each call to your_simulation->computeOneStepNS(…), the function myF will be called. That may be usefull to change the solver type, the tolerance or whatever is needed.