Siconos : nonsmooth numerical simulation

Siconos : nonsmooth numerical simulation License#

Siconos is an open-source scientific software package for modelling and simulation of nonsmooth dynamical systems in C++ and Python.

Our main applications are mechanical systems (rigid or solid) with unilateral contact and Coulomb friction and impact (nonsmooth mechanics, contact dynamics, multibody systems dynamics or granular materials).Other constitutive models are being developed to model plasticity, damage, cohesive zones.

Other applications are also targeted, as Siconos is designed to be a generic kernel simulator for non-smooth dynamical systems: a) switched electrical circuits, such as electrical circuits with ideal and piecewise linear components, b) sliding mode control systems, and c) biology (gene regulatory network). Other applications can be found in systems and control (hybrid systems, optimal control with state control with state constraints), optimisation (complementarity systems and variational inequalities), fluid mechanics and computer graphics.


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Siconos development team

INRIA - Tripop

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