File kernel/src/modelingTools/LagrangianDS.hpp


File kernel/src/modelingTools/LagrangianDS.hpp#

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LagrangianDS class - Second Order Non Linear Dynamical Systems.

class LagrangianDS : public SecondOrderDS
#include <LagrangianDS.hpp>

Lagrangian non linear dynamical systems - \( M(q,z) \dot v = F(v, q, t, z) + p \).

This class defines and computes a generic ndof-dimensional Lagrangian Non Linear Dynamical System of the form :

\[\begin{split} M(q,z) \dot v + F_{gyr}(v, q, z) + F_{int}(v , q , t, z) = F_{ext}(t, z) + p \\ \dot q = v \end{split}\]


  • \( q \in R^{ndof} \) is the set of the generalized coordinates,

  • \( \dot q =v \in R^{ndof} \) the velocity, i. e. the time derivative of the generalized coordinates (Lagrangian systems).

  • \( \ddot q =\dot v \in R^{ndof} \) the acceleration, i. e. the second time derivative of the generalized coordinates.

  • \( p \in R^{ndof} \) the reaction forces due to the Non Smooth Interaction.

  • \( M(q) \in R^{ndof \times ndof} \) is the inertia term (access : mass() method).

  • \( F_{gyr}(\dot q, q) \in R^{ndof} \) is the non linear inertia term (access fGyr() method).

  • \( F_{int}(\dot q , q , t) \in R^{ndof} \) are the internal forces (access fInt() method).

  • \( F_{ext}(t) \in R^{ndof} \) are the external forces (access fExt() method).

  • \( z \in R^{zSize} \) is a vector of arbitrary algebraic variables, some sort of discrete state.

The equation of motion is also shortly denoted as \( M(q,z) \dot v = F(v, q, t, z) + p \)

where \( F(v, q, t, z) \in R^{ndof} \) collects the total forces acting on the system, that is \( F(v, q, t, z) = F_{ext}(t, z) - F_{gyr}(v, q, z) + F_{int}(v, q , t, z) \)

This vector is saved and may be accessed using forces() method.

q[i] is the derivative number i of q. Thus: q[0]= \( q \), global coordinates, q[1]= \( \dot q \) , velocity, q[2]= \( \ddot q \), acceleration.

The following operators (and their jacobians) can be plugged, in the usual way (see User Guide, ‘User-defined plugins’)

If required (e.g. for Event-Driven like simulation), formulation as a first-order system is also available, and writes:

  • \( n= 2 ndof \)

  • \( x = \left[\begin{array}{c}q \\ \dot q\end{array}\right] \)

  • rhs given by:

    \[\begin{split} \dot x = \left[\begin{array}{c} \dot q\\ \ddot q = M^{-1}(q)\left[F(v, q , t, z) + p \right]\\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

  • jacobian of the rhs, with respect to x

    \[\begin{split} \nabla_{x}rhs(x,t) = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I \\ \nabla_{q}(M^{-1}(q)F(v, q , t, z)) & \nabla_{\dot q}(M^{-1}(q)F(v, q , t, z)) \\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

with the input due to the non smooth law:

\[\begin{split} \left[\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ p \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

In that case, use the following methods:

Subclassed by LagrangianLinearDiagonalDS, LagrangianLinearTIDS

Public Functions

LagrangianDS(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

constructor from initial state only, \( dv = p \)

LagrangianDS(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity, SP::SiconosMatrix mass)

constructor from initial state and mass, \( Mdv = p \)

LagrangianDS(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity, const std::string &plugin)

constructor from initial state and mass (plugin) \( Mdv = p \)

inline virtual ~LagrangianDS()


virtual void resetToInitialState() override

reset the state to the initial state

virtual void initRhs(double time) override

allocate (if needed) and compute rhs and its jacobian.


time – of initialization

virtual void initializeNonSmoothInput(unsigned int level) override

set nonsmooth input to zero


level – input-level to be initialized.

virtual void computeRhs(double time) override

update right-hand side for the current state


time – of interest

virtual void computeJacobianRhsx(double time) override

update \( \nabla_x rhs \) for the current state


time – of interest

virtual void resetAllNonSmoothParts() override

reset non-smooth part of the rhs (i.e.

p), for all ‘levels’

virtual void resetNonSmoothPart(unsigned int level) override

set nonsmooth part of the rhs (i.e.

p) to zero for a given level



inline virtual void setRhs(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set the value of the right-hand side, \( \dot x \)



inline virtual void setRhsPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set right-hand side, \( \dot x \) (pointer link)


newPtr – SP::SiconosVector

virtual void computeForces(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector velocity) override

Compute \( F(v,q,t,z) \).

  • time – the current time

  • q – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on q

  • velocity – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on velocity

virtual void computeJacobianqForces(double time) override

Compute \( \nabla_qF(v,q,t,z) \) for current \( q,v \) Default function to compute forces.


time – the current time

inline virtual void computeJacobianqDotForces(double time)

Compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) for current \( q,v \).


time – the current time

virtual void computeJacobianvForces(double time) override

Compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) for current \( q,v \).


time – the current time

inline virtual SP::SiconosVector q() const override

generalized coordinates of the system (vector of size dimension())


pointer on a SiconosVector

virtual void setQ(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set value of generalized coordinates vector (copy)



virtual void setQPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set value of generalized coordinates vector (pointer link)



virtual void setQ0(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set initial state (copy)



virtual void setQ0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set initial state (pointer link)



inline virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity() const override

get velocity vector (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosVector

virtual void setVelocity(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set velocity vector (copy)



virtual void setVelocityPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set velocity vector (pointer link)



inline virtual SP::SiconosVector velocity0() const override

get initial velocity (pointer)


pointer on a SiconosVector

virtual void setVelocity0(const SiconosVector &newValue) override

set initial velocity (copy)



virtual void setVelocity0Ptr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr) override

set initial velocity (pointer link)



inline virtual SP::SiconosVector acceleration() const override

get acceleration (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline SP::SiconosVector fInt() const

get $F_{int}$ (pointer link)


pointer on a plugged vector

inline void setFIntPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set $F_{int}$ (pointer link)


newPtr – a SP to plugged vector

inline SP::SiconosVector fExt() const

get \( F_{ext} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a plugged vector

inline void setFExtPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set \( F_{ext} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a SP to a Simple vector

inline SP::SiconosVector fGyr() const

get \( F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a plugged vector

inline void setFGyrPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set \( F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a SP to plugged vector

inline SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianFIntq() const

get \( \nabla_qF_{int} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianFIntqDot() const

get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{int} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

void allocateMass()#
void allocateJacobianFIntq()#
void allocateJacobianFIntqDot()#
void allocateFInt()#
void allocateFExt()#
inline void setJacobianFIntqPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)

set \( \nabla_{q}F_{int} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a pointer to a SiconosMatrix

inline void setJacobianFIntqDotPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)

set \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{int} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a pointer to a SiconosMatrix

inline SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianFGyrq() const

get \( \nabla_{q}F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianFGyrqDot() const

get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline void setJacobianFGyrqPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)

get \( \nabla_{q}F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a SP SiconosMatrix

inline void setJacobianFGyrqDotPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)

get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{gyr} \) , (pointer link)


newPtr – a SP SiconosMatrix

inline virtual SP::SiconosVector forces() const override

get \( F(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianqForces() const override

get \( \nabla_qF(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianvForces() const override

get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual const SiconosMemory &qMemory() override

get all the values of the state vector q stored in memory.

note: not const due to SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS


a memory

inline virtual const SiconosMemory &velocityMemory() override

get all the values of the state vector velocity stored in memory.

note: not const due to SchatzmanPaoliOSI::initializeWorkVectorsForDS


a memory

inline const SiconosMemory &pMemory(unsigned int level)

get all the values of the state vector p stored in memory




a memory

inline virtual const SiconosMemory &forcesMemory() override

get forces in memory buff


pointer on a SiconosMemory

virtual void initMemory(unsigned int size) override

initialize the SiconosMemory objects with a positive size.


size – the size of the SiconosMemory. must be >= 0

virtual void swapInMemory() override

push the current values of x, q and r in the stored previous values xMemory, qMemory, rMemory,


Modify the function swapIn Memory with the new Object Memory

inline void setComputeMassFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the mass

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeMassFunction(FPtr7 fct)

set a specified function to compute Mass


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeFIntFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute FInt

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeFIntFunction(FPtr6 fct)

set a specified function to compute fInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

inline void setComputeFExtFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute Fext

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

inline void setComputeFExtFunction(VectorFunctionOfTime fct)

set a specified function to compute fExt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeFGyrFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the inertia

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeFGyrFunction(FPtr5 fct)

set a specified function to compute FGyr


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFIntqFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFIntqDotFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian of the internal forces w.r.t.


  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFIntqFunction(FPtr6 fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following q of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFIntqDotFunction(FPtr6 fct)

set a specified function to compute jacobian following qDot of the FInt


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFGyrqFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the the external forces

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFGyrqDotFunction(const std::string &pluginPath, const std::string &functionName)

allow to set a specified function to compute the jacobian w.r.t qDot of the the external strength

  • pluginPath – std::string : the complete path to the plugin

  • functionName – std::string : the name of the function to use in this plugin

void setComputeJacobianFGyrqFunction(FPtr5 fct)

set a specified function to compute the jacobian following q of FGyr


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

void setComputeJacobianFGyrqDotFunction(FPtr5 fct)

set a specified function to compute the jacobian following qDot of FGyr


fct – a pointer on the plugin function

virtual void computeMass() override

default function to compute the mass

virtual void computeMass(SP::SiconosVector position) override

function to compute the mass


position – value used to evaluate the mass matrix

virtual void computeFInt(double time)

default function to compute the internal strengths


time – the current time

virtual void computeFInt(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

function to compute the internal strengths with some specific values for position and velocity (ie not those of the current state).

  • time – the current time,

  • position – value used to evaluate the internal forces

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the internal forces

virtual void computeFExt(double time)

default function to compute the external strengths


time – the current time

virtual void computeFGyr()

default function to compute the inertia

virtual void computeFGyr(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

function to compute the inertia with some specific values for q and velocity (ie not those of the current state).

  • position – value used to evaluate the inertia forces

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the inertia forces

virtual void computeJacobianFIntq(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.


time – the current time

virtual void computeJacobianFIntqDot(double time)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t qDot of the internal forces.


time – the current time

virtual void computeJacobianFIntq(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t q of the internal forces.

  • time – the current time

  • position – value used to evaluate the jacobian

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the jacobian

virtual void computeJacobianFIntqDot(double time, SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

To compute the jacobian w.r.t.

qDot of the internal forces

  • time – the current time

  • position – value used to evaluate the jacobian

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the jacobian

virtual void computeJacobianFGyrq()

function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

q of the inertia forces

virtual void computeJacobianFGyrqDot()

function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

qDot of the inertia forces

virtual void computeJacobianFGyrq(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

q of the inertia forces

  • position – value used to evaluate the jacobian

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the jacobian

virtual void computeJacobianFGyrqDot(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)

function to compute the jacobian w.r.t.

qDot of the inertia forces

  • position – value used to evaluate the jacobian

  • velocity – value used to evaluate the jacobian

inline virtual void updatePlugins(double time) override

default function to update the plugins functions using a new time:


time – the current time

double computeKineticEnergy()

To compute the kinetic energy.

virtual void display(bool brief = true) const override

print the data of the dynamical system on the standard output

void computePostImpactVelocity()

Computes post-impact velocity, using pre-impact velocity and impulse (p) value.

Used in EventDriven (LsodarOSI->updateState)

void init_generalized_coordinates(unsigned int level)

Allocate memory for q[level], level > 1 Useful for some integrators that need q[2] or other coordinates vectors.


level – the required level

virtual void init_inverse_mass() override

Allocate memory for the lu factorization of the mass of the system.

Useful for some integrators with system inversion involving the mass

virtual void update_inverse_mass() override

Update the content of the lu factorization of the mass of the system, if required.

virtual void init_forces() override

Allocate memory for forces and its jacobian.


Protected Types

enum LagrangianDSRhsMatrices#


enumerator jacobianXBloc10#
enumerator jacobianXBloc11#
enumerator zeroMatrix#
enumerator idMatrix#
enumerator numberOfRhsMatrices#

Protected Functions

void _init(SP::SiconosVector position, SP::SiconosVector velocity)#

Common code for constructors should be replaced in C++11 by delegating constructors.

  • position – vector of initial positions

  • velocity – vector of initial velocities

virtual void _zeroPlugin() override#

build all _plugin…


inline LagrangianDS()#

Default constructor.

Protected Attributes

VectorOfVectors _q#

state of the system.

See details on top of page.

SP::SiconosVector _velocity0#

initial velocity of the system

SiconosMemory _qMemory#

memory of previous coordinates of the system

SiconosMemory _velocityMemory#

memory of previous velocities of the system

SP::SiconosVector _fInt#

internal forces applied to the system

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianFIntq#

jacobian_q FInt

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianFIntqDot#

jacobian_{qDot} FInt

SP::SiconosVector _fExt#

external forces applied to the system

bool _hasConstantFExt = false#

boolean if _fext is constant (set thanks to setFExtPtr for instance) false by default

SP::SiconosVector _fGyr#

non-linear inertia term of the system

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianFGyrq#

jacobian_q FGyrq

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianFGyrqDot#

jacobian_{qDot} FGyrq

SP::SiconosVector _forces#

forces(q[0],q[1],t)= fExt - fInt -FGyr

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianqForces#

jacobian_q forces

SP::SiconosMatrix _jacobianqDotForces#

jacobian_{qDot} forces

SiconosMemory _forcesMemory#

memory of previous forces of the system

VectorOfSMatrices _rhsMatrices#

A container of matrices to save matrices that are involed in first order from of LagrangianDS system values (jacobianXBloc10, jacobianXBloc11, zeroMatrix, idMatrix) No get-set functions at the time.

Only used as a protected member.

SP::PluggedObject _pluginMass#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute mass(q,t) - id = “mass”.

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param mass:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of mass

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginFInt#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute internal forces \( F_{int}(t,q,\dot q) \).

  • id = “fInt”

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param fInt:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of fInt

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginFExt#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute external forces \( F_{Ext}(t) \) , id = “fExt”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param fExt:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of fExt

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginFGyr#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute \( FGyr(\dot q, q) \) , id = “FGyr”.

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param FGyr:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of FGyr

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqFInt#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_qF_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \) , id = “jacobianFIntq”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqDotFInt#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}F_{Int}(\dot q, q, t) \) , id = “jacobianFIntqDot”.

Param time:

: current time

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqFGyr#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_qFGyr(\dot q, q) \) , id = “jacobianFGyrq”.

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters

SP::PluggedObject _pluginJacqDotFGyr#

LagrangianDS plug-in to compute \( \nabla_{\dot q}FGyr(\dot q, q) \) , id = “jacobianFGyrqDot”.

Param sizeOfq:

: size of vector q

Param q:

: pointer to the first element of q

Param velocity:

: pointer to the first element of velocity

Param jacob:

[inout] : pointer to the first element of the jacobian

Param size:

of vector z

Param z:

[inout] : a vector of user-defined parameters