File kernel/src/modelingTools/Interaction.hpp


File kernel/src/modelingTools/Interaction.hpp#

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Interaction class and related typedef.

class Interaction : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Interaction>
#include <Interaction.hpp>

Description of a non-smooth interaction.

The object Interaction is used to defined a “link” between one or two DynamicalSystem, like unilateral constraints and some nonsmooth law (e.g. complementarity).

It holds two vectors of “local” variables, \( y \) and \( \lambda \) and their derivatives, which are related to the state variables and the inputs of the DynamicalSystem (x,R) through constraints defined in a Relation and completed with a NonSmoothLaw involving those variables.


void __initDataFirstOrder(VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink, DynamicalSystem &ds1, DynamicalSystem &ds2)#

update DSlink property content with dynamical systems members, FirstOrder relations case.

void __initDSDataFirstOrder(DynamicalSystem &ds, VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink)#

Initialize the link with the DynamicalSystem, FirstOrderDS variant.

void __initDataLagrangian(VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink, DynamicalSystem &ds1, DynamicalSystem &ds2)#

update DSlink property content with dynamical systems members, Lagrangian relations case.

void __initDSDataLagrangian(DynamicalSystem &ds, VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink)#

Initialize the link with the DynamicalSystem, LagrangianDS variant.

void __initDataNewtonEuler(VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink, DynamicalSystem &ds1, DynamicalSystem &ds2)#

update DSlink property content with dynamical systems members, NewtonEuler relations case.

void __initDSDataNewtonEuler(DynamicalSystem &ds, VectorOfBlockVectors &DSlink)#

Initialize the link with the DynamicalSystem, NewtonEulerDS variant.


Public Functions

Interaction(SP::NonSmoothLaw NSL, SP::Relation rel)

Interaction constructor.

  • NSL – pointer object describing the nonsmooth law; the interaction size if infered from the size of this law.

  • rel – a pointer object describing the functions used to compute the constraints

inline ~Interaction()


void reset()

Update interactions attributes.

Must be called when levels have been modified.

void initializeLinkToDsVariables(DynamicalSystem &ds1, DynamicalSystem &ds2)

set the links to the DynamicalSystem(s) and allocate the required workspaces

  • interProp – the InteractionProperties of this Interaction

  • ds1 – first ds linked to this Interaction (i.e IG->vertex.source)

  • workV1 – work vectors of ds1

  • ds2 – second ds linked to this Interaction (i.e IG-> ds1 == ds2 is allowed.

  • workV2 – work vectors of ds2 set the links between the interaction and the DynamicalSystem(s) members.

  • ds1 – first ds linked to this Interaction (i.e IG->vertex.source)

  • ds2 – second ds linked to this Interaction (i.e IG-> ds1 == ds2 is allowed

void resetAllLambda()

set all lambda to zero

void resetLambda(unsigned int level)

set lambda to zero for a given level



void initializeMemory(unsigned int steps)

build memories vectors for y and \( \lambda \)

  • computeResiduY – true if interaction should compute extra residu value

  • steps – number of required memories (depends on the OSI)

inline size_t number() const

the id of the interaction

inline void setLowerLevelForOutput(const unsigned int newVal)

Set the lower level for output y.


newVal – : an unsigned int

inline void setUpperLevelForOutput(const unsigned int newVal)

Set the upper level for output y.


newVal – : an unsigned int

inline unsigned int lowerLevelForOutput()

Get the lower level for output y.


an unsigned int.

inline unsigned int upperLevelForOutput()

Get the upper level for output y.


an unsigned int.

inline void setLowerLevelForInput(const unsigned int newVal)

Set the lower level for input Lambda.


newVal – : an unsigned int

inline void setUpperLevelForInput(const unsigned int newVal)

Set the upper level for input Lambda.


newVal – : an unsigned int.

inline unsigned int lowerLevelForInput()

Get the lower level for input Lambda.


an unsigned int.

inline unsigned int upperLevelForInput()

Get the upper level for input Lambda.


an unsigned int.

inline unsigned int dimension() const

returns dimension (i.e.

nslaw size == y and lambda size)

inline unsigned int getSizeOfDS() const

the sum of DS sizes, for DS involved in interaction

inline void setHas2Bodies(bool val)

Set the number of dynamical systems concerned by this interaction.

Warning FP: this function is supposed to be called only during topology->link(inter, ds1, ds2) call.


val – : true if two ds, else false

inline bool has2Bodies() const

Check the number of dynamical systems concerned by this interaction.


bool : true if two ds, else false

inline const SiconosVector getCopyOfy(const unsigned int i) const

Get y[i], derivative number i of output.


i – : the derivative number



inline const VectorOfVectors y() const

get vector of output derivatives


a VectorOfVectors

inline SP::SiconosVector y(const unsigned int i) const

get y[i], derivative number i of output


i – derivative number i of output


pointer on a SiconosVector

void setY(const VectorOfVectors &v)

set the output vector y to newVector with copy of the y[i] (ie memory allocation)


v – VectorOfVectors

void setYPtr(const VectorOfVectors &v)

set the output vector y to newVector with direct pointer equality for the y[i]


v – VectorOfVectors

void setY(const unsigned int i, const SiconosVector &v)

set y[i] to newValue

  • i – derivative number i of output

  • v – a SiconosVector and an unsigned int

void setYPtr(const unsigned int i, SP::SiconosVector v)

set y[i] to pointer newPtr

  • i – derivative number i of output

  • v – a SP::SiconosVector and an unsigned int

inline SiconosMemory &yMemory(unsigned int level)

get all the values of the output y stored in memory




a memory

inline const SiconosVector &y_k(const unsigned int i) const

get the last value of the output y stored in memory




a SiconosVector reference

inline const VectorOfVectors getLambda() const

get vector of input derivatives


a VectorOfVectors

inline const SiconosVector getLambda(const unsigned int i) const

get _lambda[i], derivative number i of input


i – derivative number i of output



inline SP::SiconosVector lambda(const unsigned int i) const

get _lambda[i], derivative number i of input


i – derivative number i of output


pointer on a SiconosVector

inline SiconosMemory &lambdaMemory(unsigned int level)

get all the values of the multiplier lambda stored in memory




a memory

inline const SiconosVector &lambda_k(const unsigned int i) const

get the last value of the multiplier lambda stored in memory




a SiconosVector reference

void setLambda(const VectorOfVectors &v)

set the input vector _lambda to newVector


v – VectorOfVectors

void setLambdaPtr(const VectorOfVectors &v)

set vector _lambda to newVector with direct pointer equality for the _lambda[i]


v – VectorOfVectors

void setLambda(const unsigned int i, const SiconosVector &newValue)

set _lambda[i] to newValue

  • i – derivative number i of output

  • newValue – a SiconosVector

void setLambdaPtr(const unsigned int i, SP::SiconosVector newPtr)

set _lambda[i] to pointer newPtr

  • i – derivative number i of output

  • newPtr – a SP::SiconosVector

inline SP::Relation relation() const

get the Relation of this Interaction


a pointer on this Relation

inline SP::NonSmoothLaw nonSmoothLaw() const

get the NonSmoothLaw of this Interaction


a pointer on this NonSmoothLaw

inline VectorOfBlockVectors &linkToDSVariables()#
inline VectorOfVectors &relationVectors()#
inline VectorOfSMatrices &relationMatrices()#
inline void setDSSizes(unsigned int s1)

set interaction ‘ds-dimension’, i.e.

sum of all sizes of the dynamical systems linked by the current interaction. This must be done by topology during call to link(inter, ds, …).


s1 – int sum of ds sizes

void swapInMemory()

Must be call to fill the memory.

(after convergence of the Newton iterations)

void display(bool brief = true) const

print the data to the screen

void computeOutput(double time, unsigned int derivativeNumber = 0)

Computes output y, depends on the relation type.

  • time – current time

  • derivativeNumber – number of the derivative to compute, optional, default = 0

void computeInput(double time, unsigned int level = 0)

Compute input r of all Dynamical Systems involved in the present Interaction.

  • time – current time

  • level – order of _lambda used to compute input.

SP::SiconosMatrix getLeftInteractionBlock() const

gets the matrix used in interactionBlock computation, (left * W * right), depends on the relation type (ex, LinearTIR, left = C, right = B).


InteractionBlock a pointer to SiconosMatrix (in-out parameter): the resulting interactionBlock matrix

SP::SiconosMatrix getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(unsigned int pos, unsigned int size, unsigned int sizeDS) const

gets the matrix used in interactionBlock computation

(left * W * right), depends on the relation type (ex, LinearTIR, left = C, right = B). We get only the part corresponding to one ds.

  • pos – int, relative position of the beginning of the required block in relation matrix.

  • size – int, size(0) of the block

  • sizeDS – int, size(1) of the block


InteractionBlock a pointer to SiconosMatrix (in-out parameter): the resulting interactionBlock matrix

void getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosMatrix InteractionBlock) const

gets the matrix used in interactionBlock computation.

Used only for the formulation projecting on the constraints. We get only the part corresponding to ds.

  • pos – int, relative position of the beginning of the required block in relation matrix.

  • InteractionBlock – a pointer to SiconosMatrix (in-out parameter): the resulting interactionBlock matrix

SP::SiconosMatrix getRightInteractionBlockForDS(unsigned int pos, unsigned int sizeDS, unsigned size) const

gets the matrix used in interactionBlock computation

(left * W * rigth), depends on the relation type (ex, LinearTIR, left = C, right = B). We get only the part corresponding to ds.

  • pos – int, relative position of the beginning of the required block in relation matrix.

  • sizeDS – int, size(0) of the block

  • size – int, size(1) of the block


InteractionBlock a pointer to SiconosMatrix (in-out parameter): the resulting interactionBlock matrix

void getExtraInteractionBlock(SP::SiconosMatrix InteractionBlock) const

gets extra interactionBlock corresponding to the present Interaction


InteractionBlock[inout] SP::SiconosMatrix

Public Static Functions

static inline size_t resetCount(size_t new_count = 0)

reset the global Interaction counter (for ids)


the previous value of count

Protected Functions

inline Interaction()#

Private Functions

Interaction(const Interaction &inter) = delete#
Interaction &operator=(const Interaction&) = delete#

Private Members

size_t _number#

Interaction id.

unsigned int _lowerLevelForOutput = 0#

Minimum required ‘level’ for output y y will be initialized from y[_lowerLevelForOutput] to y[_upperLevelForOutput].

unsigned int _upperLevelForOutput = 0#

Maximum required ‘level’ for output y y will be initialized from y[_lowerLevelForOutput] to y[_upperLevelForOutput].

unsigned int _lowerLevelForInput = 0#

Minimum required ‘level’ for input lambda lambda will be initialized from lambda[_lowerLevelForIntput] to lambda[_upperLevelForInput].

unsigned int _upperLevelForInput = 0#

Maximum required ‘level’ for input lambda lambda will be initialized from lambda[_lowerLevelForIntput] to lambda[_upperLevelForInput].

unsigned int _interactionSize = 0#

size of the interaction, ie size of y[i] and _lambda[i]

unsigned int _sizeOfDS = 0#

sum of all DS sizes, for DS involved in the interaction

bool _has2Bodies = false#

Bool to check the number of DS concerned by this interaction (1 or 2 indeed) True if 2 DS.

Note FP : usefull in NewtonEuler jacobians computation.

VectorOfVectors _y#

relation between constrained variables and states variables vector of output derivatives y[0] is y, y[1] is yDot and so on

VectorOfMemories _yMemory#

memory of previous coordinates of the system

VectorOfVectors _lambda#

result of the computeInput function

VectorOfMemories _lambdaMemory#

memory of previous coordinates of the system

SP::NonSmoothLaw _nslaw#

the Non-smooth Law of the interaction

SP::Relation _relation#

the type of Relation of the interaction

VectorOfBlockVectors _linkToDSVariables#

pointer links to DS variables needed for computation, mostly used in Relations (computeOutput and computeInput) and OneStepIntegrator classes.

VectorOfSMatrices _relationMatrices#
VectorOfVectors _relationVectors#

Private Static Attributes

static size_t __count#


friend struct Interaction::_setLevels