File mechanics/src/collision/SiconosCollisionQueryResult.hpp#

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Holds one result of a query against the graph of body contactors maintained by a SiconosCollisionManager.

class SiconosCollisionQueryResult
#include <SiconosCollisionQueryResult.hpp>

Holds one result of a line segment intersection query against the graph of body contactors maintained by a SiconosCollisionManager.

Public Members

double distance

Distance from reference point (start of line segment or query center)

SP::SecondOrderDS body

Body owning the contactor that was intersected, may be null for static contactors.

SP::SiconosShape shape

The shape that was intersected.

SP::SiconosContactor contactor

The contactor that was intersected.

SiconosVector point

Closest point on contactor in world coordinates.

Protected Functions
