File kernel/src/modelingTools/NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.hpp#
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container for DynamicalSystem and Interaction
container for DynamicalSystem and Interaction
class NonSmoothDynamicalSystem
- #include <NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.hpp>
the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem consists in Dynamical Systems and Interactions structured into a graph defined in a Topology.
In the DynamicalSystem graph, DynamicalSystem objects are nodes and Interaction objects are edges.
To add a DynamicalSystem, use insertDynamicalSystem method. To add a new Interaction, use link method.
A dual graph is also contructed, where Interactions are vertices and DynamicalSystems are edges.
Subclassed by LinearComplementaritySystemsNSDS
Public Types
Public Functions
NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(double t0, double T)
NSDS constructor.
- Parameters:
t0 – initial time
T – final time
inline double currentTime() const
- Returns:
the current time value
inline void setCurrentTime(double newValue)
set the current time
- Parameters:
newValue – the new time
inline double t0() const
- Returns:
initial time
inline void sett0(double newT0)
set initial time of the time discretisation
- Parameters:
newT0 –
inline double finalT() const
- Returns:
final time
inline void setT(double newValue)
set final time
- Parameters:
newValue – the new final time for the Simulatiom
inline const std::string title() const
get the title of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the title
inline void setTitle(const std::string &s)
set the title of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – : the title
inline const std::string author() const
get the author of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the author
inline void setAuthor(const std::string &s)
set the author of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the author
inline const std::string description() const
allows to get the description of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the description
inline void setDescription(const std::string &s)
set the author of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the author
inline const std::string date() const
allows to get the date of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the date
inline void setDate(const std::string &s)
set the date of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the date
inline bool isBVP() const
get problem type (true if BVP)
- Returns:
a bool
inline bool isIVP() const
get problem type (true if IVP)
- Returns:
a bool
inline void setBVP(const bool &newBvp)
set the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem to BVP, else it is IVP
- Parameters:
newBvp – true if BVP, false otherwise
inline const ChangeLog &changeLog()
get a reference to the changelog for an NSDS.
- Returns:
a reference to the changelog.
inline ChangeLogIter changeLogPosition()
get an iterator to the last item in the changelog.
- Returns:
an iterator pointing at the last item in the changelog.
inline ChangeLogIter changeLogBegin()
get an iterator to the beginning of the changelog.
- Returns:
an iterator pointing at the beginning of the changelog.
void clearChangeLogTo(const ChangeLogIter &it)
clear the changelog up to a given position.
- Parameters:
it – This iterator must point to somewhere in the changelog for this NSDS.
inline size_t getNumberOfDS() const
- Returns:
the number of Dynamical Systems present in the NSDS
inline const SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph dynamicalSystems() const
get all the dynamical systems declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
- Returns:
a SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph
std::vector<SP::DynamicalSystem> dynamicalSystemsVector() const
get all the dynamical systems declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
into a std::vector<SP::DynamicalSystem> Useful for iterates on DynamicalSystems in Python for instance
- Returns:
void insertDynamicalSystem(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
add a dynamical system into the DS graph (as a vertex)
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system to add
inline SP::DynamicalSystem dynamicalSystem(unsigned int nb) const
get Dynamical system number I
- Parameters:
nb – the identifier of the DynamicalSystem to get
- Returns:
a pointer on DynamicalSystem
inline void displayDynamicalSystems() const#
void removeDynamicalSystem(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
remove a dynamical system
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the dynamical system to remove
inline size_t getNumberOfInteractions() const
get the number of Interactions present in the NSDS.
- Returns:
an unsigned int
inline const SP::InteractionsGraph interactions() const
return the graph of Interactions present in the NSDS.
- Returns:
void removeInteraction(SP::Interaction inter)
remove an interaction to the system
- Parameters:
inter – a pointer to the interaction to remove
inline SP::Interaction interaction(unsigned int nb) const
get Interaction number I
- Parameters:
nb – the identifier of the Interaction to get
- Returns:
a pointer to an Interaction
inline SP::Interaction interaction(std::string name) const
get Interaction named name
- Parameters:
name – of the Interaction to get
- Returns:
a pointer to an Interaction
std::vector<SP::Interaction> InteractionsVector() const
get all the interactions declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
into a std::vector<SP::Interaction> Useful for iterates on Interaction in Python for instance
- Returns:
void link(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds1, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2 = SP::DynamicalSystem())
link an interaction to two dynamical systems
- Parameters:
inter – the interaction
ds1 – a DynamicalSystem
ds2 – a DynamicalSystem (optional)
inline void setName(SP::DynamicalSystem ds, const std::string &name)
set the name for this Dynamical System
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system
name – the name of the DynamicalSystem
inline std::string name(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
get the name for this Dynamical System
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system
- Returns:
name the name of the DynamicalSystem, or empty string if not found.
inline void setName(SP::Interaction interaction, const std::string &name)
set the name for this Interaction
- Parameters:
interaction – a pointer to the Interaction
name – the name of the Interaction
inline std::string name(SP::Interaction inter)
get the name for this Interaction
- Parameters:
inter – a pointer to the Interaction
- Returns:
name the name of the Interaction, or empty string if not found.
inline void setControlProperty(SP::Interaction inter, const bool isControlInteraction)
specify id the given Interaction is for controlling the DS
- Parameters:
inter – the Interaction
isControlInteraction – true if the Interaction is used for control purposes
void display() const
display the data of the Non Smooth Dynamical System
inline bool isLinear() const
return false is one of the interations is not linear.
else return true.
- Returns:
a bool
void clear()#
void setSymmetric(bool val)
set symmetry in the blocks computation
- Parameters:
val – a bool
void resetNonSmoothPart(unsigned int level)
Set all DS non-smooth part to zero for a given level.
- Parameters:
level – the level to will be zeroed
void swapInMemory()
save DynamicalSystems and Interactions states in Memories
void pushInteractionsInMemory()
save interaction states in memories.
Applied to all interactions of the connected topology
void updateDSPlugins(double time)
update the plugins of the DS
- Parameters:
time – to be used for plugins
void updateInput(double time, unsigned int level)
compute r thanks to lambda[level] for all Interactions
- Parameters:
time –
level – lambda level
void updateOutput(double time, unsigned int level = 0)
compute output for all the interactions for a given level
- Parameters:
time –
level – y order to be computed
void updateOutput(double time, unsigned int level_min, unsigned int level_max)
compute output for all the interactions and for a level range
- Parameters:
time –
level_min – y min order to be computed
level_max – y max order to be computed
void computeInteractionJacobians(double time)
compute Jacobians for all the interactions (in indexSet0)
- Parameters:
time –
void computeInteractionJacobians(double time, InteractionsGraph &indexSet)
compute Jacobians for all the interactions of a given index set
- Parameters:
time –
indexSet – InteractionsGraph of interest
void visitDynamicalSystems(SP::SiconosVisitor visitor)
visit all dynamical systems in this system
- Parameters:
visitor – an SP::SiconosVisitor that can visit classes derived from DS
Protected Functions
inline NonSmoothDynamicalSystem()#
Private Functions
NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(const NonSmoothDynamicalSystem &nsds) = delete#
OneStepNSProblem &operator=(const OneStepNSProblem &osnsp) = delete#
Private Members
double _t0 = 0.#
initial time of the simulation
double _t = _t0#
current time of the simulation Warning FP : it corresponds to the time at the end of the integration step.
It means that _t corresponds to tkp1 of the simulation or nextTime().
double _T = 0.#
final time of the simulation
std::string _title = "none"#
information concerning the Model
std::string _author = "none"#
std::string _description = "none"#
std::string _date = "unknown"#
bool _BVP = false#
TRUE if the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem is a boundary value problem.
bool _mIsLinear = true#
False is one of the interaction is non-linear.
class Change
Public Functions
inline Change(ChangeType t, SP::DynamicalSystem dsnew)#
inline Change(ChangeType t, SP::Interaction inew)#
inline Change(ChangeType t)#
void display() const#
inline Change(ChangeType t, SP::DynamicalSystem dsnew)#
NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(double t0, double T)