File kernel/src/simulationTools/SimulationGraphs.hpp#

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struct InteractionProperties#

the graph structure :

InteractionsGraph = L(DynamicalSystemsGraph)

where L is the line graph transformation

Public Functions


Public Members

SP::SiconosMatrix block#

diagonal block

SP::DynamicalSystem source#
unsigned int source_pos#
SP::DynamicalSystem target#
unsigned int target_pos#
unsigned int absolute_position#

Absolute position of the interaction variables in the unknown vector in osnsp.

unsigned int absolute_position_proj#

Absolute position of the interaction variables in the unknown vector in osnsp for projection.

bool forControl#

true if the relation is used to add a control input to a DS

SP::VectorOfVectors workVectors#

set of SiconosVector, useful to ensure contiguous memory vectors, used as buffers in OneStepIntegrator classes.

SP::VectorOfBlockVectors workBlockVectors#

set of BlockVector, used as buffers in OneStepIntegrator classes.

SP::VectorOfSMatrices workMatrices#

Internal buffers used on simulation size, to store jacobians or other temporary matrices.

SP::OneStepIntegrator osi1#

Integrator 1 used for the given Interaction.

SP::OneStepIntegrator osi2#

Integrator 2 used for the given Interaction.

struct DynamicalSystemProperties#

for a DynamicalSystems

Public Functions


Public Members

SP::SiconosMatrix upper_block#

i,j block i<j

SP::SiconosMatrix lower_block#

i,j block i>j

SP::VectorOfVectors workVectors#

Used for instance in Newton iteration.

SP::VectorOfMatrices workMatrices#

Mostly for Lagrangian system.

SP::OneStepIntegrator osi#

Integrator used for the given DynamicalSystem.

SP::SimpleMatrix W#

Matrix for integration.

SP::SimpleMatrix WBoundaryConditions#

Matrix for integration of boundary conditions.

SP::SimpleMatrix Winverse#

Matrix for integration.

unsigned int absolute_position#

Absolute position of the ds variables in the unknown vector in osnsp.

struct GraphProperties#

Public Functions


Public Members

bool symmetric#
class _DynamicalSystemsGraph : public SiconosGraph<std::shared_ptr<DynamicalSystem>, std::shared_ptr<Interaction>, DynamicalSystemProperties, InteractionProperties, GraphProperties>#

Subclassed by DynamicalSystemsGraph

Private Functions

class _InteractionsGraph : public SiconosGraph<std::shared_ptr<Interaction>, std::shared_ptr<DynamicalSystem>, InteractionProperties, DynamicalSystemProperties, GraphProperties>#

Subclassed by InteractionsGraph

Private Functions

struct DynamicalSystemsGraph : public _DynamicalSystemsGraph#

Public Functions

INSTALL_GRAPH_PROPERTIES (DynamicalSystems,((VertexSP, MatrixIntegrator, Ad))((VertexSP, MatrixIntegrator, AdInt))((VertexSP, MatrixIntegrator, Ld))((VertexSP, MatrixIntegrator, Bd))((VertexSP, SiconosMatrix, B))((VertexSP, SiconosMatrix, L))((VertexSP, PluggedObject, pluginB))((VertexSP, PluggedObject, pluginL))((VertexSP, SiconosVector, e))((VertexSP, SiconosVector, u))((VertexSP, PluggedObject, pluginU))((VertexSP, PluggedObject, pluginJacgx))((VertexSP, SiconosVector, tmpXdot))((VertexSP, SimpleMatrix, jacgx))((Vertex, std::string, name))((Vertex, unsigned int, groupId)))

optional properties : memory is allocated only on first access

inline void eraseProperties(_DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor vd)#
struct InteractionsGraph : public _InteractionsGraph#

Public Functions

INSTALL_GRAPH_PROPERTIES (Interactions,((Vertex, SP::SimpleMatrix, blockProj))((Edge, SP::SimpleMatrix, upper_blockProj))((Edge, SP::SimpleMatrix, lower_blockProj))((Vertex, std::string, name)))

optional properties : memory is allocated only on first access

inline void eraseProperties(_InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor vd)#
inline void eraseProperties(_InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor ed)#