Class NonSmoothDynamicalSystem#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/modelingTools/NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.hpp
class NonSmoothDynamicalSystem#
the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem consists in Dynamical Systems and Interactions structured into a graph defined in a Topology.
In the DynamicalSystem graph, DynamicalSystem objects are nodes and Interaction objects are edges.
To add a DynamicalSystem, use insertDynamicalSystem method. To add a new Interaction, use link method.
A dual graph is also contructed, where Interactions are vertices and DynamicalSystems are edges.
Subclassed by LinearComplementaritySystemsNSDS
Public Functions
NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(double t0, double T)#
NSDS constructor.
- Parameters:
t0 – initial time
T – final time
inline double currentTime() const#
- Returns:
the current time value
inline void setCurrentTime(double newValue)#
set the current time
- Parameters:
newValue – the new time
inline double t0() const#
- Returns:
initial time
inline void sett0(double newT0)#
set initial time of the time discretisation
- Parameters:
newT0 –
inline double finalT() const#
- Returns:
final time
inline void setT(double newValue)#
set final time
- Parameters:
newValue – the new final time for the Simulatiom
inline const std::string title() const#
get the title of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the title
inline void setTitle(const std::string &s)#
set the title of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – : the title
inline const std::string author() const#
get the author of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the author
inline void setAuthor(const std::string &s)#
set the author of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the author
inline const std::string description() const#
allows to get the description of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the description
inline void setDescription(const std::string &s)#
set the author of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the author
inline const std::string date() const#
allows to get the date of the simulation
- Returns:
std::string : the date
inline void setDate(const std::string &s)#
set the date of the simulation
- Parameters:
s – std::string : the date
inline bool isBVP() const#
get problem type (true if BVP)
- Returns:
a bool
inline bool isIVP() const#
get problem type (true if IVP)
- Returns:
a bool
inline void setBVP(const bool &newBvp)#
set the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem to BVP, else it is IVP
- Parameters:
newBvp – true if BVP, false otherwise
inline const ChangeLog &changeLog()#
get a reference to the changelog for an NSDS.
- Returns:
a reference to the changelog.
inline ChangeLogIter changeLogPosition()#
get an iterator to the last item in the changelog.
- Returns:
an iterator pointing at the last item in the changelog.
inline ChangeLogIter changeLogBegin()#
get an iterator to the beginning of the changelog.
- Returns:
an iterator pointing at the beginning of the changelog.
void clearChangeLogTo(const ChangeLogIter &it)#
clear the changelog up to a given position.
- Parameters:
it – This iterator must point to somewhere in the changelog for this NSDS.
inline size_t getNumberOfDS() const#
- Returns:
the number of Dynamical Systems present in the NSDS
inline const SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph dynamicalSystems() const#
get all the dynamical systems declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
- Returns:
a SP::DynamicalSystemsGraph
std::vector<SP::DynamicalSystem> dynamicalSystemsVector() const#
get all the dynamical systems declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
into a std::vector<SP::DynamicalSystem> Useful for iterates on DynamicalSystems in Python for instance
- Returns:
void insertDynamicalSystem(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)#
add a dynamical system into the DS graph (as a vertex)
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system to add
inline SP::DynamicalSystem dynamicalSystem(unsigned int nb) const#
get Dynamical system number I
- Parameters:
nb – the identifier of the DynamicalSystem to get
- Returns:
a pointer on DynamicalSystem
void removeDynamicalSystem(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)#
remove a dynamical system
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the dynamical system to remove
inline size_t getNumberOfInteractions() const#
get the number of Interactions present in the NSDS.
- Returns:
an unsigned int
inline const SP::InteractionsGraph interactions() const#
return the graph of Interactions present in the NSDS.
- Returns:
void removeInteraction(SP::Interaction inter)#
remove an interaction to the system
- Parameters:
inter – a pointer to the interaction to remove
inline SP::Interaction interaction(unsigned int nb) const#
get Interaction number I
- Parameters:
nb – the identifier of the Interaction to get
- Returns:
a pointer to an Interaction
inline SP::Interaction interaction(std::string name) const#
get Interaction named name
- Parameters:
name – of the Interaction to get
- Returns:
a pointer to an Interaction
std::vector<SP::Interaction> InteractionsVector() const#
get all the interactions declared in the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem.
into a std::vector<SP::Interaction> Useful for iterates on Interaction in Python for instance
- Returns:
void link(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds1, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2 = SP::DynamicalSystem())#
link an interaction to two dynamical systems
- Parameters:
inter – the interaction
ds1 – a DynamicalSystem
ds2 – a DynamicalSystem (optional)
inline void setName(SP::DynamicalSystem ds, const std::string &name)#
set the name for this Dynamical System
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system
name – the name of the DynamicalSystem
inline std::string name(SP::DynamicalSystem ds)#
get the name for this Dynamical System
- Parameters:
ds – a pointer to the system
- Returns:
name the name of the DynamicalSystem, or empty string if not found.
inline void setName(SP::Interaction interaction, const std::string &name)#
set the name for this Interaction
- Parameters:
interaction – a pointer to the Interaction
name – the name of the Interaction
inline std::string name(SP::Interaction inter)#
get the name for this Interaction
- Parameters:
inter – a pointer to the Interaction
- Returns:
name the name of the Interaction, or empty string if not found.
inline void setControlProperty(SP::Interaction inter, const bool isControlInteraction)#
specify id the given Interaction is for controlling the DS
- Parameters:
inter – the Interaction
isControlInteraction – true if the Interaction is used for control purposes
void display() const#
display the data of the Non Smooth Dynamical System
inline bool isLinear() const#
return false is one of the interations is not linear.
else return true.
- Returns:
a bool
void setSymmetric(bool val)#
set symmetry in the blocks computation
- Parameters:
val – a bool
void resetNonSmoothPart(unsigned int level)#
Set all DS non-smooth part to zero for a given level.
- Parameters:
level – the level to will be zeroed
void swapInMemory()#
save DynamicalSystems and Interactions states in Memories
void pushInteractionsInMemory()#
save interaction states in memories.
Applied to all interactions of the connected topology
void updateDSPlugins(double time)#
update the plugins of the DS
- Parameters:
time – to be used for plugins
void updateInput(double time, unsigned int level)#
compute r thanks to lambda[level] for all Interactions
- Parameters:
time –
level – lambda level
void updateOutput(double time, unsigned int level = 0)#
compute output for all the interactions for a given level
- Parameters:
time –
level – y order to be computed
void updateOutput(double time, unsigned int level_min, unsigned int level_max)#
compute output for all the interactions and for a level range
- Parameters:
time –
level_min – y min order to be computed
level_max – y max order to be computed
void computeInteractionJacobians(double time)#
compute Jacobians for all the interactions (in indexSet0)
- Parameters:
time –
void computeInteractionJacobians(double time, InteractionsGraph &indexSet)#
compute Jacobians for all the interactions of a given index set
- Parameters:
time –
indexSet – InteractionsGraph of interest
class Change#
class ChangeLogIter#
NonSmoothDynamicalSystem(double t0, double T)#