Struct GlobalRollingFrictionContactProblem#

Defined in Program listing for file numerics/src/FrictionContact/GlobalRollingFrictionContactProblem.h

struct GlobalRollingFrictionContactProblem

GlobalRollingFrictionContactProblem.h The structure that defines a (reduced or dual) Friction-Contact (3D or 2D) problem.

Public Members

int dimension

dimension of the contact space (3D or 2D )

int numberOfContacts

the number of contacts \( n_c \)

NumericsMatrix *M

\( {M} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{n \times n} \), a matrix with \( n = d n_c \) stored in NumericsMatrix structure

NumericsMatrix *H

\( {H} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{n \times m} \), a matrix with \( m = d n_c \) stored in NumericsMatrix structure

double *q

\( {q} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{n} \)

double *b

\( {b} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{m} \)

double *mu

\( {\mu} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{n_c} \), vector of friction coefficients ( \( n_c = \) numberOfContacts)

double *mu_r

\( {\mu_r} \in {{\mathrm{I\!R}}}^{n_c} \), vector of friction coefficients ( \( n_c = \) numberOfContacts)