File numerics/src/tools/NumericsMatrix.h#
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Structure definition and functions related to matrix storage in Numerics.
typedef enum NumericsMatrix_types NM_types#
Available types of storage for NumericsMatrix
typedef NumericsMatrix RawNumericsMatrix#
RawNumericsMatrix is used without conversion in python
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_new(void)#
Constructors and destructors
Creation of an empty NumericsMatrix.
- Returns:
a pointer to allocated space
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_eye(int size)#
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_scalar(int size, double s)#
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_create(NM_types storageType, int size0, int size1)#
create a NumericsMatrix and allocate the memory according to the matrix type
- Parameters:
storageType – the type of storage
size0 – number of rows
size1 – number of columns
- Returns:
a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_create_from_data(int storageType, int size0, int size1, void *data)#
create a NumericsMatrix and possibly set the data
- Parameters:
storageType – the type of storage
size0 – number of rows
size1 – number of columns
data – pointer to the matrix data. If NULL, all matrixX fields are set to NULL
- Returns:
a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_create_from_filename(const char *filename)#
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_create_from_file(FILE *file)#
void NM_version_copy(const NumericsMatrix *const A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Copy NumericsMatrix version.
- Parameters:
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
B – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
void NM_copy(const NumericsMatrix *const A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Copy a NumericsMatrix inside another NumericsMatrix (deep).
Reallocations are performed if B cannot hold a copy of A
- Parameters:
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
B – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
void NM_copy_to_sparse(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B, double threshold)#
Copy a NumericsMatrix to s sparse one.
Allocation or reallocation are performed on B
It is assumed that B has been properly initialized: its storageType must be set to NM_SPARSE.
- Parameters:
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
B – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
threshold – if the original matrix is dense, a threshold can be applied on the absolute value of the entries
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_duplicate(NumericsMatrix *mat)#
create a NumericsMatrix similar to the another one.
The structure is the same
- Parameters:
mat – the model matrix
- Returns:
a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
NumericsSparseMatrix *numericsSparseMatrix(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of sparse matrix storage.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
a pointer on the sparse matrix storage
CSparseMatrix *NM_triplet(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of triplet storage from sparse block storage.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix initialized with sparsed block storage.
- Returns:
the triplet sparse Matrix created in A.
CSparseMatrix *NM_half_triplet(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of half triplet storage from sparse block storage.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix initialized with sparsed block storage.
- Returns:
the triplet sparse Matrix created in A.
CSparseMatrix *NM_csc(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of compress column storage of a NumericsMatrix.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage initialized
- Returns:
the compressed column CSparseMatrix created in A.
CSparseMatrix *NM_csc_trans(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of the transposed compress column storage from compress column storage.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage.
- Returns:
the transposed compressed column matrix created in A.
CSparseMatrix *NM_csr(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Creation, if needed, of compress row storage of a NumericsMatrix.
This rely on the MKL
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage initialized
- Returns:
the compressed row CSparseMatrix created in A.
void NM_fill(NumericsMatrix *M, NM_types storageType, int size0, int size1, void *data)#
fill an existing NumericsMatrix struct
- Parameters:
M – [inout] the struct to fill
storageType – the type of storage
size0 – number of rows
size1 – number of columns
data – pointer to the matrix data. If NULL, all matrixX fields are set to NULL
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_new_SBM(int size0, int size1, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix *m1)#
new NumericsMatrix with sparse storage from minimal set of data
- Parameters:
size0 – [in] number of rows
size1 – [in] number of columns
m1 – [in] the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
- Returns:
a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_transpose(NumericsMatrix *A)#
new NumericsMatrix equal to the transpose of a given matrix
- Parameters:
A – [in]
- Returns:
a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
void NM_null(NumericsMatrix *A)#
set NumericsMatrix fields to NULL
- Parameters:
A – a matrix
bool NM_destructible(const NumericsMatrix *A)#
Check if a matrix is destructible.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
true if the matrix is destructible
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_preserve(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Preservation of a matrix before in-place transformations such as factorizations.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
a pointer on the preserved Matrix;
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_unpreserve(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Set the matrix as destructible, clear the preserved data.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
a pointer on the Matrix;
bool NM_LU_factorized(const NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Check for a previous LU factorization.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
true if the matrix has been LU factorized.
bool NM_Cholesky_factorized(const NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Check for a previous Cholesky factorization.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
true if the matrix has been Cholesky factorized.
bool NM_LDLT_factorized(const NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Check for a previous LDLT factorization.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
true if the matrix has been Cholesky factorized.
void NM_set_LU_factorized(NumericsMatrix *A, bool flag)#
Set the factorization flag.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix,
flag – [in] a boolean.
void NM_set_Cholesky_factorized(NumericsMatrix *A, bool flag)#
void NM_set_LDLT_factorized(NumericsMatrix *A, bool flag)#
void NM_update_size(NumericsMatrix *A)#
update the size of the matrix based on the matrix data
- Parameters:
A – [inout] the matrix which size is updated
void NM_csc_alloc(NumericsMatrix *A, CS_INT nzmax)#
Allocate a csc matrix in A.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
nzmax – number of non-zero elements
void NM_csc_empty_alloc(NumericsMatrix *A, CS_INT nzmax)#
Allocate a csc matrix in A and set the vector of column pointers to 0 such that the matrix is empty.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
nzmax – number of non-zero elements
void NM_triplet_alloc(NumericsMatrix *A, CS_INT nzmax)#
Allocate a triplet matrix in A.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
nzmax – maximum number of non-zero elements
void NM_clear(NumericsMatrix *m)#
Free memory for a NumericsMatrix.
Warning: call this function only if you are sure that memory has been allocated for the structure in Numerics. This function is assumed that the memory is “owned” by this structure. Note that this function does not free m.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be deleted.
NumericsMatrix *NM_free(NumericsMatrix *m)#
void NM_clear_not_dense(NumericsMatrix *m)#
Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except the dense matrix that is assumed not to be owned.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be cleared.
NumericsMatrix *NM_free_not_dense(NumericsMatrix *m)#
void NM_clear_not_SBM(NumericsMatrix *m)#
Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except the SBM matrix that is assumed not to be owned.
Note that this function does not free m.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be cleared.
NumericsMatrix *NM_free_not_SBM(NumericsMatrix *m)#
void NM_clear_other_storages(NumericsMatrix *M, NM_types storageType)#
Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except for a given storage.
Warning: call this function only if you are sure that memory has been allocated for the structure in Numerics. This function is assumed that the memory is “owned” by this structure. Note that this function does not free m.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be deleted.
storageType – to be kept.
void NM_zentry(NumericsMatrix *M, int i, int j, double val, double threshold)#
insert an non zero entry into a NumericsMatrix.
for storageType = NM_SPARSE, a conversion to triplet is done for performing the entry in the matrix. This method is expensive in terms of memory management. For a lot of entries, use preferably a triplet matrix.
- Parameters:
M – the NumericsMatrix
i – row index
j – column index
val – the value to be inserted.
threshold – a threshold to filter the small value in magnitude (useful for dense to sparse conversion)
void NM_entry(NumericsMatrix *M, int i, int j, double val)#
insert an entry into a NumericsMatrix.
for storageType = NM_SPARSE, a conversion to triplet is done for performing the entry in the matrix. This method is expensive in terms of memory management. For a lot of entries, use preferably a triplet matrix.
- Parameters:
M – the NumericsMatrix
i – row index
j – column index
val – the value to be inserted.
double NM_get_value(const NumericsMatrix *const M, int i, int j)#
get the value of a NumericsMatrix.
- Parameters:
M – the NumericsMatrix
i – row index
j – column index
- Returns:
the value to be inserted.
bool NM_equal(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
compare to NumericsMatrix up to machine accuracy (DBL_EPSILON)
- Parameters:
A – the NumericsMatrix
B – the NumericsMatrix
bool NM_compare(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B, double tol)#
compare to NumericsMatrix up to a given tolerance
- Parameters:
A – the NumericsMatrix
B – the NumericsMatrix
tol – the tolerance
size_t NM_nnz(const NumericsMatrix *M)#
return the number of non-zero element.
For a dense matrix, it is the product of the dimensions (e.g. an upper bound). For a sparse matrix, it is the true number
- Parameters:
M – the matrix
- Returns:
the number (or an upper bound) of non-zero elements in the matrix
void NM_extract_diag_block(NumericsMatrix *M, int block_row_nb, size_t start_row, int size, double **Block)#
get the (square) diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix.
No allocation is done.
- Parameters:
M – [in] a NumericsMatrix
block_row_nb – [in] the number of the block Row. Useful only in sparse case
start_row – [in] the starting row. Useful only in dense case.
size – [in] of the diag block. Only useful in dense case.
Block – [out] the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller. In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
void NM_extract_diag_block3(NumericsMatrix *M, int block_row_nb, double **Block)#
get a 3x3 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix.
No allocation is done.
- Parameters:
M – [in] a NumericsMatrix
block_row_nb – [in] the number of the block row
Block – [out] the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller. In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
void NM_extract_diag_block2(NumericsMatrix *M, int block_row_nb, double **Block)#
get a 2x2 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix.
No allocation is done.
- Parameters:
M – [in] a NumericsMatrix
block_row_nb – [in] the number of the block row
Block – [out] the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller. In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
void NM_extract_diag_block5(NumericsMatrix *M, int block_row_nb, double **Block)#
get a 5x5 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix.
No allocation is done.
- Parameters:
M – [in] a NumericsMatrix
block_row_nb – [in] the number of the block row
Block – [out] the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller. In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
void NM_copy_diag_block3(NumericsMatrix *M, int block_row_nb, double **Block)#
get a 3x3 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix.
No allocation is done.
- Parameters:
M – [in] a NumericsMatrix
block_row_nb – [in] the number of the block row
Block – [out] the target. In all cases (dense, sbm, and sparse) (*Block) must be allocated by caller. A copy is always performed
void NM_insert(NumericsMatrix *A, const NumericsMatrix *const B, const unsigned int start_i, const unsigned int start_j)#
Set the submatrix B into the matrix A on the position defined in (start_i, start_j) position.
- Parameters:
A – [in] a pointer to NumerixMatrix
B – [in] a pointer toNumericsMatrix
start_i – [in] a start row index
start_j – [in] a start column index
void NM_prod_mv_3x3(int sizeX, int sizeY, NumericsMatrix *A, double *const x, double *y)#
Matrix - vector product y = A*x + y.
- Parameters:
sizeX – [in] dim of the vector x
sizeY – [in] dim of the vector y
A – [in] the matrix to be multiplied
x – [in] the vector to be multiplied
y – [inout] the resulting vector
void NM_row_prod(int sizeX, int sizeY, int currentRowNumber, NumericsMatrix *A, const double *const x, double *y, int init)#
Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (sizeY rows and sizeX columns)
- Parameters:
sizeX – [in] dim of the vector x
sizeY – [in] dim of the vector y
currentRowNumber – [in] position of the first row of rowA in A (warning: real row if A is a double*, block-row if A is a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix)
A – [in] the matrix to be multiplied
x – [in] the vector to be multiplied
y – [inout] the resulting vector
init – [in] = 0 for y += Ax, =1 for y = Ax
void NM_row_prod_no_diag(size_t sizeX, size_t sizeY, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix *A, double *x, double *y, double *xsave, bool init)#
Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (sizeY rows and sizeX columns)
- Parameters:
sizeX – [in] dim of the vector x
sizeY – [in] dim of the vector y
block_start – [in] block number (only used for SBM)
row_start – [in] position of the first row of A (unused if A is SBM)
A – [in] the matrix to be multiplied
x – [in] the vector to be multiplied
y – [inout] the resulting vector
xsave – [in] storage for saving the part of x set to 0
init – [in] if True y = Ax, else y += Ax
void NM_row_prod_no_diag3(size_t sizeX, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix *A, double *x, double *y, bool init)#
Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (3 rows and sizeX columns)
- Parameters:
sizeX – [in] dim of the vector x
block_start – [in] block number (only used for SBM)
row_start – [in] position of the first row of A (unused if A is SBM)
A – [in] the matrix to be multiplied
x – [in] the vector to be multiplied
y – [inout] the resulting vector
init – [in] if True y = Ax, else y += Ax
void NM_row_prod_no_diag2(size_t sizeX, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix *A, double *x, double *y, bool init)#
Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (2 rows and sizeX columns)
- Parameters:
sizeX – [in] dim of the vector x
block_start – [in] block number (only used for SBM)
row_start – [in] position of the first row of A (unused if A is SBM)
A – [in] the matrix to be multiplied
x – [in] the vector to be multiplied
y – [inout] the resulting vector
init – [in] if True y = Ax, else y += Ax
void NM_row_prod_no_diag1x1(size_t sizeX, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix *A, double *x, double *y, bool init)#
void NM_gemv(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix *A, const double *x, const double beta, double *y)#
Matrix vector multiplication : y = alpha A x + beta y.
- Parameters:
alpha – [in] scalar
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
x – [in] pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
beta – [in] scalar
y – [inout] pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
void NM_gemm(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B, const double beta, NumericsMatrix *C)#
Matrix matrix multiplication : C = alpha A B + beta C.
- Parameters:
alpha – [in] scalar
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
B – [in] a NumericsMatrix
beta – [in] scalar
C – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_multiply(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Matrix matrix multiplication : C = A B.
- Parameters:
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
B – [in] a NumericsMatrix
C – [inout] a NumericsMatrix
void NM_tgemv(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix *A, const double *x, const double beta, double *y)#
Transposed matrix multiplication : y += alpha transpose(A) x + y.
- Parameters:
alpha – [in] scalar
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix
x – [in] pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
beta – [in] scalar
y – [inout] pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
void NM_dense_to_sparse(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B, double threshold)#
int NM_to_dense(NumericsMatrix *A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Copy a NumericsMatrix into another with dense storage.
- Parameters:
A – source matrix (any kind of storage)
B – targeted matrix, must be dense with the same dimension as A
void NM_dense_display_matlab(double *m, int nRow, int nCol, int lDim)#
Screen display of the matrix content stored as a double * array in Fortran style.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be displayed
nRow – the number of rows
nCol – the number of columns
lDim – the leading dimension of M
void NM_dense_display(double *m, int nRow, int nCol, int lDim)#
Screen display of the matrix content stored as a double * array in Fortran style.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be displayed
nRow – the number of rows
nCol – the number of columns
lDim – the leading dimension of M
void NM_vector_display(double *m, int nRow)#
Screen display of the vector content stored as a double * array.
- Parameters:
m – the vector to be displayed
nRow – the number of rows
void NM_display(const NumericsMatrix *const M)#
Screen display of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be displayed
void NM_display_storageType(const NumericsMatrix *const M)#
Screen display of the matrix storage.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be displayed
void NM_display_row_by_row(const NumericsMatrix *const m)#
Screen display raw by raw of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be displayed
void NM_write_in_filename(const NumericsMatrix *const M, const char *filename)#
matrix I/O
PrintInFile of the matrix content
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be printed
filename – the corresponding name of the file
void NM_read_in_filename(NumericsMatrix *const M, const char *filename)#
Read in file of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be read
filename – the corresponding name of the file
void NM_write_in_file(const NumericsMatrix *const M, FILE *file)#
PrintInFile of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be printed
file – filename the corresponding file
void NM_read_in_file(NumericsMatrix *const M, FILE *file)#
Read in file of the matrix content without performing memory allocation.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be read
file – the corresponding file
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_new_from_file(FILE *file)#
Create from file a NumericsMatrix with memory allocation.
- Parameters:
file – the corresponding file
- Returns:
0 if the matrix
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_new_from_filename(const char *filename)#
void NM_write_in_file_scilab(const NumericsMatrix *const M, FILE *file)#
NM_write_in_file_scilab of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be printed
file – the corresponding file
void NM_write_in_file_python(const NumericsMatrix *const M, FILE *file)#
NM_write_in_file_python of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be printed
file – the corresponding file
void NM_read_in_file_scilab(NumericsMatrix *const M, FILE *file)#
Read in file for scilab of the matrix content.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to be read
file – the corresponding file
void NM_clearDense(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear dense storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearSparseBlock(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear sparse block storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearSparse(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear sparse data, if it is existent.
The linear solver parameters are also cleared.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearTriplet(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear triplet storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearHalfTriplet(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear half triplet storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearCSC(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear compressed column storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearCSCTranspose(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear transposed compressed column storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearCSR(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear compressed row storage, if it is existent.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
void NM_clearSparseStorage(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Clear triplet, csc, csc transposed storage, if they are existent.
Linear solver parameters are preserved.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a Numericsmatrix
int NM_LU_factorize(NumericsMatrix *A)#
LU factorization of the matrix.
If the matrix has already been factorized (i.e if NM_LU_factorized(A) return true), nothing is done. To force a new factorization one has to set factorization flag to false : NM_set_LU_factorized(A, false) before the call to NM_LU_factorize. If the matrix is preserved, that means that a call to NM_preserve(A) has been done before the call to NM_LU_factorize, it is not destroyed, but the factorized part remains accessible for subsequent calls to NM_LU_solve. If the matrix is not preserved, then it is replaced by the factorized part.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix
- Returns:
an int, 0 means the matrix has been factorized.
int NM_Cholesky_factorize(NumericsMatrix *A)#
int NM_LDLT_factorize(NumericsMatrix *A)#
int NM_LU_solve(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned int nrhs)#
Solve linear system with multiple right hand size.
A call to NM_LU_factorize is done at the beginning.
- Parameters:
A – [in] the NumericsMatrix. A is not destroyed if it has been preserved by a call to NM_preserve(A).
b – [inout] the right hand size which is a pointer on a matrix of double. It is replaced by the solutions
nrhs – [in] the number of right hand side.
- Returns:
0 if the solve succeeded.
int NM_LU_solve_matrix_rhs(NumericsMatrix *Ao, NumericsMatrix *B)#
int NM_LU_refine(NumericsMatrix *A, double *x, double tol, int max_iter, double *residu)#
int NM_Cholesky_solve(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned int nrhs)#
int NM_Cholesky_solve_matrix_rhs(NumericsMatrix *Ao, NumericsMatrix *B)#
int NM_LDLT_solve(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned int nrhs)#
int NM_LDLT_refine(NumericsMatrix *Ao, double *x, double *b, unsigned int nrhs, double tol, int maxitref, int job)#
int NM_gesv_expert(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned keep)#
int NM_posv_expert(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned keep)#
int NM_gesv_expert_multiple_rhs(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, unsigned int n_rhs, unsigned keep)#
int NM_Linear_solver_finalize(NumericsMatrix *Ao)#
NumericsMatrix *NM_LU_inv(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Computation of the inverse of a NumericsMatrix A usinf NM_gesv_expert.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix.
- Returns:
the matrix inverse.
int NM_inverse_diagonal_block_matrix_in_place(NumericsMatrix *A)#
NumericsMatrix *NM_inverse_diagonal_block_matrix(NumericsMatrix *A, unsigned int block_number, unsigned int *blocksizes)#
Computation of the inverse of a NumericsMatrix A composed of diagonal blocks for each block a dense inverse is performed and then inserted into the global inverse.
- Parameters:
A – [in] a NumericsMatrix.
block_number – [in] the number of blocks
blocksize – [in] the sizes of diagonal blocks
- Returns:
the matrix inverse.
static inline int NM_gesv(NumericsMatrix *A, double *b, bool preserve)#
Direct computation of the solution of a real system of linear equations: A x = b.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix. On a dense factorisation A.iWork is initialized.
b – [inout] pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
preserve – preserve the original matrix data. Only useful in the dense case, where the LU factorization is done in-place.
- Returns:
0 if successful, else the error is specific to the backend solver used
NumericsMatrix *NM_gesv_inv(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Computation of the inverse of a NumericsMatrix A usinf NM_gesv_expert.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix.
- Returns:
the matrix inverse.
void NM_setSparseSolver(NumericsMatrix *A, NSM_linear_solver solver_id)#
Set the linear solver.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
solver_id – id of the solver
NumericsMatrixInternalData *NM_internalData(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Get Matrix internal data with initialization if needed.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a NumericsMatrix.
- Returns:
a pointer on internal data.
void NM_internalData_new(NumericsMatrix *M)#
Allocate the internalData structure (but not its content!)
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to modify
void NM_internalData_copy(const NumericsMatrix *const A, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Copy the internalData structure.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix to modify
void *NM_iWork(NumericsMatrix *A, size_t size, size_t sizeof_elt)#
Integer work vector initialization, if needed.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] pointer on a NumericsMatrix.
size – [in] number of element to allocate
sizeof_elt – [in] of an element in bytes (result of sizeof for instance)
- Returns:
pointer on A->iWork allocated space of with the right size
double *NM_dWork(NumericsMatrix *A, int size)#
Double workspace initialization, if needed.
- Parameters:
A – [inout] pointer on a NumericsMatrix.
size – [in] the size of needed space.
- Returns:
pointer on A->dWork allocated space of with the right size
void NM_add_to_diag3(NumericsMatrix *M, double alpha)#
Add a constant term to the diagonal elements, when the block of the SBM are 3x3.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix
alpha – the term to add
void NM_add_to_diag5(NumericsMatrix *M, double alpha)#
Add a constant term to the diagonal elements, when the block of the SBM are 5x5.
- Parameters:
M – the matrix
alpha – the term to add
RawNumericsMatrix *NM_add(double alpha, NumericsMatrix *A, double beta, NumericsMatrix *B)#
Add two matrices with coefficients C = alpha*A + beta*B.
- Parameters:
alpha – the first coefficient
A – the first matrix
beta – the second coefficient
B – the second matrix
- Returns:
C a new NumericsMatrix
void NM_scal(double alpha, NumericsMatrix *A)#
Multiply a matrix with a double alpha*A –> A.
- Parameters:
alpha – the coefficient
A – the matrix
static inline void NM_assert(NM_types type, NumericsMatrix *M)#
assert that a NumericsMatrix has the right structure given its type
- Parameters:
type – expected type
M – the matrix to check
int NM_check(const NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Check the matrix (the sparse format for now)
- Parameters:
A – the matrix to check
- Returns:
0 if the matrix storage is fine, 1 if not
double NM_norm_1(NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Compute the 1-norm of a sparse matrix = max (sum (abs (A))), largest column sum of a matrix (the sparse format for now)
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
- Returns:
the norm
double NM_norm_inf(NumericsMatrix *const A)#
Compute the inf-norm of a sparse matrix = max (sum (abs (A^T))), largest row sum of a matrix (the sparse format for now)
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
- Returns:
the norm
int NM_is_symmetric(NumericsMatrix *A)#
double NM_symmetry_discrepancy(NumericsMatrix *A)#
static inline NumericsMatrix *NM_convert(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Pass a NumericsMatrix through swig typemaps.
This is only useful in python.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
- Returns:
double NM_iterated_power_method(NumericsMatrix *A, double tol, int itermax)#
Compute the maximum eigenvalue with the iterated power method.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
- Returns:
the maximum eigenvalue
int NM_max_by_columns(NumericsMatrix *A, double *max)#
Compute the maximum values by columns.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
max – the vector of max that must be preallocated
- Returns:
int NM_max_by_rows(NumericsMatrix *A, double *max)#
Compute the maximum values by rows.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
max – the vector of max that must be preallocated
- Returns:
int NM_max_abs_by_columns(NumericsMatrix *A, double *max)#
Compute the maximum absolute values by columns.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
max – the vector of max that must be preallocated
- Returns:
int NM_max_abs_by_rows(NumericsMatrix *A, double *max)#
Compute the maximum absolute values by rows.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
max – the vector of max that must be preallocated
- Returns:
int NM_compute_balancing_matrices(NumericsMatrix *A, double tol, int itermax, BalancingMatrices *B)#
Compute the balancing matrices for a given matrix by iteration.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix
tol – tolerance on the balanced matrix
itermax – max number of iterations
alloated – structure for the balancing matrices and the balanced matrix
- Returns:
0 if succeed.
BalancingMatrices *NM_BalancingMatrices_new(NumericsMatrix *A)#
Create a Balancing Matrices structure.
- Parameters:
A – the matrix to be balanced
BalancingMatrices *NM_BalancingMatrices_free(BalancingMatrices *A)#
free a Balancing Matrices structure
void NM_reset_version(NumericsMatrix *M, NM_types id)#
Reset the version of a NM_types storage.
- Parameters:
M – the NumericsMatrix,
id – the NM_types storage
void NM_reset_versions(NumericsMatrix *M)#
Reset versions of all storages.
- Parameters:
M – the NumericsMatrix
void NM_version_sync(NumericsMatrix *M)#
int NM_isnan(NumericsMatrix *M)#
struct NumericsMatrixInternalData#
- #include <NumericsMatrix.h>
Structure for simple workspaces.
Public Members
size_t iWorkSize#
size of iWork
void *iWork#
integer workspace
size_t sizeof_elt#
sizeof_elt of an element in bytes (result of sizeof for instance)
size_t dWorkSize#
size of dWork
double *dWork#
double workspace
bool isLUfactorized#
true if the matrix has already been LU-factorized
bool isCholeskyfactorized#
true if the matrix has already been Cholesky factorized
bool isLDLTfactorized#
true if the matrix has already been LDLT factorized
bool isInversed#
true if the matrix contains its inverse (in place inversion)
size_t iWorkSize#
struct NumericsMatrix#
- #include <NumericsMatrix.h>
Interface to different type of matrices in numerics component.
See NM_* functions for linear algebra operations on dense, sparse block and sparse storage.
Public Members
NM_types storageType#
the type of storage: 0: dense (double*), 1: SparseBlockStructuredMatrix, 2: classical sparse (csc, csr or triplet) via CSparse (from T.
int size0#
number of rows
int size1#
number of columns
double *matrix0#
dense storage
SparseBlockStructuredMatrix *matrix1#
sparse block storage
NumericsSparseMatrix *matrix2#
csc, csr or triplet storage
NumericsMatrixInternalData *internalData#
internal storage, used for workspace among other things
NumericsDataVersion version#
NumericsMatrix *destructible#
pointer on the destructible matrix, by default points toward the matrix itself
NM_types storageType#
struct BalancingMatrices#