File kernel/src/utils/SiconosAlgebra/BlockVector.hpp#
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Object to handle vectors of vectors.
class BlockVector
- #include <BlockVector.hpp>
“Block” vector : container (list) of SiconosVector
A block vector is a stl vector that handles pointers to SiconosVector.
Insertion of nullptr SP::SiconosVector is not allowed.
Public Functions
default contructor
BlockVector(const BlockVector &v)
copy contructor
- Parameters:
v – BlockVector&
BlockVector(SP::SiconosVector v1, SP::SiconosVector v2)
contructor with 2 SiconosVectors
- Parameters:
v1 – first vector
v2 – second vector
BlockVector(unsigned int numberOfBlocks, unsigned int dim)
contructor with a BlockVector of n (numberOfBlocks) blocks of the same size (dim) filled with a new vector
- Parameters:
numberOfBlocks – number of blocks
dim – dimension of the vector
BlockVector(unsigned int numberOfBlocks)
contructor with a BlockVector of n (numberOfBlocks) blocks that point on nullptr
- Parameters:
numberOfBlocks – number of blocks
inline ~BlockVector()
void setBlock(const SiconosVector &input, unsigned int size_block, unsigned int start_in, unsigned int start_out)
Set a subblock of the current vector with the content (copy) of a SiconosVector.
- Parameters:
input – the vector to be copied
size_block – size of the block to be copied
start_in – starting position in input vector of the block to be copied
start_out – starting position in current vector of the block to be filled in.
inline unsigned int size() const
- Returns:
the size of the vector (sum of the sizes of all its blocks)
inline VectorOfVectors::iterator begin()
- Returns:
an iterator pointing to the first block in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::iterator end()
- Returns:
an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::const_iterator begin() const
- Returns:
an iterator pointing to the first block in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::const_iterator end() const
- Returns:
an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors getAllVect() const
- Returns:
the complete stl container
inline Index::size_type numberOfBlocks() const
- Returns:
the number of SiconosVectors in the container
bool isDense() const
- Returns:
true if all SiconosVector in the container are dense
void zero()
sets all the values of the vector to 0.0
void fill(double a)
set all values of the vector component to value.
- Parameters:
a – double
void display(void) const
display data on standard output
std::string toString() const
put data of the vector into a std::string
- Returns:
double getValue(unsigned int i) const
Get a component of the vector.
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
the component value
void setValue(unsigned int i, double value)
set a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
value – of the component
double &operator()(unsigned int i)
get a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
value of the component
double operator()(unsigned int i) const
get a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
value of the component
inline SP::SiconosVector vector(unsigned int pos)
get a block (SiconosVector) of the vector
- Parameters:
pos – index of the required block
- Returns:
the expected block
inline SPC::SiconosVector vector(unsigned int pos) const
gets a block (SiconosVector) of the vector
- Parameters:
pos – index of the required block
- Returns:
the expected block
void setVector(unsigned int pos, const SiconosVector &v)
set a block with a given vector (copy!)
- Parameters:
pos – index of the block to set
v – source vector to be copied at position i
void setVectorPtr(unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector v)
set a block with a given vector (pointer link!)
- Parameters:
pos – index of the block to set
v – source vector to be inserted at position i
void setAllVect(VectorOfVectors &v)
Fill the container with a list of SiconosVector.
Warning: pointer links, no copy
- Parameters:
v – the vectors to be inserted
inline const SP::Index tabIndex() const
- Returns:
a pointer to the index tab
unsigned int getNumVectorAtPos(unsigned int pos) const
get the number of the vector that handles element at position “pos”
- Parameters:
pos – unsigned int, position of the element
- Returns:
unsigned int number of the searched vector
BlockVector &operator=(const BlockVector &vIn)
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – the vector to be copied
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator=(const double *data)
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
data – data to put in the BlockVector
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator=(const SiconosVector &vIn)
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – the vector to be copied
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator-=(const BlockVector &vIn)
Subtract in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator+=(const BlockVector&)
Add in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator+=(const SiconosVector &vIn)
Add in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator-=(const SiconosVector &vIn)
Subtract in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator*=(double s)
multiply by a scalar, result in place
- Parameters:
s – the scalar factor
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator/=(double s)
divide by a scalar, result in place
- Parameters:
s – the scalar factor
- Returns:
void insertPtr(SP::SiconosVector v)
Insert a new block (no allocation and nor copy)
- Parameters:
v – the vector to be inserted
double norm2() const
- Returns:
the Euclidian norm of the vector
double normInf() const
- Returns:
the infinite norm of the vector
SP::SiconosVector prepareVectorForPlugin() const
Tranform a BlockVector into a SiconosVector.
Required for plugins, that need contiguous memory for their parameters.
- Returns:
a vector (the result depends on the number of blocks in input. 1 block : link to first component of the container, more : copy of all components into a SiconosVector)
Private Members
unsigned int _sizeV = 0#
Size (ie total number of scalar elements, not number of blocks)
VectorOfVectors _vect#
A container of pointers on SiconosVector.
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BlockVector &bv)
offstream operator
- Parameters:
os – An output stream
bv – a BlockVector
- Returns:
The same output stream