File kernel/src/modelingTools/NewtonEuler3DR.hpp#

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class NewtonEuler3DR : public NewtonEuler1DR
#include <NewtonEuler3DR.hpp>

This class is an interface for relation with impact and FC3D.

From NewtonEuler1DR, it inherits to the computation of the jacobian, this operator is use for the predictor of activation and deactivation of the Interaction. The OSNSP is build using the matrix jachqT, that is computed from the point if contact pc1, pc2 and Nc. Use this class consists in overload the method computeh, and children class has to set the menber pc1, pc2 and nc.

Public Functions

inline NewtonEuler3DR()#
inline virtual ~NewtonEuler3DR()


virtual void initialize(Interaction &inter) override

initialize components specific to derived classes.


inter – the interaction using this relation

virtual void computeJachqT(Interaction &inter, SP::BlockVector q0) override

Default implementation consists in multiplying jachq and T (see NewtonEulerR::computeJachqT) but here we compute the operator from the the contact point locations and the local frame at contact.

  • inter – interaction that owns the relation

  • q0 – the block vector to the dynamical system position

inline virtual void display() const override

main relation members display


Private Functions

void FC3DcomputeJachqTFromContacts(SP::SiconosVector q1)#
void FC3DcomputeJachqTFromContacts(SP::SiconosVector q1, SP::SiconosVector q2)#