File kernel/src/modelingTools/LagrangianLinearTIR.hpp#
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class LagrangianLinearTIR : public LagrangianR
- #include <LagrangianLinearTIR.hpp>
Lagrangian Linear Relation.
Lagrangian Relation with:
\( y= Cq + e + Fz \)
\( p = C^t \lambda \)
C is the only required input to built a LagrangianLinearTIR.
Public Functions
inline LagrangianLinearTIR()
Default constructor.
LagrangianLinearTIR(SP::SimpleMatrix C)
create the Relation from a set of data
- Parameters:
C – the matrix C
LagrangianLinearTIR(SP::SimpleMatrix C, SP::SimpleMatrix F, SP::SiconosVector e)
create the Relation from a set of data
- Parameters:
C – the matrix C
F – the matrix F
e – the vector e
LagrangianLinearTIR(SP::SimpleMatrix C, SP::SiconosVector e)
create the Relation from a set of data
- Parameters:
C – the matrix C
e – the vector e
virtual ~LagrangianLinearTIR() noexcept = default
virtual void checkSize(Interaction &inter) override
check sizes of the relation specific operators.
- Parameters:
inter – an Interaction using this relation
virtual void computeOutput(double time, Interaction &inter, unsigned int derivativeNumber = 0) override
default function to compute y
- Parameters:
time – not used
inter – the Interaction we want to update
derivativeNumber – the derivative of y we want to compute
virtual void computeInput(double time, Interaction &inter, unsigned int level = 0) override
default function to compute r
- Parameters:
time – not used
inter – the Interaction we want to update
level – the derivative of lambda we want to compute
inline virtual void computeJach(double time, Interaction &inter) override
compute all the H Jacobian
- Parameters:
time – not used
inter – the Interaction we want to update
interProp – interaction properties
inline virtual void computeJacg(double time, Interaction &inter) override
compute all the G Jacobian
- Parameters:
time – not used
inter – the Interaction we want to update
interProp – interaction properties
inline virtual SP::SimpleMatrix C() const override
- Returns:
pointer on a plugged matrix
inline void setCPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr)
set C to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newPtr – a SP to plugged matrix
inline SP::SimpleMatrix D() const
- Returns:
pointer on a plugged matrix
inline void setDPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr)
set D to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newPtr – a SP to plugged matrix
inline SP::SimpleMatrix F() const
- Returns:
pointer on a plugged matrix
inline void setFPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr)
set F to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newPtr – a SP to plugged matrix
inline SP::SiconosVector e() const
- Returns:
pointer on a plugged vector
inline void setEPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)
set e to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newPtr – a SP to plugged vector
virtual void display() const override
print the data to the screen
inline virtual bool isLinear() override
- Returns:
true if the relation is linear.
Protected Functions
inline LagrangianLinearTIR()