File kernel/src/simulationTools/Hem5OSI.hpp


File kernel/src/simulationTools/Hem5OSI.hpp#

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Hem5OSI solver (from E.

Hairer software lists)

class Hem5OSI : public OneStepIntegrator
#include <Hem5OSI.hpp>

Hem5OSI solver (odepack)

Many parameters are required as input/output for LSODAR. See the documentation of this function in externals/odepack/opkdmain.f to have a full description of these parameters.

Most of them are read-only parameters (ie can not be set by user).

  • jt: Jacobian type indicator (1 means a user-supplied full Jacobian, 2 means an internally generated full Jacobian).

    Default = 2.

  • itol, rtol and atol

    ITOL = an indicator for the type of error control.

    RTOL = a relative error tolerance parameter, either a scalar or array of length NEQ.

    ATOL = an absolute error tolerance parameter, either a scalar or an array of length NEQ. Input only.

Public Types

enum Hem5OSI_ds_workVector_id#


enumerator FREE#
enumerator WORK_LENGTH#
enum Hem5OSI_interaction_workVector_id#


enumerator OSNSP_RHS#
enum Hem5OSI_interaction_workBlockVector_id#


enumerator xfree#

Public Functions


Default and only constructor.

~Hem5OSI() noexcept = default


inline const std::vector<int> intData() const

get vector of int parameters for lsodar


a vector<int>

inline int intData(unsigned int i) const

get _intData[i]


i – index


an int

inline void setIntData(unsigned int i, int newValue)

set _intData[i]

  • i – index

  • newValue

inline const std::vector<double> &getRtol() const

relative tolerance parameter for Hem5

inline const std::vector<double> &getAtol() const

absolute tolerance parameter for Hem5

inline int getMaxNstep() const

get the maximum number of steps for one call


an interger

inline const std::vector<double> &getRwork() const

real work vector parameter for lsodar

inline const std::vector<int> &getIwork() const


void setTol(int itol, std::vector<double> &&rtol, std::vector<double> &&atol)

set itol, rtol and atol (tolerance parameters for Hem5)

  • itol – int (itol value)

  • rtol – double * (rtol)

  • atol – double * (atol)

void setTol(int itol, double rtol, double atol)

set itol, rtol and atol (scalar tolerance parameters for Hem5)

  • itol – int (itol value)

  • rtol – double (rtol)

  • atol – double (atol)

void setMaxNstep(int nstepmax)

set the maximul number of steps for one call of Hem5OSI


nstepmax – an int

void setMaxStepSize(double maxstepsize)

set the minimum and maximum step sizes


maxstepsize – double (maximul step size)

void updateIntData()

update _intData

void updateData()

update doubleData and iwork memory size, when changes occur in _intData.

void fillqWork(int *sizex, double *x)

fill qWork with a double

  • sizex – int*, size of x array

  • x – double* x:array of double

void fillvWork(int *sizex, double *x)

fill vWork with a double

  • sizex – int*, size of x array

  • x – double* x:array of double

void computeRhs(double)

compute rhs(t) for all dynamical systems in the set

void computeJacobianRhs(double)

compute jacobian of the rhs at time t for all dynamical systems in the set

unsigned int numberOfConstraints()#
void f(int *sizeOfX, double *time, double *x, double *xdot)#
void g(int *nEq, double *time, double *x, int *ng, double *gOut)#
void jacobianfx(int*, double*, double*, int*, int*, double*, int*)#
virtual void initialize() override

initialization of the integrator

virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForDS(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds) override

initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one dynamical system on the graph and needed by the osi

  • t – time of initialization

  • ds – the dynamical system

virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter, InteractionProperties &interProp, DynamicalSystemsGraph &DSG) override

initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one interaction on the graph and needed by the osi

  • inter – the interaction

  • interProp – the properties on the graph

  • DSG – the dynamical systems graph

inline virtual unsigned int numberOfIndexSets() const override

get the number of index sets required for the simulation


unsigned int

virtual void integrate(double &tinit, double &tend, double &tout, int &idid) override

integrate the system, between tinit and tend (->iout=true), with possible stop at tout (->iout=false)

  • tinit – initial time

  • tend – end time

  • tout – real end time

  • idid – in-out parameter, input: 1 for first call, else 2. Output: 2 if no root was found, else 3.

virtual void updateState(const unsigned int level) override

update the state of the DynamicalSystems attached to this Integrator


level – level of interest for the dynamics

inline virtual void prepareNewtonIteration(double time) override#
virtual void computeFreeOutput(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem *osnsp) override

integrates the Interaction linked to this integrator, without taking non-smooth effects into account

  • vertex_inter – of the interaction graph

  • osnsp – pointer to OneStepNSProblem

inline virtual SiconosVector &osnsp_rhs(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, InteractionsGraph &indexSet) override

return the workVector corresponding to the right hand side of the OneStepNonsmooth problem

virtual void display() override

print the data to the screen


Public Members

std::shared_ptr<Hem5OSI_impl> _impl = {nullptr}#

Private Functions


Private Members

std::vector<int> _intData = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}#

vector of integer data for the integrator _intData[0] NQ size of the position vector q _intData[1] NV size of the velocity vector v NQ >= NQ _intData[2] NU size of the external dynamic vector u _intData[3] NL size of the Lagrange multiplier vector lambda _intData[4] ITOL indicates whether RTOL and ATOL are scalar (ITOL=0), or array of dimension NQ + NV + NU (ITOL=1) _intData[5] IOUT selects the dense output formula _intData[6] LWK length of real array rwork _intData[7] LIWK length of integer array iwork See hem5.f

int _idid = {0}#
std::vector<double> rtol = {}#

relative tolerance

std::vector<double> atol = {}#

absolute tolerance

std::vector<double> rwork = {}#

real work array

std::vector<int> iwork = {}#

int work array

double _timeStep = {INITIAL_GUESS_TS}#
SP::BlockVector _qWork#

temporary vector to save q values

SP::BlockVector _vWork#

temporary vector to save v values

SP::BlockVector _uWork#

temporary vector to save v values

SP::BlockVector _aWork#

temporary vector to save a values

SP::BlockVector _lambdaWork#

temporary vector to save lambda values

SP::BlockVector _forcesWork#

temporary vector to save forces values

SP::SiconosVector _qtmp#
SP::SiconosVector _vtmp#
SP::SiconosVector _utmp#
SP::SiconosVector _atmp#
SP::SiconosVector _lambdatmp#
SP::SiconosVector _forcestmp#

Private Static Attributes

static constexpr auto HEM5_ATOL_DEFAULT = 100 * siconos::internal::MACHINE_PREC#
static constexpr auto HEM5_RTOL_DEFAULT = 10 * siconos::internal::MACHINE_PREC#
static constexpr double INITIAL_GUESS_TS = 1.e-3#


friend struct _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput
class Hem5OSI_impl#

Public Functions

void fprob(int *IFCN, int *NQ, int *NV, int *NU, int *NL, int *LDG, int *LDF, int *LDA, int *NBLK, int *NMRC, int *NPGP, int *NPFL, int *INDGR, int *INDGC, int *INDFLR, int *INDFLC, double *time, double *q, double *v, double *u, double *xl, double *G, double *GQ, double *F, double *GQQ, double *GT, double *FL, double *QDOT, double *UDOT, double *AM)#
void solout(int *MODE, int *NSTEP, int *NQ, int *NV, int *NU, int *NL, int *LDG, int *LDF, int *LDA, int *LRDO, int *LIDO, siconos::fortran::hairer::fprobpointer FPROB, double *q, double *v, double *u, double *DOWK, int *IDOWK)#
inline Hem5OSI_impl(std::shared_ptr<Hem5OSI> h)#

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<Hem5OSI> hem5osi = {nullptr}#