File numerics/src/tools/NumericsVector.h#
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Structure definition and functions related to vector storage in Numerics.
void NV_display(const double *const m, int n)#
Screen display of the vector content stored as a double * array.
- Parameters:
m – the vector to be displayed
n – the size of the vector
void NV_copy(const double *const vec, unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
void NV_write_in_file_python(double *m, int nRow, FILE *file)#
bool NV_equal(double *x, double *y, int nRow, double tol)#
Test if two vectors are equal up to a given tolerance.
- Parameters:
x – the vector to be tested
y – the vector to be tested
n – the size of the vector
tol – the tolerance
- Returns:
1 is equal
void NV_insert(double *x, const unsigned int xSize, const double *const y, const unsigned int ySize, unsigned int i)#
Insert the vector y into the vector x starting from position i.
- Parameters:
x – the vector
size_x – the size of the vector x
y – the vector to be inserted
size_y – the size of the vector y
i – the position of insertion
void NV_power2(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
Put all elements of vector to the square (element by element)
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
out – is the result power2 vector
double NV_reduce(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Sum all the elements in vector.
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
sum of all the elements in vector
void NV_prod(const double *const vec1, const double *const vec2, const unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
Element by element product of two vectors.
- Parameters:
vec1 – is the vector
vec2 – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
out – is the result product vector
double *NV_div(const double *const x, const double *const y, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Element by element division of two vectors.
- Parameters:
x – is the vector
y – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
product vector
double NV_min(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Find a minimum value of vertor.
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
a minimum value of vertor
double NV_max(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Find a maximum value of vertor.
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
a minimum value of vertor
double *NV_abs(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Compute abs vector.
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
elemet by element abs vector
void NV_add(const double *const vec1, const double *const vec2, const unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
Compute element by element by element sum.
- Parameters:
vec1 – is the vector
vec2 – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
out – is the sum vector
void NV_const_add(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize, const double alpha, const double beta, double *out)#
Compute y = alpha * x + beta.
- Parameters:
x – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
alpha – is a scalar
beta – is a scalar
out – is y = alpha * x + beta
void NV_sub(const double *const vec1, const double *const vec2, const unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
Compute element by element by element subtraction.
- Parameters:
vec1 – is the vector
vec2 – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
subtract vector
double NV_norm_inf(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Find a L-inf norm of vertor ( max(abs(vec)) )
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
a minimum value of vertor
double NV_norm_2(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#
Find a L-2 norm of vertor ( sqrt(sum(vec^2)) )
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – the size of the vector vec
- Returns:
a minimum value of vertor
void NV_sqrt(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize, double *out)#
Compute element by element square root.
- Parameters:
vec – is the vector
vecSize – is the size of the vector vec
out – is the sqrt vector
void NV_dott(const double *const vec1, const double *const vec2, const unsigned int vecSize, NumericsMatrix *out)#
Compute scalar product x x^T which is a matrix of rank 1.
- Parameters:
vec1 – is the vector
vec2 – is the vector
vecSize – is the size of the vector vec
out – is the resut matrix of rank 1.
int NV_isnan(const double *const vec, const unsigned int vecSize)#