File kernel/src/simulationTools/TimeStepping.hpp#
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Time-Stepping simulation.
Event-capturing Time-Stepping simulation.
This class implements the basic algorithm for Event-capturing Time-Stepping simulations.
References :
V. Acary and B. Brogliato. Numerical Methods for Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems: Applications in Mechanics and Electronics, volume 35 of Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics. Springer Verlag, 2008.
typedef void (*CheckSolverFPtr)(int, Simulation*)#
type of function used to post-treat output info from solver.
class TimeStepping : public Simulation
Subclassed by TimeSteppingCombinedProjection, TimeSteppingDirectProjection
Public Functions
virtual void initializeOneStepNSProblem() override
initialisation specific to TimeStepping for OneStepNSProblem.
TimeStepping(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td, SP::OneStepIntegrator osi, SP::OneStepNSProblem osnspb)
Standard constructor.
- Parameters:
nsds – NonSmoothDynamicalSystem to be simulated
td – pointer to a timeDiscretisation used in the integration
osi – one step integrator (default none)
osnspb – one step non smooth problem (default none)
TimeStepping(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td, int nb = 0)
Constructor with the time-discretisation.
- Parameters:
nsds – NonSmoothDynamicalSystem to be simulated
td – pointer to a timeDiscretisation used in the integration
nb – number of non smooth problem
virtual void insertIntegrator(SP::OneStepIntegrator osi) override
insert an Integrator into the simulation list of integrators
- Parameters:
osi – the OneStepIntegrator to add
virtual ~TimeStepping() noexcept = default
virtual void updateIndexSet(unsigned int i) override
update indexSets[i] of the topology, using current y and lambda values of Interactions
- Parameters:
i – the number of the set to be updated
virtual void nextStep()
increment model current time according to User TimeDiscretisation and call SaveInMemory.
void computeFreeState()
integrates all the DynamicalSystems taking not into account nslaw, reactions (ie non-smooth part) …
void resetLambdas()
Reset all lambdas of all interactions.
virtual void advanceToEvent() override
step from current event to next event of EventsManager
void computeOneStep()
run one time—step of the simulation
inline unsigned int getNewtonNbIterations()
To known the number of steps performed by the Newton algorithm.
- Returns:
the number of steps performed by the Newton algorithm
inline unsigned int getNewtonCumulativeNbIterations()
To known the number of steps performed by the Newton algorithm.
- Returns:
the cumulative number of steps performed by the Newton algorithm
void initializeNewtonSolve()
initialize the Newton It computes the initial residu and set the, if needed to Newton variable to start the newton algorithm.
virtual void computeInitialStateOfTheStep() override#
void prepareNewtonIteration()#
bool newtonCheckConvergence(double criterion)
check the convergence of Newton algorithm according to criterion
- Parameters:
criterion – convergence criterion
- Returns:
bool = true if Newton method has converged
virtual void run() override
run the simulation, from t0 to T with default parameters if any setting has been done
void DefaultCheckSolverOutput(int info)
check returning value from computeOneStepNSProblem and process
- Parameters:
info – solver-specific error code return by the nonsmooth solver
void setCheckSolverFunction(CheckSolverFPtr newF)
Set CheckSolverOutput function.
- Parameters:
newF – pointer to function steering the behavior of simulation when nonsmooth solver failed
inline bool isNewtonConverge()#
inline bool displayNewtonConvergence()#
inline void setDisplayNewtonConvergence(bool newval)#
inline void setNewtonWarningOnNonConvergence(bool newval)#
inline bool newtonWarningOnNonConvergence()#
inline void setWarningNonsmoothSolver(bool newval)#
inline bool warningNonsmoothSolver()#
void displayNewtonConvergenceAtTheEnd(int info, unsigned int maxStep)#
void displayNewtonConvergenceInTheLoop()#
inline void setResetAllLambda(bool newval)#
inline void setSkipLastUpdateOutput(bool newval)#
inline bool skipLastUpdateOutput()#
inline void setSkipLastUpdateInput(bool newval)#
inline bool skipLastUpdateInput()#
inline void setSkipResetLambdas(bool newval)#
inline bool skipResetLambdas()#
inline void setComputeResiduY(bool v)
To specify if the output interaction residu must be computed.
- Parameters:
v – set to true when the output interaction residu must be computed
inline virtual bool computeResiduY() override
To know if the output interaction residu must be computed.
- Returns:
bool _computeResiduY
inline void setComputeResiduR(bool v)
To specify if the input interaction residu must be computed.
- Parameters:
v – set to true when the input interaction residu must be computed
inline virtual bool computeResiduR() override
To known if the input interaction residu must be computed.
- Returns:
bool _computeResiduR
inline void setNewtonTolerance(double tol)
set the Default Newton tolerance
- Parameters:
tol – Newton solver tolerance
inline double newtonTolerance()
get the Newton tolerance
- Returns:
default Newton solver tolerance
inline void setNewtonMaxIteration(unsigned int maxStep)
set the maximum number of Newton iteration
- Parameters:
maxStep – maximum number of Newton solver iterations
inline unsigned int newtonMaxIteration()
get the maximum number of Newton iteration
- Returns:
maximum number of Newton solver iterations
inline void setNewtonOptions(unsigned int v)
set the NewtonOptions
- Parameters:
v – Newton solver options
inline unsigned int newtonOptions()
get the NewtonOptions
- Returns:
inline double newtonResiduDSMax()
accessor to _newtonResiduDSMax
- Returns:
inline double newtonResiduYMax()
accessor to _newtonResiduYMax
- Returns:
inline double newtonResiduRMax()
accessor to _newtonResiduRMax
- Returns:
Protected Functions
inline TimeStepping()#
Default Constructor.
virtual void newtonSolve(double criterion, unsigned int maxStep)#
newton algorithm
- Parameters:
criterion – convergence criterion
maxStep – maximum number of Newton steps
Protected Attributes
unsigned int _newtonMaxIteration#
Default maximum number of Newton iteration.
unsigned int _newtonNbIterations#
Number of steps performed in the Newton Loop.
unsigned int _newtonCumulativeNbIterations#
Cumulative number of steps performed in the Newton Loops.
unsigned int _newtonOptions#
unsigned int _newtonOptions option in the Newon iteration SICONOS_TS_LINEAR or SICONOS_TS_LINEAR_IMPLICIT SICONOS_TS_NONLINEAR will force a single iteration of the Newton Solver SICONOS_TS_NONLINEAR (default) will perform the newton iteration up to convergence
double _newtonResiduDSMax#
Maximum Residual for the Dynamical system.
double _newtonResiduYMax#
Maximum Residual for the output of the relation.
double _newtonResiduRMax#
Maximum Residual for the input of the relation.
bool _computeResiduY#
boolean variable to know whether the ResiduY has to be computed or not if true, the ResiduY is computed and the convergence is checked
bool _computeResiduR#
boolean variable to know whether the ResiduR has to be computed or not if true, the ResiduR is computed and the convergence is checked
bool _isNewtonConverge#
boolean variable to know whether Newton iterations converge or not
bool _newtonUpdateInteractionsPerIteration#
boolean variable indicating whether interactions should be updated within the Newton loop.
bool _displayNewtonConvergence#
boolean variable to display Newton info
bool _newtonWarningOnNonConvergence#
boolean variable to display warning on non-convergence
bool _warningNonsmoothSolver#
boolean variable to display warning if osnspb is not correcltys olved
bool _resetAllLambda#
boolean variable to resetAllLamda at each step (default true)
bool _skip_last_updateOutput#
boolean variable to skip updateOutput at the end of the step (default false)
bool _skip_last_updateInput#
boolean variable to skip updateInput at the end of the step (default false) useful for Global integrators that do not need to compute input in the linear case
bool _skip_resetLambdas#
boolean variable to skip resetLambdas (default false)
virtual void initializeOneStepNSProblem() override