File kernel/src/modelingTools/NormalConeNSL.hpp#

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formalization of the NormalCone nonsmooth law

class NormalConeNSL : public NonSmoothLaw
#include <NormalConeNSL.hpp>

NormalCone NonSmoothLaw.

This class formalizes a nonsmooth law in the form of a normal cone inclusion i.e.

\[ 0 \in y + \mathcal{N}_{P}(\lambda), \]

where \( P \) is a polyhedral set. This is a generalization of the RelayNSL law, where the set \( P \) is a scaled box. Note that there exists an inverse of the previous relation in the form

\[ \lambda \in \partial \sigma_{P} (-y), \]

with \( \sigma_{P} \) the support function of \( P \) and \( \partial \sigma_{P} \) the subdifferential of this support function.

Note that the polyhedral set \( P \) is described as \( \{\lambda\mid H \lambda \geq K\} \), where \( H \) is a matrix and \( K \) a vector.

Public Functions

NormalConeNSL(unsigned size, SP::SimpleMatrix H, SP::SiconosVector K)

Constructor with the polyhedral representation of P as Hx >= K.

  • size – size of the NonSmoothLaw

  • H – matrix in the (H-K)-representation of the polytope P

  • K – vector in the (H-K)-representation of the polytope P

virtual ~NormalConeNSL()#
inline SimpleMatrix &H()

get H


a reference to the H matrix

inline SiconosVector &K()

get K


a reference to the K vector

virtual bool isVerified() const override

check the ns law to see if it is verified


true if the NS Law is verified, false otherwise

virtual void display() const override

print the data to the screen


Private Functions


default constructor

Private Members

SP::SimpleMatrix _H#

matrix in the (H-K)-representation of the polytope

SP::SiconosVector _K#

vector in the (H-K)-representation of polytope