Class SimpleMatrix


Class SimpleMatrix#

Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/utils/SiconosAlgebra/SimpleMatrix.hpp

class SimpleMatrix : public SiconosMatrix#

Matrix (embedded various types of Boost matrices of double)

SimpleMatrix is used in the platform to store matrices (mathematical object) of double.

Possible types: siconos::DENSE (default), TRIANGULAR, SYMMETRIC, SPARSE, BANDED, ZERO, siconos::IDENTITY, siconos::SPARSE_COORDINATE.


: review resize function for Banded, Symetric and Triangular. Error in tests.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

SimpleMatrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, siconos::UBLAS_TYPE typ = siconos::DENSE, unsigned int upper = 1, unsigned int lower = 1)#

constructor with the type and the dimension of the Boost matrix

  • row – number of rows.

  • col – number of columns.

  • typ – the type of matrix

  • upper – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE==SPARSE, number of non-zero terms, if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. under the main diagonal

  • lower – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. over the main diagonal

SimpleMatrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double inputValue, siconos::UBLAS_TYPE typ = siconos::DENSE, unsigned int upper = 1, unsigned int lower = 1)#

constructor with the the dimensions of the Boost matrix, a default value and the type.

  • row – number of rows.

  • col – number of columns.

  • inputValue – double a, so that *this = [a a a …]

  • typ – the type of matrix

  • upper – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE==SPARSE, number of non-zero terms, if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. under the main diagonal

  • lower – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. over the main diagonal

SimpleMatrix(const SimpleMatrix &smat)#

copy constructor


smat – the matrix to copy

SimpleMatrix(const SimpleMatrix &A, const Index &coord)#

copy constructor of a block given by the coord = [r0A r1A c0A c1A]

  • A – the matrix which contains the block to extract

  • coord – positions of the block to be extracted (row:start, row:end, col:start, col:end)

SimpleMatrix(const SiconosMatrix &m)#

copy constructor


m – the matrix to copy

SimpleMatrix(const DenseMat &m)#

constructor with a DenseMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a DenseMat

SimpleMatrix(const TriangMat &m)#

constructor with a TriangMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a TriangMat

SimpleMatrix(const SymMat &m)#

constructor with a SymMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a SymMat

SimpleMatrix(const BandedMat &m)#

constructor with a BandedMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a BandedMat

SimpleMatrix(const SparseMat &m)#

constructor with a SparseMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a SparseMat

SimpleMatrix(const SparseCoordinateMat &m)#

constructor with a SparseCoordinateMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a SparseMat

SimpleMatrix(const ZeroMat &m)#

constructor with a ZeroMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a ZeroMat

SimpleMatrix(const IdentityMat &m)#

constructor with a IdentityMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)


m – a IdentityMat

SimpleMatrix(const std::string &file, bool ascii = true)#

constructor with an input file

  • file – the input file path

  • ascii – a boolean to indicate if the file is in ascii



inline virtual bool isPLUInversed() const override#

determines if the matrix has been inversed


true if the matrix is inversed

inline virtual bool isPLUFactorized() const override#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline virtual bool isPLUFactorizedInPlace() const override#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline virtual bool isCholeskyFactorized() const override#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline bool isCholeskyFactorizedInPlace() const#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline bool isQRFactorized() const#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

virtual bool checkSymmetry(double tol) const override#

determines if the matrix is symmetric up to a given tolerance


true if the matrix is inversed

virtual const DenseMat getDense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get DenseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a DenseMat

virtual const TriangMat getTriang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get TriangMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a TriangMat

virtual const SymMat getSym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get SymMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SymMat

virtual const BandedMat getBanded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get BandedMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a BandedMat

virtual const SparseMat getSparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get SparseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseMat

virtual const SparseCoordinateMat getSparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get SparseCoordinateMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseCoordinateMat

virtual const ZeroMat getZero(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get ZeroMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a ZeroMat

virtual const IdentityMat getIdentity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get getIdentity matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


an IdentityMat

virtual DenseMat *dense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on DenseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a DenseMat*

virtual TriangMat *triang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on TriangMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a TriangMat*

virtual SymMat *sym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on SymMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SymMat*

virtual BandedMat *banded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on BandedMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a BandedMat*

virtual SparseMat *sparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on SparseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseMat*

virtual SparseCoordinateMat *sparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on SparseCoordinateMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseCoordinateMat*

virtual ZeroMat *zero_mat(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on ZeroMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a ZeroMat*

virtual IdentityMat *identity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

get a pointer on Identity matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix


an IdentityMat*

virtual double *getArray(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override#

return the address of the array of double values of the matrix

  • row – position for the required block ->useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – position for the required block ->useless for SimpleMatrix


double* : the pointer on the double array

virtual void zero() override#

sets all the values of the matrix to 0.0

virtual void randomize() override#

Initialize the matrix with random values.

virtual void eye() override#

set an identity matrix

unsigned copyData(double *data) const#

copy the matrix data to the array given in parameter’ Works only for dense matrices !


data – array where the matrix is copied


the size of the matrix

virtual unsigned int size(unsigned int index) const override#

get the number of rows or columns of the matrix


index – 0 for rows, 1 for columns


the size

virtual void resize(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, unsigned int lower = 0, unsigned int upper = 0, bool preserve = true) override#

resize the matrix with nbrow rows and nbcol columns The existing elements of the matrix are preseved when specified.

  • row – the new number of rows

  • col – the mew number of columns

  • lower – (only for Banded)

  • upper – (only for Banded)

  • preserve – preserve existing elements

virtual double normInf() const override#

compute the infinite norm of the matrix


a double

void normInfByColumn(SP::SiconosVector vIn) const#

Compute the normInf for each column.


vIn – column

double det() const#

compute the determinant of the matrix (use LU factorization)


a double

virtual void display() const override#

display data on standard output

virtual void displayExpert(bool brief = true) const override#

display data on standard output

virtual std::string toString() const override#

put data of the matrix into a std::string



virtual double &operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) override#

get or set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int


the element matrix[i,j]

virtual double operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const override#

get or set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int


the element matrix[i,j]

virtual double getValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const override#

return the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int


a double

virtual void setValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value) override#

set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int

  • value

void setBlock(unsigned int posRow, unsigned int posCol, const SiconosMatrix &m)#

Copy of the content of a given matrix into the current object, at position (posRow, posCol).

Defined in SimpleMatrixSetGet.cpp.

  • posRow – row-index of the targeted block

  • posCol – col-index of the targeted block

  • m – source matrix to be copied. Can be a SimpleMatrix or a BlockMatrix.

virtual void getRow(unsigned int row, SiconosVector &vOut) const override#

get row index of current matrix and save it into vOut

  • row – index row we want to get

  • vOut[out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired row

virtual void getCol(unsigned int col, SiconosVector &vOut) const override#

get column index of current matrix and save it into vOut

  • col – index column we want to get

  • vOut[out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired column

virtual void setRow(unsigned int row, const SiconosVector &vIn) override#

set line row of the current matrix with vector v

  • row – index row we want to set

  • vInSiconosVector containing the new row

virtual void setCol(unsigned int col, const SiconosVector &vIn) override#

set column col of the current matrix with vector v

  • col – index column we want to set

  • vIn – a SiconosVector containing the new column

void getSubCol(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vOut) const#

get column number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos and save it into vOut

  • index – index of required column

  • pos – index of the first required element in the column

  • vOut[out] a SP::SiconosVector

void getSubRow(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vOut) const#

get row number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos and save it into vOut

  • index – index of the required row

  • pos – index of the first required element in the row

  • vOut[out] a SP::SiconosVector that will contain the sub row

void setSubCol(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vIn)#

set column number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos, with vIn

  • index – index of required column

  • pos – index of the first required element in the column

  • vIn – a vector

void setSubRow(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vIn)#

set row number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos, with vIn

  • index – index of required row

  • pos – index of the first required element in the row

  • vIn – a vector

void addBlock(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const SiconosMatrix &m)#

add the input matrix to the elements starting from position i (row) and j (col).

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int

  • m – a SiconosMatrix

void subBlock(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const SiconosMatrix &m)#

subtract the input matrix to the elements starting from position i (row) and j (col).

  • i – an unsigned int

  • j – an unsigned int

  • m – a SiconosMatrix

virtual void trans() override#

transpose in place: x->trans() is x = transpose of x.

virtual void trans(const SiconosMatrix &mat) override#

transpose a matrix: x->trans(m) is x = transpose of m.


mat – the matrix to be transposed.

virtual SimpleMatrix &operator=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override#



m – the matrix to be copied



SimpleMatrix &operator=(const SimpleMatrix &m)#



m – the matrix to be copied



virtual SimpleMatrix &operator=(const DenseMat &m) override#

assignment to a DenseMat


m – the matrix to be copied



virtual SimpleMatrix &operator+=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override#

operator +=


m – a matrix to add



virtual SimpleMatrix &operator-=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override#

operator -=


m – a matrix to subtract



virtual void PLUFactorizationInPlace() override#

computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix using partial pivoting with row interchanges.

The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetrf function.

virtual void Factorize() override#

computes a factorization of a general M-by-N matrix

virtual void PLUInverseInPlace() override#

compute inverse of this thanks to LU factorization with Partial pivoting.

This method inverts U and then computes inv(A) by solving the system inv(A)*L = inv(U) for inv(A). The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetri function.

virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosMatrix &B) override#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.

Based on Blas dgetrs function.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void Solve(SiconosMatrix &B) override#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosVector &B) override#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.

Based on Blas dgetrs function.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void Solve(SiconosVector &B) override#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

void SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosMatrix &B)#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the Least squares method


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

void SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosVector &B)#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the Least squares method


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void resetLU() override#

set to false all LU indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.

void resetCholesky()#

set to false all Cholesky indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.

void resetQR()#

set to false all QR indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.

virtual void resetFactorizationFlags() override#

set to false all factorization indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.


Visitors hook.


friend SimpleMatrix operator*(double, const SiconosMatrix&)#

multiplication of a matrix by a double


a SimpleMatrix

friend const SimpleMatrix operator+(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)#

operator += add B to A

  • A[inout] a SP::SiconosMatrix

  • B – a SP::SiconosMatrix Addition of two matrices, C = A+B

  • A – a SiconosMatrix

  • B – a SiconosMatrix


a SimpleMatrix C

friend SP::SimpleMatrix operator+(const SP::SimpleMatrix, const SP::SimpleMatrix)#

Addition of two matrices, C = A+B.

  • A – a SP::SiconosMatrix

  • B – a SP::SiconosMatrix


a SP::SimpleMatrix

friend void add(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&, SiconosMatrix&)#

Addition of two matrices C = A+B.

friend const SimpleMatrix operator-(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)#

Subtraction of two matrices, C = A-B.


a SimpleMatrix

friend void sub(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&, SiconosMatrix&)#

Subtraction of two matrices C = A-B.

friend bool operator==(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)#

: A==B when (A-B).normInf()<tolerance


a boolean

friend bool operator!=(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)#

: A!=B when (A-B).normInf()>tolerance


a boolean