File numerics/src/tools/quartic.h

File numerics/src/tools/quartic.h#

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quartic algorithm to find roots of quartic polynomials


int QUADROOTS(double p[5], double r[3][5])#

CACM Algorithm 326 Roots of low order polynomials Author: Terence R.F.Nonweiler CACM (Apr 1968) p269 Translated into c and programmed by M.Dow ANUSF, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Suite of procedures for finding the (complex) roots of the quadratic, cubic or quartic polynomials by explicit algebraic methods. Each Returns x=r[1][k] + i r[2][k] k=1,…,n, where n={2,3,4} as roots of sum_{k=0:n} p[k] x^(n-k) =0 Assume p[0]<>0 (overflows otherwise) Suite of procedures for finding the (complex) roots of the quadratic,

  • p – Coefficients of the polynomial

  • r – root of the polynomial r[1][k] real part of the kth root r[2][k] imaginary part.


always 0

int CUBICROOTS(double p[5], double r[3][5])#
int BIQUADROOTS(double p[5], double r[3][5])#