File numerics/src/MLCP/mlcp_enum_tool.h#

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void mlcp_enum_build_M(int *zw, double *M, double *Mref, int n, int m, int NbLines)#
void mlcp_enum_build_M_Block(int *zw, double *M, double *Mref, int n, int m, int NbLines, int *indexInBlock)#
void mlcp_enum_fill_solution(double *z1, double *z2, double *w1, double *w2, int n, int m, int NbLines, int *zw, double *Q)#
void mlcp_enum_fill_solution_Block(double *z, double *w, int n, int m, int NbLines, int *zw, double *Q, int *indexInBlock)#
void mlcp_enum_display_solution(double *z1, double *z2, double *w1, double *w2, int n, int m, int NbLines)#
void mlcp_enum_display_solution_Block(double *z, double *w, int n, int m, int Nblines, int *indexInBlock)#
void mlcp_enum_build_indexInBlock(MixedLinearComplementarityProblem *problem, int *indexInBlock)#