Struct NumericsSparseMatrix#

Defined in Program listing for file numerics/src/tools/NumericsSparseMatrix.h

struct NumericsSparseMatrix

Sparse matrix representation in Numerics.

The supported format are: triplet (aka coordinate, COO), CSC (via CSparse) and CSR if MKL is used

Public Members

CSparseMatrix *triplet

triplet format, aka coordinate

CSparseMatrix *half_triplet

half triplet format for symmetric matrices

CSparseMatrix *csc

csc matrix

CSparseMatrix *trans_csc

transpose of a csc matrix (used by CSparse)

CSparseMatrix *csr

csr matrix, only supported with mkl

CS_INT *diag_indx

indices for the diagonal terms.

Very useful for the proximal perturbation

NSM_t origin

original format of the matrix

NSM_linear_solver_params *linearSolverParams

solver-specific parameters