File numerics/src/FrictionContact/fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solvers.h#
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Non Smooth Newton Solvers for FC3D […].
typedef void (*fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solversFunPtr)(void *data, unsigned int problem_size, double *reaction, double *velocity, double *mu, double *rho, double *F, double *A, double *B)#
The nonsmooth function signature.
typedef void (*FrictionContactNSFun3x3Ptr)(double *reaction, double *velocity, double mu, double *rho, double *F, double *A, double *B)#
The nonsmooth function signature for a 3x3 block.
void fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solvers_solve(fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solvers *equation, double *reaction, double *velocity, int *info, SolverOptions *options)#
Solve the equation.
The only implemented method is a nonsmooth Newton method with a Goldstein Price or a FBLSA line search. Linear solver choice and line search are specified in SolverOptions parameter.
- Parameters:
equation – the nonsmooth equation.
reaction – the reaction guess as input and the solution as output.
velocity – the velocity guess as input and the solution as output.
info – the return info. 0 success, 1 failure.
options – the SolverOptions parameter.
void computeAWpB(double *A, NumericsMatrix *W, double *B, NumericsMatrix *AWpB)#
struct fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solvers#
- #include <fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solvers.h>
The nonsmooth equation structure.
Public Members
FrictionContactProblem *problem#
void *data#
fc3d_nonsmooth_Newton_solversFunPtr function#
FrictionContactProblem *problem#