File numerics/src/FrictionContact/fc3d_Path.h#
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Typedef and functions declarations related to NCP-Path solver for 3 dimension frictional contact problems.
Each solver must have 4 functions in its interface:
initialize: link local static variables to the global ones (M,q,…)
update: link/fill the local variables corresponding to sub-blocks of the full problem, for a specific contact
solve: solve the local problem
void fc3d_Path_initialize(FrictionContactProblem *problem, FrictionContactProblem *localproblem, SolverOptions *localsolver_options)#
Initialize friction-contact 3D Path solver.
- Parameters:
problem – to solve
localproblem – to solve
localsolver_options – of the solver
int fc3d_Path_solve(FrictionContactProblem *localproblem, double *reaction, SolverOptions *options)#
solve friction-contact 3D problem with Path
- Parameters:
localproblem – to solve
reaction –
options – of the solver
- Returns:
if sucessfull
void fc3d_Path_free(void)#
free memory for friction contact 3D Path solver
void fc3d_Path_computeError(int dimension, double *velocity, double *reaction, double *output_error)
compute error for friction-contact 3D problem with Path
in-out parameter )
- Parameters:
dimension – of the global problem
velocity – [inout] vector (
reaction – vector
output_error –