File numerics/src/LCP/LinearComplementarityProblem.h#
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void linearComplementarity_display(LinearComplementarityProblem *problem)#
display a LinearComplementarityProblem
- Parameters:
problem – pointer to a LinearComplementarityProblem to display
int linearComplementarity_printInFile(LinearComplementarityProblem *problem, FILE *file)#
function to write in a file a LinearComplementarityProblem
- Parameters:
problem – pointer to a LinearComplementarityProblem to print
file – pointer to a FILE
- Returns:
0 if ok
int linearComplementarity_newFromFile(LinearComplementarityProblem *problem, FILE *file)#
Read and create a LinearComplementarityProblem from a file.
- Parameters:
problem – pointer to a LinearComplementarityProblem to create
file – pointer to a FILE
- Returns:
0 if ok
int linearComplementarity_newFromFilename(LinearComplementarityProblem *problem, const char *filename)#
Read and create a LinearComplementarityProblem from a file.
- Parameters:
problem – pointer to a LinearComplementarityProblem to create
filename – that contains the lcp
- Returns:
0 if ok
void freeLinearComplementarityProblem(LinearComplementarityProblem *problem)#
Delete a LinearComplementarityProblem.
- Parameters:
problem – pointer to a LinearComplementarityProblem to delete
LinearComplementarityProblem *newLCP(void)#
Create new LCP and clear its fields.
- Returns:
struct LinearComplementarityProblem#
- #include <LinearComplementarityProblem.h>
Structure that contains and defines a LCP Problem.
Public Members
int size#
size of the problem
NumericsMatrix *M#
M matrix of the LCP (see the mathematical description)
double *q#
vector of the LCP (see the mathematical description)
int size#