File numerics/src/tools/GoldsteinSearch.h#
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Goldstein type search (linesearch and arcsearch), possibly non-monotone.
Implementation of the Goldstein type search. The linesearch version is the most classical one. The arcsearch assumes that the direction of descent is the gradient of the merit function.
double search_Goldstein_standalone(int n, double *theta, double preRHS, search_data *ls_data)#
Goldstein (non-monotone) search, standalone version: it does not compute the reference value, it is expected as argument (theta)
- Parameters:
n – size of the problem
theta – reference value for the acceptance test
preRHS – pre-computed value for the acceptance test
ls_data – necessary data for the search algorithm
- Returns:
the coefficient alpha
static inline double linesearch_Goldstein2(int n, double theta, double preRHS, search_data *ls_data)#
Goldstein linesearch; this version compute and update the reference value and calls search_Goldstein_standalone()
- Parameters:
n – size of the problem
theta – current value of the merit function
preRHS – pre-computed value for the acceptance test
ls_data – necessary data for the search algorithm
- Returns:
the coefficient alpha
static inline double arcsearch_Goldstein2(int n, double theta, double preRHS, search_data *ls_data)#
Goldstein arcsearch; this version compute and update the reference value and calls search_Goldstein_standalone().
this function can be used only if the descent direction is the gradient of the merit function.
- Parameters:
n – size of the problem
theta – current value of the merit function
preRHS – pre-computed value for the acceptance test
ls_data – necessary data for the search algorithm
- Returns:
the coefficient alpha
void search_Goldstein_params_init(goldstein_extra_params *p)#
Initialize parameters to a default value.
- Parameters:
p – parameters to set
struct goldstein_extra_params#
- #include <GoldsteinSearch.h>
Struct to hold together the extra parameters needed by the Goldstein line search.