File mechanics/src/collision/native/bodies/SphereNEDSPlanR.hpp#

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Newton Euler sphere relation with a plan Ax+By+Cz+D=0.

class SphereNEDSPlanR : public NewtonEuler3DR, public std::enable_shared_from_this<SphereNEDSPlanR>

Public Functions

SphereNEDSPlanR(double r, double A, double B, double C, double D)


  • r – disk radius

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

double distance(double, double, double, double)#
void computeh(double time, const BlockVector &q0, SiconosVector &y) override

to compute the output y = h(t,q,z) of the Relation

  • time – current time value

  • q – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation

  • y – the resulting vector

inline bool equal(double _A, double _B, double _C, double _D, double _r) const#

Private Functions

inline SphereNEDSPlanR()#

Private Members

double r#
double A#
double B#
double C#
double D#
double nN#
double nU#
double u1#
double u2#
double u3#
double v1#
double v2#
double v3#
double n1#
double n2#
double n3#
double ru1#
double ru2#
double ru3#
double rv1#
double rv2#
double rv3#