File mechanics/src/joints/NewtonEulerJointR.hpp#
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class NewtonEulerJointR : public NewtonEulerR
- #include <NewtonEulerJointR.hpp>
This class implements an abstract Joint relation (articulation) between one or two Newton/Euler dynamical systems.
Subclassed by CouplerJointR, CylindricalJointR, FixedJointR, KneeJointR, PrismaticJointR
Public Types
Public Functions
inline NewtonEulerJointR()
Empty constructor.
The relation may be initialized later by setPoint, setAbsolute, and setBasePositions.
inline void setPoint(unsigned int index, SP::SiconosVector point)
Set a point for this joint.
The role of each point is specific to the joint subclass. Won’t take effect until setBasePositions is called.
- Parameters:
index – The index of the points.
point – A SiconosVector of size 3.
inline SP::SiconosVector point(unsigned int index)
Get a point for this joint.
- Parameters:
index – The index of the point.
- Returns:
The requested point.
inline VectorOfVectors &points()
Get the vector of points for this joint.
- Returns:
The vector of points.
inline void setAxis(unsigned int index, SP::SiconosVector axis)
Set an axis for this joint.
The role of each axis is specific to the joint subclass. Won’t take effect until setBasePositions is called.
- Parameters:
index – The index of the points.
axis – A SiconosVector of size 3.
inline SP::SiconosVector axis(unsigned int index)
Get an axis for this joint.
- Parameters:
index – The index of the point.
- Returns:
The requested axis.
inline VectorOfVectors &axes()
Get the vector of axes for this joint.
- Returns:
The vector of axes.
inline void setAbsolute(bool absoluteRef)
Set whether points and axes should be interpreted in absolute or relative frame.
Won’t take effect until setBasePositions is called.
- Parameters:
absoluteRef – true for absolute frame, false for relative frame.
inline bool absolute()
Get whether points and axes are interpreted in absolute or relative frame.
- Returns:
True for absolute frame, false for relative frame.
virtual void setBasePositions(SP::SiconosVector q1, SP::SiconosVector q2 = SP::SiconosVector()) = 0
Initialize the joint constants based on the provided base positions.
- Parameters:
q1 – A SiconosVector of size 7 indicating translation and orientation in inertial coordinates.
q2 – An optional SiconosVector of size 7 indicating translation and orientation; if null, the inertial frame will be considered as the second base.
inline virtual void computehDoF(double time, const BlockVector &q0, SiconosVector &y, unsigned int axis = 0)
Compute the vector of linear and angular positions of the free axes.
inline virtual void computeJachqDoF(double time, Interaction &inter, SP::BlockVector q0, SimpleMatrix &jachq, unsigned int axis = 0)
Compute the jacobian of linear and angular DoF with respect to some q.
void projectVectorDoF(const SiconosVector &v, const BlockVector &q0, SiconosVector &ans, int axis, bool absoluteRef = true)
Project a vector onto the given 0-indexed free axis.
Useful for calculating velocities in the axis, or for calculating axis-aligned forces applied to connected bodies. If axis is of angular type (see typeOfDoF), then the projection is onto the axis of rotation.
- Parameters:
v – The vector to project
q0 – The state q of one or more NewtonEulerDS
ans – The vector to receive the projection.
absoluteRef – If true, v and ans are in the inertial frame, otherwise the q1 frame is assumed.
SP::SiconosVector projectVectorDoF(const SiconosVector &v, const BlockVector &q0, int axis, bool absoluteRef = true)#
void normalDoF(SiconosVector &ans, const BlockVector &q0, int axis, bool absoluteRef = true)
Retrieve a normal in the direction of a 0-indexed free axis.
Useful for calculating velocities in the axis, or for calculating axis-aligned forces applied to connected bodies. If axis is of angular type (see typeOfDoF), then the returned normal is the axis of rotation.
- Parameters:
ans – The vector to receive the projection.
q0 – The state q of one or more NewtonEulerDS
axis –
absoluteRef – If true, ans is in the inertial frame, otherwise the q1 frame is assumed.
SP::SiconosVector normalDoF(const BlockVector &q0, int axis, bool absoluteRef = true)#
inline bool allowSelfCollide()
Return the value of the _allowSelfCollide flag.
inline void setAllowSelfCollide(bool x)
Set the value of the _allowSelfCollide flag.
virtual unsigned int numberOfConstraints() = 0
Get the number of constraints defined in the joint.
- Returns:
the number of constraints
virtual unsigned int numberOfDoF() = 0
Return the number of degrees of freedom of this joint.
- Returns:
the number of degrees of freedom (DoF)
virtual DoF_Type typeOfDoF(unsigned int axis) = 0
Return the type of a degree of freedom of this joint.
- Returns:
the type of the degree of freedom (DoF)
inline virtual ~NewtonEulerJointR()#
Protected Functions
inline virtual void _normalDoF(SiconosVector &ans, const BlockVector &q0, int axis, bool absoluteRef = true)#
Private version of normalDoF for subclasses to override.
Protected Attributes
bool _allowSelfCollide#
A flag determining whether this joint should block “self-collision”, i.e., if true, bodies connected by this joint will not enter into unilateral contact.
VectorOfVectors _points#
Points used to defined the joint constraint.
VectorOfVectors _axes#
Axes used to defined the joint constraint.
bool _absoluteRef#
Defines whether points and axes are specified in absolute or relative frame.
inline NewtonEulerJointR()