Class CircleCircleR#
Defined in Program listing for file mechanics/src/collision/native/bodies/CircleCircleR.hpp
class CircleCircleR : public CircularR, public std::enable_shared_from_this<CircleCircleR>#
Two disks relation - Inherits from LagrangianScleronomousR.
Public Functions
CircleCircleR(double rdisk1, double rdisk2)#
- Parameters:
rdisk1 – radius
rdisk2 – radius
virtual double distance(double x1, double y1, double r1, double x2, double y2, double r2)#
compute distance between 2 disks
- Parameters:
x1 – x position of first disk
y1 – y position of first disk
r1 – radius of first disk
x2 – x position of second disk
y2 – y position of second disk
r2 – radius of second disk
- Returns:
void computeh(const BlockVector &q, BlockVector &z, SiconosVector &y)#
to compute the output y = h(q,z) of the Relation
- Parameters:
q – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
z – user defined parameters (optional)
y – the resulting vector
void computeJachq(const BlockVector &q, BlockVector &z)#
to compute the jacobian of h(…).
Set attribute _jachq (access: jacqhq())
- Parameters:
q – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
z – user defined parameters (optional)
CircleCircleR(double rdisk1, double rdisk2)#