File kernel/src/simulationTools/TimeSteppingD1Minus.hpp#
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TimeSteppingD1Minus simulation
class TimeSteppingD1Minus : public Simulation
- #include <TimeSteppingD1Minus.hpp>
TimeSteppingD1Minus Timestepping Strategy.
see Schindler/Acary : Timestepping Schemes for Nonsmooth Dynamics Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Definition and Outlook
Public Functions
TimeSteppingD1Minus(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td, int nb)
constructor with the time-discretisation
- Parameters:
nsds – the current nonsmooth dynamical system
td – pointer to a TimeDiscretisation
nb – number of non smooth problem
virtual void updateIndexSet(unsigned int i) override
updateIndexSet using current y and lambda values of interactions
- Parameters:
i – the number of the set to be updated 0 : ALL interactions (NEVER) 1 : ACTIVE interactions for IMPACTS 2 : ACTIVE interactions for CONTACTS
virtual void run() override
run the simulation, from t0 to T
virtual void advanceToEvent() override
step from current event to next event of EventsManager
void computeResidu()
compute residu
void computeFreeState()
integrate DynamicalSystems taking not into account non-smooth part
Protected Functions
virtual void initializeOneStepNSProblem() override#
initialisation specific to TimeSteppingD1Minus for OneStepNSProblem
Private Functions
inline TimeSteppingD1Minus()#
default constructor
TimeSteppingD1Minus(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td, int nb)