File kernel/src/utils/SiconosAlgebra/SimpleMatrix.hpp#
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class SimpleMatrix : public SiconosMatrix
- #include <SimpleMatrix.hpp>
Matrix (embedded various types of Boost matrices of double)
SimpleMatrix is used in the platform to store matrices (mathematical object) of double.
Possible types: siconos::DENSE (default), TRIANGULAR, SYMMETRIC, SPARSE, BANDED, ZERO, siconos::IDENTITY, siconos::SPARSE_COORDINATE.
- Todo:
: review resize function for Banded, Symetric and Triangular. Error in tests.
Public Functions
Default constructor.
SimpleMatrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, siconos::UBLAS_TYPE typ = siconos::DENSE, unsigned int upper = 1, unsigned int lower = 1)
constructor with the type and the dimension of the Boost matrix
- Parameters:
row – number of rows.
col – number of columns.
typ – the type of matrix
upper – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE==SPARSE, number of non-zero terms, if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. under the main diagonal
lower – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. over the main diagonal
SimpleMatrix(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, double inputValue, siconos::UBLAS_TYPE typ = siconos::DENSE, unsigned int upper = 1, unsigned int lower = 1)
constructor with the the dimensions of the Boost matrix, a default value and the type.
- Parameters:
row – number of rows.
col – number of columns.
inputValue – double a, so that *this = [a a a …]
typ – the type of matrix
upper – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE==SPARSE, number of non-zero terms, if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. under the main diagonal
lower – if siconos::UBLAS_TYPE == BANDED, number of diags. over the main diagonal
SimpleMatrix(const SimpleMatrix &smat)
copy constructor
- Parameters:
smat – the matrix to copy
SimpleMatrix(const SimpleMatrix &A, const Index &coord)
copy constructor of a block given by the coord = [r0A r1A c0A c1A]
- Parameters:
A – the matrix which contains the block to extract
coord – positions of the block to be extracted (row:start, row:end, col:start, col:end)
SimpleMatrix(const SiconosMatrix &m)
copy constructor
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to copy
SimpleMatrix(const DenseMat &m)
constructor with a DenseMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a DenseMat
SimpleMatrix(const TriangMat &m)
constructor with a TriangMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a TriangMat
SimpleMatrix(const SymMat &m)
constructor with a SymMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a SymMat
SimpleMatrix(const BandedMat &m)
constructor with a BandedMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a BandedMat
SimpleMatrix(const SparseMat &m)
constructor with a SparseMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a SparseMat
SimpleMatrix(const SparseCoordinateMat &m)
constructor with a SparseCoordinateMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a SparseMat
SimpleMatrix(const ZeroMat &m)
constructor with a ZeroMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a ZeroMat
SimpleMatrix(const IdentityMat &m)
constructor with a IdentityMat matrix (see SiconosMatrix.h for details)
- Parameters:
m – a IdentityMat
SimpleMatrix(const std::string &file, bool ascii = true)
constructor with an input file
- Parameters:
file – the input file path
ascii – a boolean to indicate if the file is in ascii
virtual void updateNumericsMatrix() override#
inline virtual NumericsMatrix *numericsMatrix() const override#
inline virtual bool isPLUInversed() const override
determines if the matrix has been inversed
- Returns:
true if the matrix is inversed
inline virtual bool isPLUFactorized() const override
determines if the matrix has been factorized
- Returns:
true if the matrix is factorized
inline virtual bool isPLUFactorizedInPlace() const override
determines if the matrix has been factorized
- Returns:
true if the matrix is factorized
inline virtual bool isCholeskyFactorized() const override
determines if the matrix has been factorized
- Returns:
true if the matrix is factorized
inline bool isCholeskyFactorizedInPlace() const
determines if the matrix has been factorized
- Returns:
true if the matrix is factorized
inline bool isQRFactorized() const
determines if the matrix has been factorized
- Returns:
true if the matrix is factorized
virtual bool checkSymmetry(double tol) const override
determines if the matrix is symmetric up to a given tolerance
- Returns:
true if the matrix is inversed
virtual const DenseMat getDense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get DenseMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a DenseMat
virtual const TriangMat getTriang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get TriangMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a TriangMat
virtual const SymMat getSym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get SymMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SymMat
virtual const BandedMat getBanded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get BandedMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a BandedMat
virtual const SparseMat getSparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get SparseMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SparseMat
virtual const SparseCoordinateMat getSparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get SparseCoordinateMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SparseCoordinateMat
virtual const ZeroMat getZero(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get ZeroMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a ZeroMat
virtual const IdentityMat getIdentity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get getIdentity matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
an IdentityMat
virtual DenseMat *dense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on DenseMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a DenseMat*
virtual TriangMat *triang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on TriangMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a TriangMat*
virtual SymMat *sym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on SymMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SymMat*
virtual BandedMat *banded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on BandedMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a BandedMat*
virtual SparseMat *sparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on SparseMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SparseMat*
virtual SparseCoordinateMat *sparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on SparseCoordinateMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a SparseCoordinateMat*
virtual ZeroMat *zero_mat(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on ZeroMat matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
a ZeroMat*
virtual IdentityMat *identity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
get a pointer on Identity matrix
- Parameters:
row – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
col – an unsigned int, position of the block - Useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
an IdentityMat*
virtual double *getArray(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const override
return the address of the array of double values of the matrix
- Parameters:
row – position for the required block ->useless for SimpleMatrix
col – position for the required block ->useless for SimpleMatrix
- Returns:
double* : the pointer on the double array
virtual void zero() override
sets all the values of the matrix to 0.0
virtual void randomize() override
Initialize the matrix with random values.
virtual void eye() override
set an identity matrix
unsigned copyData(double *data) const
copy the matrix data to the array given in parameter’ Works only for dense matrices !
- Parameters:
data – array where the matrix is copied
- Returns:
the size of the matrix
void assign(const SimpleMatrix &smat)#
virtual unsigned int size(unsigned int index) const override
get the number of rows or columns of the matrix
- Parameters:
index – 0 for rows, 1 for columns
- Returns:
the size
virtual void resize(unsigned int row, unsigned int col, unsigned int lower = 0, unsigned int upper = 0, bool preserve = true) override
resize the matrix with nbrow rows and nbcol columns The existing elements of the matrix are preseved when specified.
- Parameters:
row – the new number of rows
col – the mew number of columns
lower – (only for Banded)
upper – (only for Banded)
preserve – preserve existing elements
virtual double normInf() const override
compute the infinite norm of the matrix
- Returns:
a double
void normInfByColumn(SP::SiconosVector vIn) const
Compute the normInf for each column.
- Parameters:
vIn – column
double det() const
compute the determinant of the matrix (use LU factorization)
- Returns:
a double
virtual void display() const override
display data on standard output
virtual void displayExpert(bool brief = true) const override
display data on standard output
virtual std::string toString() const override
put data of the matrix into a std::string
- Returns:
virtual double &operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) override
get or set the element matrix[i,j]
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
- Returns:
the element matrix[i,j]
virtual double operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const override
get or set the element matrix[i,j]
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
- Returns:
the element matrix[i,j]
virtual double getValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const override
return the element matrix[i,j]
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
- Returns:
a double
virtual void setValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value) override
set the element matrix[i,j]
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
value –
void setBlock(unsigned int posRow, unsigned int posCol, const SiconosMatrix &m)
Copy of the content of a given matrix into the current object, at position (posRow, posCol).
Defined in SimpleMatrixSetGet.cpp.
- Parameters:
posRow – row-index of the targeted block
posCol – col-index of the targeted block
m – source matrix to be copied. Can be a SimpleMatrix or a BlockMatrix.
virtual void getRow(unsigned int row, SiconosVector &vOut) const override
get row index of current matrix and save it into vOut
- Parameters:
row – index row we want to get
vOut – [out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired row
virtual void getCol(unsigned int col, SiconosVector &vOut) const override
get column index of current matrix and save it into vOut
- Parameters:
col – index column we want to get
vOut – [out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired column
virtual void setRow(unsigned int row, const SiconosVector &vIn) override
set line row of the current matrix with vector v
- Parameters:
row – index row we want to set
vIn – SiconosVector containing the new row
virtual void setCol(unsigned int col, const SiconosVector &vIn) override
set column col of the current matrix with vector v
- Parameters:
col – index column we want to set
vIn – a SiconosVector containing the new column
void getSubCol(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vOut) const
get column number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos and save it into vOut
- Parameters:
index – index of required column
pos – index of the first required element in the column
vOut – [out] a SP::SiconosVector
void getSubRow(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vOut) const
get row number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos and save it into vOut
- Parameters:
index – index of the required row
pos – index of the first required element in the row
vOut – [out] a SP::SiconosVector that will contain the sub row
void setSubCol(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vIn)
set column number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos, with vIn
- Parameters:
index – index of required column
pos – index of the first required element in the column
vIn – a vector
void setSubRow(unsigned int index, unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector vIn)
set row number index of current matrix, starting from element at position pos, with vIn
- Parameters:
index – index of required row
pos – index of the first required element in the row
vIn – a vector
void addBlock(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const SiconosMatrix &m)
add the input matrix to the elements starting from position i (row) and j (col).
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
m – a SiconosMatrix
void subBlock(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const SiconosMatrix &m)
subtract the input matrix to the elements starting from position i (row) and j (col).
- Parameters:
i – an unsigned int
j – an unsigned int
m – a SiconosMatrix
virtual void trans() override
transpose in place: x->trans() is x = transpose of x.
virtual void trans(const SiconosMatrix &mat) override
transpose a matrix: x->trans(m) is x = transpose of m.
- Parameters:
mat – the matrix to be transposed.
virtual SimpleMatrix &operator=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be copied
- Returns:
SimpleMatrix &operator=(const SimpleMatrix &m)
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be copied
- Returns:
virtual SimpleMatrix &operator=(const DenseMat &m) override
assignment to a DenseMat
- Parameters:
m – the matrix to be copied
- Returns:
virtual SimpleMatrix &operator+=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override
operator +=
- Parameters:
m – a matrix to add
- Returns:
virtual SimpleMatrix &operator-=(const SiconosMatrix &m) override
operator -=
- Parameters:
m – a matrix to subtract
- Returns:
virtual void PLUFactorizationInPlace() override
computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetrf function.
virtual void Factorize() override
computes a factorization of a general M-by-N matrix
virtual void PLUInverseInPlace() override
compute inverse of this thanks to LU factorization with Partial pivoting.
This method inverts U and then computes inv(A) by solving the system inv(A)*L = inv(U) for inv(A). The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetri function.
virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosMatrix &B) override
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.
Based on Blas dgetrs function.
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
virtual void Solve(SiconosMatrix &B) override
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosVector &B) override
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.
Based on Blas dgetrs function.
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
virtual void Solve(SiconosVector &B) override
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
void SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosMatrix &B)
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the Least squares method
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
void SolveByLeastSquares(SiconosVector &B)
solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) with a general N-by-N matrix A using the Least squares method
- Parameters:
B – [inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x
virtual void resetLU() override
set to false all LU indicators.
Useful in case of assignment for example.
void resetCholesky()
set to false all Cholesky indicators.
Useful in case of assignment for example.
void resetQR()
set to false all QR indicators.
Useful in case of assignment for example.
virtual void resetFactorizationFlags() override
set to false all factorization indicators.
Useful in case of assignment for example.
Visitors hook.
Protected Functions
Protected Attributes
Union of The Boost Matrices : DenseMat, TriangMat, SymMat …
(See SiconosMatrix.h for more details on MATRIX_UBLAS_TYPE);
Private Functions
void private_prod(unsigned int startRow, const SiconosVector &x, SiconosVector &y, bool init)#
computes y = subA*x (init =true) or += subA * x (init = false), subA being a submatrix of A (all columns, and rows between start and start+sizeY).
If x is a block vector, it call the present function for all blocks.
- Parameters:
A – a pointer to SiconosMatrix
startRow – an int, sub-block position
x – a pointer to a SiconosVector
y – a pointer to a SiconosVector
init – a bool
void private_addprod(unsigned int startRow, unsigned int startCol, const SiconosVector &x, SiconosVector &res)#
computes res = subA*x +res, subA being a submatrix of A (rows from startRow to startRow+sizeY and columns between startCol and startCol+sizeX).
If x is a block vector, it call the present function for all blocks.
- Parameters:
A – a pointer to SiconosMatrix
startRow – an int, sub-block position
startCol – an int, sub-block position
x – a pointer to a SiconosVector
res – a DenseVect
Private Members
bool _isPLUFactorized = false#
True if the Matrix is PLU Factorized.
bool _isPLUFactorizedInPlace = false#
True if the Matrix is PLU Factorized in place.
bool _isCholeskyFactorized = false#
True if the Matrix is Cholesky Factorized.
bool _isCholeskyFactorizedInPlace = false#
True if the Matrix is Cholesky Factorized in place.
bool _isQRFactorized = false#
True if the Matrix has been QR Factorized in place.
bool _isPLUInversed = false#
True if the Matrix has been Inversed in Place.
SP::NumericsMatrix _numericsMatrix#
Numerics Matrix structure This matrix is used to perform computation using Numerics, for instance, the LU factorization of a sparse matrix.
It may contains copy or pointer on the SimpleMatrix.
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SimpleMatrix &sm)#
friend const SimpleMatrix operator*(const SiconosMatrix&, double)#
friend SimpleMatrix operator*(double, const SiconosMatrix&)
multiplication of a matrix by a double
- Parameters:
a – a double
A – a SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
friend const SimpleMatrix operator/(const SiconosMatrix&, double)#
friend const SimpleMatrix operator+(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)
operator += add B to A
- Parameters:
A – [inout] a SP::SiconosMatrix
B – a SP::SiconosMatrix Addition of two matrices, C = A+B
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
a SimpleMatrix C
friend SP::SimpleMatrix operator+(const SP::SimpleMatrix, const SP::SimpleMatrix)
Addition of two matrices, C = A+B.
- Parameters:
A – a SP::SiconosMatrix
B – a SP::SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
a SP::SimpleMatrix
friend void add(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&, SiconosMatrix&)
Addition of two matrices C = A+B.
- Parameters:
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
C – [inout] a SiconosMatrix
friend const SimpleMatrix operator-(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)
Subtraction of two matrices, C = A-B.
- Parameters:
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
friend void sub(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&, SiconosMatrix&)
Subtraction of two matrices C = A-B.
- Parameters:
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
C – [inout] a SiconosMatrix
friend bool operator==(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)
: A==B when (A-B).normInf()<tolerance
- Parameters:
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
a boolean
friend bool operator!=(const SiconosMatrix&, const SiconosMatrix&)
: A!=B when (A-B).normInf()>tolerance
- Parameters:
A – a SiconosMatrix
B – a SiconosMatrix
- Returns:
a boolean