File kernel/src/simulationTools/LinearOSNS.hpp#
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Linear Complementarity Problem formulation and solving.
typedef std::vector<double> MuStorage#
stl vector of double
class LinearOSNS : public OneStepNSProblem
- #include <LinearOSNS.hpp>
Base (abstract) class for linear non-smooth problems.
Usually in the form:
\( w = q + M z \)
\( w \in R^{n} \) and \( z \in R^{n} \) are the unknowns,
\( M \in R^{n \times n } \) and \( q \in R^{n} \)
examples: LCP, FrictionContact …
Subclassed by AVI, Equality, FrictionContact, GenericMechanical, GlobalFrictionContact, LCP, MLCP, MultipleImpact, Relay, RollingFrictionContact
Public Functions
inline LinearOSNS(SP::SolverOptions options, LINEAROSNS_ASSEMBLY_TYPE assemblyType = REDUCED_BLOCK)
constructor from a pre-defined solver options set.
- Parameters:
options – the options set
assemblytype – the method used to build the assembled matrix - default=REDUCED_BLOCK
inline virtual ~LinearOSNS()
inline const SiconosVector getW() const
copy of the current value of vector w
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector w() const
current w vector (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setWPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)
set w vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr – the new SP::SiconosVector
inline const SiconosVector getz() const
copy of the current value of vector z
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector z() const
current z vector (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setzPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)
set z vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr – the new SP::SiconosVector
inline SP::OSNSMatrix M() const
M matrix (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a OSNSMatrix
inline void setMPtr(SP::OSNSMatrix newM)
set M to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newM – the new M matrix
inline SP::OSNSMatrix H() const
get H
- Returns:
pointer on a OSNSMatrix
inline void setH(SP::OSNSMatrix H)
set the value of H
- Parameters:
H – the new matrix
inline const SiconosVector getQ() const
get the value of q, the constant vector in the LinearOSNS
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector q() const
get q, the the constant vector in the LinearOSNS
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setQPtr(SP::SiconosVector newQ)
set q to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newQ – the new q vector
inline NM_types getMStorageType() const
get the type of storage used for M
- Returns:
inline void setMStorageType(NM_types i)
set which type of storage will be used for M
this function does not allocate any memory for M, it just sets an indicator for future use
- Parameters:
inline void setAssemblyType(LINEAROSNS_ASSEMBLY_TYPE assemblyType)
set which type of assembly will be used for M
void initVectorsMemory()
Memory allocation or resizing for z,w,q.
virtual void initOSNSMatrix()
initialize the _M matrix
virtual void initialize(SP::Simulation sim) override
To initialize the LinearOSNS problem(computes topology …)
- Parameters:
sim – the simulation owning this OSNSPB
virtual void computeInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor &ed) override
compute extra-diagonal interactionBlock-matrix
- Parameters:
ed – an edge descriptor
virtual void computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vd) override
compute diagonal Interaction block
- Parameters:
vd – a vertex descriptor
virtual void computeM()
compute matrix M
virtual void computeqBlock(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex, unsigned int pos)
To compute a part of the q vector of the OSNS.
- Parameters:
vertex – vertex (interaction) which corresponds to the considered block
pos – the position of the first element of yOut to be set
virtual void computeq(double time)
compute vector q
- Parameters:
time – the current time
virtual bool preCompute(double time) override
build problem coefficients (if required)
- Parameters:
time – the current time
- Returns:
true if the indexSet is not empty
virtual void postCompute() override
update interactions variables (y and lambda) according to current problem found solutions.
virtual void display() const override
print the data to the screen
inline void setKeepLambdaAndYState(bool val)
choose initialisation behavior for w and z.
- Parameters:
val – true: init w and z with previous values of y and lambda saved in interactions, false: init to 0.
virtual bool checkCompatibleNSLaw(NonSmoothLaw &nslaw) = 0#
Protected Functions
LinearOSNS() = default#
default constructor (private)
Protected Attributes
SP::SiconosVector _w#
vector w of a LinearOSNS system
SP::SiconosVector _z#
vector z of a LinearOSNS system
SP::OSNSMatrix _M#
matrix M of a LinearOSNS system
SP::SiconosVector _q#
vector q of a LinearOSNS system
SP::OSNSMatrix _W#
matrix W of a LinearOSNS system
SP::OSNSMatrix _W_inverse#
matrix W of a LinearOSNS system
SP::OSNSMatrix _H#
matrix H of a LinearOSNS system
Assembly strategy.
NM_types _numericsMatrixStorageType = NM_DENSE#
Storage type for M - NM_DENSE: SiconosMatrix (dense), NM_SPARSE_BLOCK: Sparse Storage (embedded into OSNSMatrix)
bool _keepLambdaAndYState = true#
a boolean to decide if _w and _z vectors are initialized with previous values of Y and Lambda when a change occurs in problem size
- friend struct _TimeSteppingNSLEffect
- friend struct _EventDrivenNSLEffect
- friend struct _NSLEffectOnSim