File kernel/src/simulationTools/FrictionContact.hpp#
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Fricton-Contact Non-Smooth Problem
typedef int (*Driver)(FrictionContactProblem*, double*, double*, SolverOptions*)#
Pointer to function of the type used for drivers for FrictionContact problems in Numerics.
class FrictionContact : public LinearOSNS
- #include <FrictionContact.hpp>
Formalization and Resolution of a Friction-Contact Problem.
This class is devoted to the formalization and the resolution of friction contact problems defined by :
\[\begin{split} velocity = q + M reaction \\ \\ velocity \geq 0, reaction \geq 0, reaction^{T} velocity =0 \end{split}\]and a Coulomb friction law.
\( velocity \in R^{n} \) and \( reaction \in R^{n} \) the unknowns,
\( M \in R^{n \times n } \) and \( q \in R^{n} \)
The dimension of the problem (2D or 3D) is given by the variable contactProblemDim and the proper Numerics driver will be called according to this value.
Construction: just set Numerics Solver id
Main functions:
compute(time) formalize, solve and post-process the problem.
pre- and post-pro are common to all LinearOSNS and defined in this class.
For details regarding the available options, see Nonsmooth problems formulations and available solvers in users’ guide.
Public Functions
FrictionContact(int dimPb = 3, int numericsSolverId = SICONOS_FRICTION_3D_NSGS)
constructor (solver id and dimension)
- Parameters:
dimPb – dimension (2D or 3D) of the friction-contact problem (default: 3)
numericsSolverId – id of the solver to be used default (default: SICONOS_FRICTION_3D_NSGS)
FrictionContact(int dimPb, SP::SolverOptions options)
constructor from a pre-defined solver options set
- Parameters:
options – the options set
inline virtual ~FrictionContact()
inline int getFrictionContactDim() const
get the type of FrictionContact problem (2D or 3D)
- Returns:
an int (2 or 3)
inline const MuStorage getMu() const
get the vector mu, list of the friction coefficients
- Returns:
a vector of double
inline SP::MuStorage mu() const
get a pointer to mu, the list of the friction coefficients
- Returns:
pointer on a std::vector<double>
inline double getMu(unsigned int i) const
get the value of the component number i of mu, the vector of the friction coefficients
- Parameters:
i – the component number (starting from 0)
- Returns:
double value of mu
void updateMu()
update mu vector
inline void setNumericsDriver(Driver newFunction)
set the driver-function used to solve the problem
- Parameters:
newFunction – function of prototype Driver
virtual void initialize(SP::Simulation simulation) override
initialize the FrictionContact problem(compute topology …)
- Parameters:
simulation – the simulation, owner of this OSNSPB
SP::FrictionContactProblem frictionContactProblem()
- Returns:
the friction contact problem from Numerics
FrictionContactProblem *frictionContactProblemPtr()
- Returns:
the friction contact problem from Numerics (raw ptr, do not free)
int solve(SP::FrictionContactProblem problem = SP::FrictionContactProblem())
solve a friction contact problem
- Parameters:
problem – the friction contact problem
- Returns:
info solver information result
virtual int compute(double time) override
Compute the unknown reaction and velocity and update the Interaction (y and lambda )
- Parameters:
time – the current time
- Returns:
int information about the solver convergence (0: ok, >0 problem, see Numerics documentation)
virtual void display() const override
print the data to the screen
virtual bool checkCompatibleNSLaw(NonSmoothLaw &nslaw) override#
Protected Functions