File kernel/src/modelingTools/FirstOrderType1R.hpp#
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non linear relations, with y depending on dynamical systems state and r on lambda.
typedef void (*Type1Ptr)(unsigned int, double*, unsigned int, double*, unsigned int, double*)#
Pointer to function for plug-in for operators related to output and its gradients.
class FirstOrderType1R : public FirstOrderR
- #include <FirstOrderType1R.hpp>
FirstOrder Non Linear Relation.
Derived from FirstOrderR - See this class for more comments.
Relation for First Order Dynamical Systems, with:
\[\begin{split} y &= h(x,z)\\ r &= g(\lambda,z) \end{split}\]Operators (and their corresponding plug-in):
h: saved in Interaction as y (plug-in: output[0])
\( \nabla_x h \): jacobianH[0] ( output[1] )
g: saved in DS as r ( input[0])
\( \nabla_\lambda g \): jacobianG[0] ( input[1] )
Public Functions
inline FirstOrderType1R()
default constructor
FirstOrderType1R(const std::string &pluginh, const std::string &pluging)
build from plugin for \( h(x,z) \) and \( g(\lambda, z) \)
- Parameters:
pluginh – the plugin to compute h
pluging – the plugin to compute g
FirstOrderType1R(const std::string &pluginh, const std::string &pluging, const std::string &pluginJachx, const std::string &pluginJacglambda)
build from plugin for \( h(x,z) \) , \( g(\lambda, z) \) and their gradients
- Parameters:
pluginh – the plugin to compute h
pluging – the plugin to compute g
pluginJachx – the plugin to compute \( \nabla_x h \)
pluginJacglambda – the plugin to compute \( \nabla_{\lambda} g \)
virtual ~FirstOrderType1R() noexcept = default
virtual void initialize(Interaction &inter) override
initialize the relation (check sizes, memory allocation …)
- Parameters:
inter – the interaction that owns this relation
inline virtual void checkSize(Interaction &inter) override
check sizes of the relation specific operators.
- Parameters:
inter – an Interaction using this relation
void computeh(double time, const BlockVector &x, BlockVector &z, SiconosVector &y)
to compute the output y = h(t,x,…) of the Relation
- Parameters:
time – current time value
x – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
z – user defined parameters (optional)
y – the resulting vector
void computeg(double time, const SiconosVector &lambda, BlockVector &z, BlockVector &r)
to compute the nonsmooth input r = g(t,x,…) of the Relation
- Parameters:
time – current time value
lambda – interaction \( \lambda \) vector
z – user defined parameters (optional)
r – the resulting vector
void computeJachx(double time, const BlockVector &x, BlockVector &z, SimpleMatrix &C)
to compute \( C = \nabla_x h \)
- Parameters:
time – current time value
x – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
z – user defined parameters (optional)
C – [out] the resulting matrix
void computeJachz(double time, const BlockVector &x, BlockVector &z, SimpleMatrix &F)
default function to compute \( \nabla_z h \)
- Parameters:
time – current time value
x – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
z – user defined parameters (optional)
F – [out] the resulting matrix
void computeJacglambda(double time, const SiconosVector &lambda, BlockVector &z, SimpleMatrix &B)
to compute \( B = \nabla_{\lambda}g \)
- Parameters:
time – current time value
x – coordinates of the dynamical systems involved in the relation
lambda – interaction \( \lambda \) vector
z – user defined parameters (optional)
B – [out] the resulting matrix
virtual void computeOutput(double time, Interaction &inter, unsigned int level = 0) override
default function to compute y, using the data from the Interaction and DS
- Parameters:
time – current time (not used)
inter – Interaction using this Relation
level – not used
virtual void computeInput(double time, Interaction &inter, unsigned int level = 0) override
default function to compute r, using the data from the Interaction and DS
- Parameters:
time – current time (not used)
inter – Interaction using this Relation
level – not used
virtual void computeJach(double time, Interaction &inter) override
compute all the H Jacobian
- Parameters:
time – the current time
inter – the interaction using this relation
virtual void computeJacg(double time, Interaction &inter) override
compute all the G Jacobian
- Parameters:
time – the current time
inter – the interaction using this relation
interProp –
inline virtual bool requireResidu() override
return true if the relation requires the computation of residu
- Returns:
true if residu are required, false otherwise
Protected Functions