File kernel/src/simulationTools/Event.hpp#
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General interface for Events
class Event
- #include <Event.hpp>
Abstract class that represents generic time events.
This base class simply records the time at which the event will take place. A pure virtual function named process will be invoked to execute the event. The time is represented with a mpz_t, from gmp library. See
Derived classes:
TimeDiscretisationEvent: events that corresponds to user-defined time-discretisation points
NonSmoothEvent: specific events, detected during simulation, when constraints are violated (thanks to roots-finding algorithm)
SensorEvent: event dedicated to data capture through user-defined sensors.
Existing types of events: 0 -> undef 1 -> TimeDiscretisation 2 -> NonSmooth 3 -> Sensor 4 -> Observer 5 -> Actuator
Subclassed by NonSmoothEvent, TimeDiscretisationEvent, TimeDiscretisationEventNoSaveInMemory
Public Functions
Event(double time, int newType = 0, bool reschedule = false)
copy constructor ; private => no copy nor pass-by-value.
assignment operator private => no assign allowed constructor with time value and type as input
- Parameters:
time – the starting type (a double)
newType – the Event type (an int)
reschedule – set this to true if the event has to be rescheduled
virtual ~Event()
inline double getTick() const
get tick value
- Returns:
a double
inline const mpz_t *getTimeOfEvent() const
get the time of the present event (mpz_t format)
- Returns:
a mpz_t
inline double getDoubleTimeOfEvent() const
get the time of the present event (double format)
- Returns:
a double
inline void incrementTime(unsigned int step = 1)#
inline void setTime(double time)
set the time of the present event (double format)
- Parameters:
time – the new time
inline int getType() const
get a type of the present event
- Returns:
an std::string
inline void setType(int newType)
set a new type for the present Event
- Parameters:
newType – the new Event type
inline void setK(unsigned int newK)
Set the current step k.
- Parameters:
newK – the new value of _k
void setTimeDiscretisation(SP::TimeDiscretisation td)
Set the TimeDiscretisation.
- Parameters:
td – a TimeDiscretisation for this Event
inline SP::TimeDiscretisation getTimeDiscretisation() const
Get the TimeDiscretisation.
- Returns:
the TimeDiscretisation used in this Event
void display() const
display Event data
virtual void process(Simulation &sim) = 0
virtual function which actions depends on event type
- Parameters:
sim – the simulation that owns this Event (through the EventsManager)
virtual void update(unsigned int k = 0)
virtual function which actions depends on event type.
The generic implementation present in this object is to increment the TimeDiscretisation and to chamge the time of the current Event
- Parameters:
k – meaning depends on the type of event. See derived class.
inline bool reschedule() const#
Public Static Functions
static void setTick(double newTick)
set tick value
- Parameters:
newTick – the new tick value
Protected Attributes
mpz_t _timeOfEvent#
Date of the present event, represented with a mpz_t.
mpz_t _tickIncrement#
Number of ticks corresponding to a timestep.
double _dTime#
Date of the present event, represented with a double.
SP::TimeDiscretisation _td#
TimeDiscretisation for the Event (unused only in the NonSmoothEvent)
bool _reschedule#
For automatic rescheduling.