File kernel/src/simulationTools/D1MinusLinearOSI.hpp#
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D1MinusLinearOSI Time-Integrator for Dynamical Systems T. Schindler, V. Acary
const double DEFAULT_TOL_D1MINUS = 1e-8#
Time-Integrator for Dynamical Systems.
Timestepping schemes for nonsmooth dynamics based on discontinuous Galerkin methods: Definition and outlook Thorsten Schindler; Vincent Acary Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier, 2014, 95, pp. 180-199
A D1MinusLinearOSI instance is defined by the list of concerned dynamical systems.
Main functions:
computeFreeState(): computes xfree (or vfree), dynamical systems state without taking non-smooth part into account
updateState(): computes x(q,v), the complete dynamical systems states.
Some details on the implementation#
Various implementations#
at various levels.
To be completed
The (lower-case) lambda vector that corresponds to the (non-impulsive) contact forces are computed for the closed contact with vanishing relative velocity (the number of the index set depends on the type of D1minulinear) The result, stored in lambda(2) and p(2) is computed by solving (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1] at different specific time
The impact equation are solved at the velocity level as in MoreauJeanOSI using lambda(1) and p(1). The number of the index set depends on the type of D1minulinear
The (lower-case) lambda \(\lambda\) that corresponds to the (non-impulsive) contact forces are computed at the acceleration level for the closed contact with vanishing relative velocity (indexSet2)
The problem, solved for lambda(2) and p(2) (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1] is solved at time told for \(\lambda^+_{k}\) and time t for \(\lambda^-_{k+1}\)
The problem, solved for lambda(1) and p(1) (*allOSNS)[SICONOS_OSNSP_TS_VELOCITY + 1] is solved at time t for \(Lambda_{k+1}\).
We use four index sets to compute the multipliers:
indexSet0 is the set of all constraints
indexSet1 is the set of closed constraints (computed with \( q_{k,1} \))
indexSet2 is the set of closed constraints and vanishing velocities (computed with \(q_{k,1}\) and \(v_{k,1}\) )
indexSet3 is the set of the constraints that have been closed within the time—step (computed with \(q_{k,0}\) and \(q_{k,1}\) )
\[\begin{split} \begin{cases} v_{k,0} = \mbox{vold} \\ q_{k,0} = \mbox{qold} \\ F^+_{k} = \mbox{F(told,qold,vold)} \\ v_{k,1} = v_{k,0} + h M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k}) \\[2mm] q_{k,1} = q_{k,0} + \frac{h}{2} (v_{k,0} + v_{k,1}) \\[2mm] F^-_{k+1} = F(t^{-}_{k+1},q_{k,1},v_{k,1}) \\[2mm] R_{free} = - \frac{h}{2} M^{-1}_k (P^+_{2,k}+F^+_{k}) - \frac{h}{2} M^{-1}_{k+1} (P^-_{2,k+1}+F^-_{k+1}) \\[2mm] \end{cases} \end{split}\]sec_D1MinusLinear_implementation_halfVel#
class D1MinusLinearOSI : public OneStepIntegrator
Public Types
enum ListOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI
Switching variable for various versions of D1MinusLinear.
enumerator halfexplicit_acceleration_level
enumerator halfexplicit_acceleration_level_full
enumerator explicit_velocity_level
enumerator halfexplicit_velocity_level
enumerator numberOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI
enumerator halfexplicit_acceleration_level
enum D1MinusLinearOSI_ds_workVector_id#
enumerator RESIDU_FREE#
enumerator FREE#
enumerator FREE_TDG#
enumerator WORK_LENGTH#
enumerator RESIDU_FREE#
Public Functions
basic constructor
D1MinusLinearOSI(unsigned int type)
Constructor with type of D1MinusLinear.
- Parameters:
type – unsigned int that specifies the type of D1MinusLinear D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level_full, D1MinusLinearOSI::explicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::numberOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI
inline virtual ~D1MinusLinearOSI()
void setTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI(unsigned int type)
Set the type of the D1MinusLinear.
- Parameters:
type – the type to set D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level_full, D1MinusLinearOSI::explicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::numberOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI
inline unsigned int typeOfD1MinusLinearOSI()
get the type of the D1MinusLinear
- Returns:
unsigned int type the type to set D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_acceleration_level_full, D1MinusLinearOSI::explicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::halfexplicit_velocity_level, D1MinusLinearOSI::numberOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI
virtual unsigned int numberOfIndexSets() const override
get the number of index sets required for the simulation
- Returns:
unsigned int
virtual void initialize_nonsmooth_problems() override
initialization of the D1MinusLinearOSI integrator; for linear time invariant systems, we compute time invariant operator
virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForDS(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds) override
initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one dynamical system on the graph and needed by the osi
- Parameters:
t – time of initialization
ds – the dynamical system
virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter, InteractionProperties &interProp, DynamicalSystemsGraph &DSG) override
initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one interaction on the graph and needed by the osi
- Parameters:
inter – the interaction
interProp – the properties on the graph
DSG – the dynamical systems graph
virtual double computeResidu() override
return the maximum of all norms for the residus of DS
- Post:
{ds->residuFree will be calculated, ds->q() contains new position, ds->velocity contains predicted velocity}
- Returns:
virtual double computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel()
return the maximum of all norms for the residus of DS for the type explicit_acceleration_level
- Post:
{ds->residuFree will be calculated, ds->q() contains new position, ds->velocity contains predicted velocity}
- Returns:
virtual double computeResiduHalfExplicitAccelerationLevelFull()
return the maximum of all norms for the residus of DS for the type explicit_acceleration_level_full
- Post:
{ds->residuFree will be calculated, ds->q() contains new position, ds->velocity contains predicted velocity}
- Returns:
virtual double computeResiduHalfExplicitVelocityLevel()
return the maximum of all norms for the residus of DS for the type explicit_acceleration_level_full
- Post:
{ds->residuFree will be calculated, ds->q() contains new position, ds->velocity contains predicted velocity}
- Returns:
virtual void computeFreeState() override
integrates the Dynamical System linked to this integrator without taking non-smooth effects into account
- Post:
{ds->velocity contains predicted velocity}
virtual void computeFreeOutput(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem *osnsp) override
integrates the Interaction linked to this integrator, without taking non-smooth effects into account
- Parameters:
vertex_inter – of the interaction graph
osnsp – pointer to OneStepNSProblem
inline virtual SiconosVector &osnsp_rhs(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, InteractionsGraph &indexSet) override
return the workVector corresponding to the right hand side of the OneStepNonsmooth problem
virtual void computeFreeOutputHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem *osnsp)
integrates the Interaction linked to this integrator, without taking non-smooth effects into account
- Parameters:
vertex_inter – of the interaction graph
osnsp – pointer to OneStepNSProblem
virtual void computeFreeOutputHalfExplicitVelocityLevel(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex_inter, OneStepNSProblem *osnsp)
integrates the Interaction linked to this integrator, without taking non-smooth effects into account
- Parameters:
vertex_inter – of the interaction graph
osnsp – pointer to OneStepNSProblem
inline virtual void integrate(double &ti, double &tf, double &t, int &flag) override
integrate the system, between tinit and tend (->iout=true), with possible stop at tout (->iout=false)
- Parameters:
ti – initial time
tf – end time
t – real end time
flag – useless flag (for D1MinusLinearOSI, used in LsodarOSI)
virtual void updateState(const unsigned int level) override
updates the state of the Dynamical Systems
- Parameters:
level – level of interest for the dynamics: not used at the time
- Post:
{ds->velocity contains new velocity}
virtual bool addInteractionInIndexSet(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i) override
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be included in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be added or not
virtual bool removeInteractionFromIndexSet(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i) override
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be removed in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be removed or not
virtual bool addInteractionInIndexSetHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i)
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be included in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be added or not
virtual bool removeInteractionFromIndexSetHalfExplicitAccelerationLevel(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i)
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be removed in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be removed or not
virtual bool addInteractionInIndexSetHalfExplicitVelocityLevel(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i)
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be included in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be added or not
virtual bool removeInteractionFromIndexSetHalfExplicitVelocityLevel(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i)
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be removed in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – the involved interaction
i – the index set level
- Returns:
a boolean if it needs to be removed or not
inline virtual void display() override
displays the data of the D1MinusLinearOSI’s integrator
inline virtual void prepareNewtonIteration(double time) override
preparations for Newton iteration
- Parameters:
time – time
struct _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput : public SiconosVisitor#
- #include <D1MinusLinearOSI.hpp>
nslaw effects
Public Functions
inline _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput(OneStepNSProblem *p, SP::Interaction inter, InteractionProperties &interProp)#
void visit(const NewtonImpactNSL &nslaw)#
inline void visit(const EqualityConditionNSL &nslaw)#
inline _NSLEffectOnFreeOutput(OneStepNSProblem *p, SP::Interaction inter, InteractionProperties &interProp)#
enum ListOfTypeOfD1MinusLinearOSI