Class SiconosMatrix


Class SiconosMatrix#

Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/utils/SiconosAlgebra/SiconosMatrix.hpp

class SiconosMatrix#

Abstract class to provide interface for matrices handling.

Matrices can be either block or Simple. See Derived classes for details.

In Siconos, a “matrix” can be either a SimpleMatrix or a BlockMatrix, ie a container of several pointers to SiconosMatrix

You can find an overview on how to build and use vectors and matrices in siconos users guide .

Subclassed by BlockMatrix, SimpleMatrix

Public Functions

inline virtual ~SiconosMatrix()#


inline bool isBlock(void) const#

true if the matrix is block else false.


a bool

inline virtual bool isPLUInversed() const#

determines if the matrix has been inversed in place


true if the matrix is inversed

inline bool isSymmetric() const#

true if the matrix is symmetric (the flag is just returned)


true if the matrix is symmetric

inline void setIsSymmetric(bool b)#

set the flag _isSymmetric

inline bool isPositiveDefinite() const#

true if the matrix is definite positive (the flag is just returned)


true if the matrix is

inline void setIsPositiveDefinite(bool b)#

set the flag _isPositiveDefinite

virtual bool checkSymmetry(double tol) const = 0#

determines if the matrix is symmetric up to a given tolerance


true if the matrix is inversed

inline virtual bool isPLUFactorized() const#

determines if the matrix has been PLU factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline virtual bool isPLUFactorizedInPlace() const#

determines if the matrix has been PLU factorized in place


true if the matrix is factorized

inline virtual bool isCholeskyFactorized() const#

determines if the matrix has been Cholesky factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline bool isQRFactorized() const#

determines if the matrix has been QR factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

inline virtual bool isFactorized() const#

determines if the matrix has been factorized


true if the matrix is factorized

virtual unsigned int size(unsigned int index) const = 0#

get the number of rows or columns of the matrix


index – 0 for rows, 1 for columns


an int

inline siconos::UBLAS_TYPE num() const#

get the attribute num of current matrix


an unsigned int.

inline virtual unsigned int numberOfBlocks(unsigned int i) const#

get the number of block (i=0, row, i=1 col)


i – unsigned int(i=0, row, i=1 col)


an unsigned int. 1 as default for SimpleMatrix.

virtual const SP::Index tabRow() const#

reserved to BlockMatrix - get the index tab for rows


a pointer to a standard vector of int

virtual const SP::Index tabCol() const#

reserved to BlockMatrix - get the index tab of columns


a pointer to a standard vector of int

virtual const DenseMat getDense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get DenseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a DenseMat

virtual const TriangMat getTriang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get TriangMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a TriangMat

virtual const SymMat getSym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get SymMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SymMat

virtual const BandedMat getBanded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get BandedMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a BandedMat

virtual const SparseMat getSparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get SparseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseMat

virtual const SparseCoordinateMat getSparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get SparseCoordinateMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseCoordinateMat

virtual const ZeroMat getZero(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get ZeroMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a ZeroMat

virtual const IdentityMat getIdentity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get getIdentity matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


an IdentityMat

virtual DenseMat *dense(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on DenseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a DenseMat*

virtual TriangMat *triang(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on TriangMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a TriangMat*

virtual SymMat *sym(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on SymMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SymMat*

virtual BandedMat *banded(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on BandedMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a BandedMat*

virtual SparseMat *sparse(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on SparseMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseMat*

virtual SparseCoordinateMat *sparseCoordinate(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on SparseCoordinateMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a SparseCoordinateMat*

virtual ZeroMat *zero_mat(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on ZeroMat matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


a ZeroMat*

virtual IdentityMat *identity(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

get a pointer on Identity matrix

  • row – an unsigned int, position of the block (row) - Useless for SimpleMatrix

  • col – an unsigned int, position of the block (column) - Useless for SimpleMatrix


an IdentityMat*

virtual double *getArray(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const = 0#

return the address of the array of double values of the matrix ( for block(i,j) if this is a block matrix)

  • row – position for the required block

  • col – position for the required block


double* : the pointer on the double array

virtual void zero() = 0#

sets all the values of the matrix to 0.0

virtual void randomize() = 0#

Initialize the matrix with random values.

virtual void eye() = 0#

set an identity matrix

virtual void resize(unsigned int nbrow, unsigned int nbcol, unsigned int lower = 0, unsigned int upper = 0, bool preserve = true) = 0#

resize the matrix with nbrow rows and nbcol columns, upper and lower are only useful for BandedMatrix .

The existing elements of the matrix are preseved when specified.

  • nbrow

  • nbcol

  • lower, upper – for banded matrices

  • preserve

virtual double normInf() const = 0#

compute the infinite norm of the matrix


a double

virtual void display() const = 0#

display data on standard output

virtual void displayExpert(bool brief = true) const = 0#

display data on standard output

virtual std::string toString() const = 0#

put data of the matrix into a std::string



virtual double &operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) = 0#

get or set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int i

  • j – an unsigned int j


the element matrix[i,j]

virtual double operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const = 0#

get or set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int i

  • j – an unsigned int j


the element matrix[i,j]

virtual double getValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const = 0#

return the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int i

  • j – an unsigned int j


a double

virtual void setValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value) = 0#

set the element matrix[i,j]

  • i – an unsigned int i

  • j – an unsigned int j

  • value

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix block(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0)#

get block at position row-col if BlockMatrix, else if SimpleMatrix return this

  • row – unsigned int row

  • col – unsigned int col



inline virtual SPC::SiconosMatrix block(unsigned int row = 0, unsigned int col = 0) const#

get block at position row-col if BlockMatrix, else if SimpleMatrix return this

  • row – unsigned int row

  • col – unsigned int col



virtual void getRow(unsigned int index, SiconosVector &vOut) const = 0#

get row index of current matrix and save it into vOut

  • index – row we want to get

  • vOut[out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired row

virtual void getCol(unsigned int index, SiconosVector &vOut) const = 0#

get column index of current matrix and save it into vOut

  • index – column we want to get

  • vOut[out] SiconosVector that will contain the desired column

virtual void setRow(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector &vIn) = 0#

set line row of the current matrix with vector v

  • index – row we want to set

  • vInSiconosVector containing the new row

virtual void setCol(unsigned int index, const SiconosVector &vIn) = 0#

set column col of the current matrix with vector v

  • index – column we want to set

  • vIn – a SiconosVector containing the new column

virtual void trans() = 0#

transpose in place: x->trans() is x = transpose of x.

virtual void trans(const SiconosMatrix &m) = 0#

transpose a matrix: x->trans(m) is x = transpose of m.


m – the matrix to be transposed.

virtual SiconosMatrix &operator=(const SiconosMatrix &m) = 0#

operator =


m – the matrix to be copied



virtual SiconosMatrix &operator=(const DenseMat &m) = 0#

operator = to a DenseMat


m – the DenseMat to be copied



virtual SiconosMatrix &operator+=(const SiconosMatrix &m) = 0#

operator +=


m – a matrix to add



virtual SiconosMatrix &operator-=(const SiconosMatrix &m) = 0#

operator -=


m – a matrix to subtract



virtual void PLUFactorizationInPlace() = 0#

computes a LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix with partial pivoting and row interchanges.

The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetrf function for dense matrix and ublas cholesky decomposition for sparse matrix (work only for a symmetric matrix and very slow because it uses matric accessor) use preferably PLUFactorize()

virtual void Factorize() = 0#

computes a factorization of a general M-by-N matrix The implementation is based on an internal NumericsMatrix

virtual void PLUInverseInPlace() = 0#

compute inverse of this thanks to LU factorization with partial pivoting.

This method inverts U and then computes inv(A) by solving the system inv(A)*L = inv(U) for inv(A). The result is returned in this (InPlace). Based on Blas dgetri function for dense function

virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosMatrix &B) = 0#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.

Based on Blas dgetrs function for dense matrix.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void Solve(SiconosMatrix &B) = 0#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(SiconosVector &B) = 0#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorizationInPlace.

Based on Blas dgetrs function for dense matrix.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

virtual void Solve(SiconosVector &B) = 0#

solves a system of linear equations A * X = B (A=this) for a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by PLUFactorize.


B[inout] on input the RHS matrix b; on output the result x

inline virtual void resetLU()#

set to false all LU indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.

inline virtual void resetFactorizationFlags()#

set to false all factorization indicators.

Useful in case of assignment for example.

virtual size_t nnz(double tol = 1e-14)#

return the number of non-zero in the matrix


tol – the tolerance to consider a number zero (not used if the matrix is sparse)


the number of non-zeros

bool fillCSC(CSparseMatrix *csc, size_t row_off, size_t col_off, double tol = 1e-14)#

Fill CSparseMatrix compresses column sparse matrix.


not clear that it works for an empty csr matrix with row_off =0 and col_off =0

  • csc – the compressed column sparse matrix

  • row_off

  • col_off

  • tol – the tolerance under which a number is considered as equal to zero


true if function worked.

bool fillCSC(CSparseMatrix *csc, double tol = 1e-14)#

Fill CSparseMatrix compresses column sparse matrix.

  • csc – the compressed column sparse matrix

  • tol – the tolerance under which a number is considered as equal to zero


true if function worked.

bool fillTriplet(CSparseMatrix *csc, size_t row_off, size_t col_off, double tol = 1e-14)#

return the number of non-zero in the matrix

  • csc – the compressed column sparse matrix

  • row_off

  • col_off

  • tol – the tolerance to consider a number zero (not used if the matrix is sparse)


the number of non-zeros


friend void prod(const SiconosMatrix &A, const SiconosVector &x, BlockVector &y, bool init)#

prod(A, x, y, init) computes y = A*x or y += A*x if init = false

friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SiconosMatrix &sm)#

send data of the matrix to an ostream


The same output stream

friend SiconosMatrix &operator*=(SiconosMatrix &m, const double &s)#

multiply the current matrix with a scalar

  • m – the matrix to operate on

  • s – the scalar



friend SiconosMatrix &operator/=(SiconosMatrix &m, const double &s)#

divide the current matrix with a scalar

  • m – the matrix to operate on

  • s – the scalar

