Class MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/simulationTools/MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI.hpp
class MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI : public MoreauJeanOSI#
One Step time Integrator for First Order Dynamical Systems for mechanical Systems (LagrangianDS and NewtonEulerDS) with Direct Projection Algorithm.
This class reimplement a special activation of constraints in the MoreauJeanOSI for the Direct Projection Algorithm
References :
V. Acary. Projected event-capturing time-stepping schemes for nonsmooth mechanical systems with unilateral contact and coulomb’s friction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 256:224 – 250, 2013. ISSN 0045-7825. URL
Public Functions
explicit MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI(double theta)#
constructor from theta value only
- Parameters:
theta – value for all these DS.
explicit MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI(double theta, double gamma)#
constructor from theta value only
- Parameters:
theta – value for all these DS.
gamma – value for all these DS.
inline virtual ~MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI()#
virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForDS(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds) override#
initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one dynamical system on the graph and needed by the osi
- Parameters:
t – time of initialization
ds – the dynamical system
virtual void initializeWorkVectorsForInteraction(Interaction &inter, InteractionProperties &interProp, DynamicalSystemsGraph &DSG) override#
initialization of the work vectors and matrices (properties) related to one interaction on the graph and needed by the osi
- Parameters:
inter – the interaction
interProp – the properties on the graph
DSG – the dynamical systems graph
inline virtual unsigned int numberOfIndexSets() const override#
get the number of index sets required for the simulation
- Returns:
unsigned int
virtual bool addInteractionInIndexSet(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i) override#
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be included in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – concerned interaction
i – level
- Returns:
virtual bool removeInteractionFromIndexSet(SP::Interaction inter, unsigned int i) override#
Apply the rule to one Interaction to known if is it should be removed in the IndexSet of level i.
- Parameters:
inter – concerned interaction
i – level
- Returns:
virtual void computeFreeState() override#
Perform the integration of the dynamical systems linked to this integrator without taking into account the nonsmooth input (_r or _p)
explicit MoreauJeanDirectProjectionOSI(double theta)#