Class LinearOSNS#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/simulationTools/LinearOSNS.hpp
class LinearOSNS : public OneStepNSProblem#
Base (abstract) class for linear non-smooth problems.
Usually in the form:
\( w = q + M z \)
\( w \in R^{n} \) and \( z \in R^{n} \) are the unknowns,
\( M \in R^{n \times n } \) and \( q \in R^{n} \)
examples: LCP, FrictionContact …
Subclassed by AVI, Equality, FrictionContact, GenericMechanical, GlobalFrictionContact, LCP, MLCP, MultipleImpact, Relay, RollingFrictionContact
Public Functions
inline LinearOSNS(SP::SolverOptions options, LINEAROSNS_ASSEMBLY_TYPE assemblyType = REDUCED_BLOCK)#
constructor from a pre-defined solver options set.
- Parameters:
options – the options set
assemblytype – the method used to build the assembled matrix - default=REDUCED_BLOCK
inline virtual ~LinearOSNS()#
inline const SiconosVector getW() const#
copy of the current value of vector w
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector w() const#
current w vector (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setWPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)#
set w vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr – the new SP::SiconosVector
inline const SiconosVector getz() const#
copy of the current value of vector z
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector z() const#
current z vector (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setzPtr(SP::SiconosVector newPtr)#
set z vector (pointer link)
- Parameters:
newPtr – the new SP::SiconosVector
inline SP::OSNSMatrix M() const#
M matrix (pointer link)
- Returns:
pointer on a OSNSMatrix
inline void setMPtr(SP::OSNSMatrix newM)#
set M to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newM – the new M matrix
inline SP::OSNSMatrix H() const#
get H
- Returns:
pointer on a OSNSMatrix
inline const SiconosVector getQ() const#
get the value of q, the constant vector in the LinearOSNS
- Returns:
inline SP::SiconosVector q() const#
get q, the the constant vector in the LinearOSNS
- Returns:
pointer on a SiconosVector
inline void setQPtr(SP::SiconosVector newQ)#
set q to pointer newPtr
- Parameters:
newQ – the new q vector
inline NM_types getMStorageType() const#
get the type of storage used for M
- Returns:
inline void setMStorageType(NM_types i)#
set which type of storage will be used for M
this function does not allocate any memory for M, it just sets an indicator for future use
- Parameters:
inline void setAssemblyType(LINEAROSNS_ASSEMBLY_TYPE assemblyType)#
set which type of assembly will be used for M
void initVectorsMemory()#
Memory allocation or resizing for z,w,q.
virtual void initOSNSMatrix()#
initialize the _M matrix
virtual void initialize(SP::Simulation sim) override#
To initialize the LinearOSNS problem(computes topology …)
- Parameters:
sim – the simulation owning this OSNSPB
virtual void computeInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor &ed) override#
compute extra-diagonal interactionBlock-matrix
- Parameters:
ed – an edge descriptor
virtual void computeDiagonalInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vd) override#
compute diagonal Interaction block
- Parameters:
vd – a vertex descriptor
virtual void computeM()#
compute matrix M
virtual void computeqBlock(InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor &vertex, unsigned int pos)#
To compute a part of the q vector of the OSNS.
- Parameters:
vertex – vertex (interaction) which corresponds to the considered block
pos – the position of the first element of yOut to be set
virtual void computeq(double time)#
compute vector q
- Parameters:
time – the current time
virtual bool preCompute(double time) override#
build problem coefficients (if required)
- Parameters:
time – the current time
- Returns:
true if the indexSet is not empty
virtual void postCompute() override#
update interactions variables (y and lambda) according to current problem found solutions.
virtual void display() const override#
print the data to the screen
inline void setKeepLambdaAndYState(bool val)#
choose initialisation behavior for w and z.
- Parameters:
val – true: init w and z with previous values of y and lambda saved in interactions, false: init to 0.