Class LagrangianLinearTIDS#

Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/modelingTools/LagrangianLinearTIDS.hpp

class LagrangianLinearTIDS : public LagrangianDS#

Lagrangian Linear Systems with time invariant coefficients - \( M\dot v + Cv + Kq = F_{ext}(t,z) + p \).

The class LagrangianLinearTIDS allows to define and compute a generic ndof-dimensional Lagrangian Linear Time Invariant Dynamical System of the form:

\[ M \ddot q + C \dot q + K q = F_{ext}(t,z) + p, \]


  • \( q \in R^{ndof} \) is the set of the generalized coordinates,

  • \( \dot q \in R^{ndof} \) the velocity, i. e. the time derivative of the generalized coordinates.

  • \( \ddot q \in R^{ndof} \) the acceleration, i. e. the second time derivative of the generalized coordinates.

  • \( p \in R^{ndof} \) the forces due to the Non Smooth Interaction. In particular case of Non Smooth evolution, the variable p contains the impulse and not the force.

  • \( M \in R^{ndof \times ndof} \) is the Mass matrix (access : mass() method).

  • \( K \in R^{ndof \times ndof} \) is the stiffness matrix (access : K() method).

  • \( C \in R^{ndof \times ndof} \) is the viscosity matrix (access : C() method).

  • \( z \in R^{zSize} \) is a vector of arbitrary algebraic variables, some sort of discret state.

The equation of motion is also shortly denoted as:

\[ M(q,z) \dot v = F(v, q, t, z) + p \]


  • \( F(v, q, t, z) \in R^{ndof} \) collects the total forces acting on the system, that is \( F(v, q, t, z) = F_{ext}(t, z) - Cv - Kq \).

This vector is saved and may be accessed using forces() method.

If required (e.g. for Event-Driven like simulation), reformulation as a first-order system is also available, and writes:

  • \( n= 2 ndof \)

  • \( x = \left[\begin{array}{c}q \\ \dot q\end{array}\right] \)

  • rhs given by:

    \[\begin{split} rhs(x,t,z) = \left[\begin{array}{c} \dot q \\ \ddot q = M^{-1}\left[F_{ext}(t, z) - C \dot q - K q + p \right] \\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

Its jacobian is:

\[\begin{split} \nabla_{x}rhs(x,t) = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I \\ -M^{-1}K & -M^{-1}C \\ \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

with the input due to the non smooth law:

\[\begin{split} r = \left[\begin{array}{c}0 \\ p \end{array}\right] \end{split}\]

public constructors

LagrangianLinearTIDS(SP::SiconosVector q0, SP::SiconosVector v0, SP::SiconosMatrix M, SP::SiconosMatrix K, SP::SiconosMatrix C)#

constructor from initial state and all matrix operators.

  • q0 – initial coordinates

  • v0 – initial velocity

  • M – mass matrix

  • K – stiffness matrix

  • C – damping matrix

inline LagrangianLinearTIDS(SP::SiconosVector q0, SP::SiconosVector v0, SP::SiconosMatrix M)#

constructor from initial state and mass matrix only.

Leads to \( M\dot v = F_{ext}(t,z) + p \) .

  • q0 – initial coordinates

  • v0 – initial velocity

  • M – mass matrix

inline ~LagrangianLinearTIDS()#


virtual void initRhs(double t) override#

allocate (if needed) and compute rhs and its jacobian.


t – time of initialization

virtual void computeForces(double time, SP::SiconosVector q, SP::SiconosVector velocity) override#

Compute \( F(v,q,t,z) \).

  • time – the current time

  • q – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on q

  • velocity – SP::SiconosVector: pointers on velocity

inline const SimpleMatrix getK() const#

get a copy of the stiffness matrix



inline SP::SiconosMatrix K() const#

get stiffness matrix (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

void setK(const SiconosMatrix &K)#

set (copy) the value of the stiffness matrix


K – new stiffness matrix

void setKPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)#

set stiffness matrix (pointer link)


newPtr – pointer to the new Stiffness matrix

inline const SimpleMatrix getC() const#

get a copy of the damping matrix



inline SP::SiconosMatrix C() const#

get damping matrix (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

void setC(const SiconosMatrix &C)#

set (copy) the value of the damping matrix


C – new damping matrix

void setCPtr(SP::SiconosMatrix newPtr)#

set damping matrix (pointer link)


newPtr – pointer to the new damping matrix

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianqForces() const override#

get \( \nabla_qF(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual SP::SiconosMatrix jacobianvForces() const override#

get \( \nabla_{\dot q}F(v,q,t,z) \) (pointer link)


pointer on a SiconosMatrix

inline virtual bool isLinear() override#

true if the Dynamical system is linear.

virtual void display(bool brief = true) const override#

print the data onto the screen