Class EventDriven#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/simulationTools/EventDriven.hpp
class EventDriven : public Simulation#
Simulation based on event driven method, ie events detection (see theoretical manual for more details).
WARNING: at the time only written for Lagrangian systems !!!
Public Functions
EventDriven(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td)#
defaut constructor
- Parameters:
nsds – current nonsmooth dynamical system
td – time discretisation
EventDriven(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td, int nb)#
constructor with data
- Parameters:
nsds – current nonsmooth dynamical system
td – time discretisation
nb – number of NSProblem
inline EventDriven()#
defaut constructor (needed for serialization)
~EventDriven() noexcept = default#
virtual void initialize() override#
Overload Simulation::initialize.
virtual void firstInitialize() override#
First (and unique) run of initialization step.
inline void setIstate(int newValue)#
Set value to _istate.
- Parameters:
newValue –
inline double istate()#
Get value of _istate.
- Returns:
_istate a double
inline void setToleranceED(double var)#
Set value to _TOL_ED.
- Parameters:
var – the new tolerance
inline double toleranceED()#
Get value of _epsilon.
- Returns:
inline bool isNewtonConverge()#
To know if Newton Iteratio is convergent.
- Returns:
inline unsigned int getNewtonNbIterations()#
To known the number of steps performed by the Newton algorithm.
- Returns:
inline void setNewtonMaxIteration(unsigned int maxStep)#
Set value to the maximum number of iterations.
- Parameters:
maxStep – maximum number of step
inline void setLocalizeEventsMaxIteration(unsigned int maxIter)#
To set maximum number of iterations to localize events.
- Parameters:
maxIter – maximum number of iterations
inline double newtonMaxIteration()#
get the maximum number of Newton iteration
- Returns:
unsigned int
inline unsigned int LocalizeEventsMaxIteration()#
get the maximum number of iterations to localize events
- Returns:
unsigned int: maximum number of iterations
inline double newtonResiduDSMax()#
accessor to _newtonResiduDSMax
- Returns:
double _newtonResiduDSMax
inline double newtonResiduYMax()#
accessor to _newtonResiduYMax
- Returns:
double _newtonResiduYMax
inline void setNewtonTolerance(double tol)#
set the Default Newton tolerance
- Parameters:
tol – new tolerance
inline double newtonTolerance()#
get the Newton tolerance
- Returns:
virtual void insertIntegrator(SP::OneStepIntegrator) override#
Redefine method insertIntegrator of the class Simulation.
virtual void updateIndexSet(unsigned int i) override#
update indexSets[i] of the topology, using current y and lambda values of Interactions.
- Parameters:
i – the number of the set to be updated
void updateIndexSetsWithDoubleCondition()#
update indexSets[1] and [2] (using current y and lambda values of Interactions) with conditions on y[2] AND lambda[2].
void computef(OneStepIntegrator &osi, integer *sizeOfX, doublereal *time, doublereal *x, doublereal *xdot)#
compute right-hand side of xdot = f(x,t), for the integrator osi.
- Parameters:
osi – the integrator (Lsodar)
sizeOfX – size of vector x
time – current time given by the integrator
x – state vector
xdot – derivative of x
void computeJacobianfx(OneStepIntegrator &osi, integer *sizeOfX, doublereal *time, doublereal *x, doublereal *jacob)#
compute jacobian of the right-hand side
- Parameters:
osi – the integrator (Lsodar)
sizeOfX – size of vector x
time – current time given by the integrator
x – state vector
jacob – jacobian of f according to x
virtual unsigned int computeSizeOfg()#
compute the size of constraint function g(x,t,…) for osi
- Returns:
unsigned int
virtual void computeg(SP::OneStepIntegrator osi, integer *sizeX, doublereal *time, doublereal *x, integer *sizeG, doublereal *g)#
compute constraint function g(x,t,…) for osi.
- Parameters:
osi – pointer to OneStepIntegrator.
sizeX – integer*, size of vector x
time – doublereal*, time
x – doublereal*, x:array of double
sizeG – integer*, size of vector g (ie number of constraints)
g – doublereal*, g (in-out parameter)
void updateImpactState()#
update input for impact case (ie compute p[1])
void updateSmoothState()#
update state for smooth dynamic case (i.e.
compute p[2] and update acceleration)
inline virtual void updateInput(unsigned int level) override#
update input
- Parameters:
level – of lambda used to compute input
virtual void updateState(unsigned int level) override#
update state.
- Parameters:
level – of lambda used to compute input
virtual void updateOutput(unsigned int level) override#
update output and indexSets.
- Parameters:
level – of lambda used to compute input
virtual void advanceToEvent() override#
run simulation from one Event to the next, according to events manager settings.
double computeResiduConstraints()#
Methods for NewMarkAlphaOSI scheme.
compute maximum residu over all gap functions of Index2 contacts
- Returns:
double: maximum residu for all gap functions
void prepareNewtonIteration()#
prepare for Newton iterations for all OSIs
- Returns:
maximum residu over all DSs
bool newtonCheckConvergence(double)#
Check convergence of Newton iteration.
- Returns:
bool: true if convergent, false otherwise
void predictionNewtonIteration()#
Predict the state of all Dynamical Systems before Newton iterations.
void correctionNewtonIteration()#
Correct the state of all Dynamical Systems during Newton iterations.
void newtonSolve(double criterion, unsigned int maxStep)#
Newton iteration to get the state of all Dynamical Systems at the end of step.
- Parameters:
criterion – tolerance to check convergence
maxStep – maximum number of steps
double detectEvents(bool updateIstate = true)#
Detect whether or not events occur during each integration step.
- Parameters:
updateIstate – true if we need to update the flag _istate, false otherwise
- Returns:
double, maximum of absolute values of constraint fonctions over all activated ot deactivated contacts
void LocalizeFirstEvent()#
Localize time of the first event.
EventDriven(SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem nsds, SP::TimeDiscretisation td)#