Class BlockVector#
Defined in Program listing for file kernel/src/utils/SiconosAlgebra/BlockVector.hpp
class BlockVector#
“Block” vector : container (list) of SiconosVector
A block vector is a stl vector that handles pointers to SiconosVector.
Insertion of nullptr SP::SiconosVector is not allowed.
Public Functions
default contructor
BlockVector(const BlockVector &v)#
copy contructor
- Parameters:
v – BlockVector&
BlockVector(SP::SiconosVector v1, SP::SiconosVector v2)#
contructor with 2 SiconosVectors
- Parameters:
v1 – first vector
v2 – second vector
BlockVector(unsigned int numberOfBlocks, unsigned int dim)#
contructor with a BlockVector of n (numberOfBlocks) blocks of the same size (dim) filled with a new vector
- Parameters:
numberOfBlocks – number of blocks
dim – dimension of the vector
BlockVector(unsigned int numberOfBlocks)#
contructor with a BlockVector of n (numberOfBlocks) blocks that point on nullptr
- Parameters:
numberOfBlocks – number of blocks
inline ~BlockVector()#
void setBlock(const SiconosVector &input, unsigned int size_block, unsigned int start_in, unsigned int start_out)#
Set a subblock of the current vector with the content (copy) of a SiconosVector.
- Parameters:
input – the vector to be copied
size_block – size of the block to be copied
start_in – starting position in input vector of the block to be copied
start_out – starting position in current vector of the block to be filled in.
inline unsigned int size() const#
- Returns:
the size of the vector (sum of the sizes of all its blocks)
inline VectorOfVectors::iterator begin()#
- Returns:
an iterator pointing to the first block in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::iterator end()#
- Returns:
an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::const_iterator begin() const#
- Returns:
an iterator pointing to the first block in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors::const_iterator end() const#
- Returns:
an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the container.
inline VectorOfVectors getAllVect() const#
- Returns:
the complete stl container
inline Index::size_type numberOfBlocks() const#
- Returns:
the number of SiconosVectors in the container
bool isDense() const#
- Returns:
true if all SiconosVector in the container are dense
void zero()#
sets all the values of the vector to 0.0
void fill(double a)#
set all values of the vector component to value.
- Parameters:
a – double
void display(void) const#
display data on standard output
std::string toString() const#
put data of the vector into a std::string
- Returns:
double getValue(unsigned int i) const#
Get a component of the vector.
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
the component value
void setValue(unsigned int i, double value)#
set a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
value – of the component
double &operator()(unsigned int i)#
get a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
value of the component
double operator()(unsigned int i) const#
get a component of the vector
- Parameters:
i – index of the required component
- Returns:
value of the component
inline SP::SiconosVector vector(unsigned int pos)#
get a block (SiconosVector) of the vector
- Parameters:
pos – index of the required block
- Returns:
the expected block
inline SPC::SiconosVector vector(unsigned int pos) const#
gets a block (SiconosVector) of the vector
- Parameters:
pos – index of the required block
- Returns:
the expected block
void setVector(unsigned int pos, const SiconosVector &v)#
set a block with a given vector (copy!)
- Parameters:
pos – index of the block to set
v – source vector to be copied at position i
void setVectorPtr(unsigned int pos, SP::SiconosVector v)#
set a block with a given vector (pointer link!)
- Parameters:
pos – index of the block to set
v – source vector to be inserted at position i
void setAllVect(VectorOfVectors &v)#
Fill the container with a list of SiconosVector.
Warning: pointer links, no copy
- Parameters:
v – the vectors to be inserted
unsigned int getNumVectorAtPos(unsigned int pos) const#
get the number of the vector that handles element at position “pos”
- Parameters:
pos – unsigned int, position of the element
- Returns:
unsigned int number of the searched vector
BlockVector &operator=(const BlockVector &vIn)#
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – the vector to be copied
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator=(const double *data)#
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
data – data to put in the BlockVector
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator=(const SiconosVector &vIn)#
Assignment operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – the vector to be copied
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator-=(const BlockVector &vIn)#
Subtract in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator+=(const BlockVector&)#
Add in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator+=(const SiconosVector &vIn)#
Add in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator-=(const SiconosVector &vIn)#
Subtract in place operator.
- Parameters:
vIn – rhs of the operator
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator*=(double s)#
multiply by a scalar, result in place
- Parameters:
s – the scalar factor
- Returns:
BlockVector &operator/=(double s)#
divide by a scalar, result in place
- Parameters:
s – the scalar factor
- Returns:
void insertPtr(SP::SiconosVector v)#
Insert a new block (no allocation and nor copy)
- Parameters:
v – the vector to be inserted
double norm2() const#
- Returns:
the Euclidian norm of the vector
double normInf() const#
- Returns:
the infinite norm of the vector
SP::SiconosVector prepareVectorForPlugin() const#
Tranform a BlockVector into a SiconosVector.
Required for plugins, that need contiguous memory for their parameters.
- Returns:
a vector (the result depends on the number of blocks in input. 1 block : link to first component of the container, more : copy of all components into a SiconosVector)
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BlockVector &bv)#
offstream operator
- Parameters:
os – An output stream
bv – a BlockVector
- Returns:
The same output stream