Class CommonSMC#
Defined in Program listing for file control/src/Controller/CommonSMC.hpp
class CommonSMC : public Actuator#
Subclassed by ExplicitLinearSMC, ExplicitTwisting, LinearSMC, LinearSMCOT2, Twisting
Public Functions
inline CommonSMC(unsigned int type, SP::ControlSensor sensor)#
General constructor.
- Parameters:
type – the type of the SMC Actuator
sensor – the ControlSensor feeding the Actuator
inline CommonSMC(unsigned int type, SP::ControlSensor sensor, SP::SimpleMatrix B, SP::SimpleMatrix D = std::shared_ptr<SimpleMatrix>())#
Constructor for dynamics affine in control.
- Parameters:
type – the type of the SMC Actuator
sensor – the ControlSensor feeding the Actuator
B – the matrix multiplying the control input
D – the saturation matrix (optional)
virtual void actuate() = 0#
Compute the new control law at each event.
virtual void initialize(const NonSmoothDynamicalSystem &nsds, const Simulation &s)#
- Parameters:
nsds – current nonsmooth dynamical system
s – current simulation setup
void setCsurface(SP::SimpleMatrix Csurface)#
Set Csurface.
- Parameters:
Csurface – a SP::SimpleMatrix containing the new value for _Csurface
void setSaturationMatrix(SP::SimpleMatrix newSat)#
Set _D to pointer newPtr.
- Parameters:
newSat – a SP::SimpleMatrix containing the new value for _D
inline void setAlpha(double alpha)#
Set _alpha.
- Parameters:
alpha – the new value for _alpha
inline void setSolver(const int numericsSolverId)#
Set the solver.
- Parameters:
numericsSolverId – the solver for the relay
inline void setPrecision(double newPrecision)#
Set the precision.
- Parameters:
newPrecision – a double
inline const LinearOSNS &relay()#
Get the OneStepNSProblem problem associated with the controller.
This is useful to gain access to the data given to the solver in Numerics
- Returns:
a reference to the LinearOSNS problem
inline SiconosVector &ueq()#
get \( u^{eq} \)
- Returns:
a reference to _ueq
inline SiconosVector &us()#
get \( u^{s} \)
- Returns:
a reference to _us
inline void setTheta(double newTheta)#
Set _theta, used in some discretization method for \( u^{eq} \).
- Parameters:
newTheta – the new value for _thetaSMC
inline void noUeq(bool b)#
Disable (or enable) the use of the state-continuous control \( u^{eq} \).
- Parameters:
b – disable the use of Ueq if true
inline void setComputeResidus(bool b)#
Disable (or enable) the computation of the residus on the Newton loop.
This has an incidence only if the Relation is nonlinear
- Parameters:
b – disable the computation of the residus
virtual void setTimeDiscretisation(const TimeDiscretisation &td)#
This is derived in child classes if they need to copy the TimeDiscretisation associated with this Sensor.
- Parameters:
td – the TimeDiscretisation for this Sensor
inline void setDS(SP::FirstOrderNonLinearDS ds)#
Set the DynamicalSystem used to compute the control law.
This is useful when we have a Nonlinear problem and we need to compute the control law with an approximate model, or when the dynamics are quite different.
- Parameters:
ds – the DynamicalSystem to be used in the Controller
inline virtual SP::NonSmoothDynamicalSystem getInternalNSDS() const#
get the NSDS used in the SMC
- Returns:
the NSDS used in the SMC
inline OneStepIntegrator &getInternalOSI() const#
get the Integrator used in the SMC
- Returns:
the Integrator used in the SMC
inline CommonSMC(unsigned int type, SP::ControlSensor sensor)#