C++ template for siconos driver

C++ template for siconos driver#

 // Header file
 #include <SiconosKernel.h>
 using namespace std;
 // main program
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 // Exception handling
  // == User-defined parameters ==

  // ================= Creation of the model =======================

  // == Creation of the NonSmoothDynamicalSystem ==
  // -- DynamicalSystem(s) --
  // -- Interaction --
  // - Relations -
  // - NonSmoothLaw -
  // -- NonSmoothDynamicalSystem --
  // == Creation of the Simulation ==
  // -- TimeDiscretisation --
  // -- Simulation (time stepping or event-driven)
  // -- OneStepIntegrator --
  // -- OneStepNSProblem --
  // ================================= Computation =================================

  // --- Time loop ---

// == Catch exceptions ==
// == get elapsed time ==
cout << "Computation Time " << time.elapsed()  << endl;